Acknowledging What Is - London School Of Systemic & Family Constellations

About Acknowledging What Is - London School Of Systemic & Family Constellations

Profound life-change via self & systemic exploration with Systemic & Family Constellations: training courses, workshops, private counselling, group sessions, organisational Constellations online & in NW London, UK and worldwide. #LondonConstellations

Acknowledging What Is - London School Of Systemic & Family Constellations Description

Unique, Experiential, Therapeutic Journey with Systemic & Family Constellation, Group Work and Private Sessions.

Issue Holder (client) and Representative (participant) Spaces available with advance reservation. Visit: http://www. /

What Are Constellations ?

Constellations is a unique and deep process of therapeutic exploration of the forces that move us in life and as such can be reflected through relationships, career, health matters or even financial circumstances. This method provides a three-dimensional picture or ‘map’ of one’s life as it is at present. It is a simple yet powerful way to explore entanglements and blockages in one’s life and in one’s family history. The method brings awareness and clarity into personal challenges by focusing the client on the root cause of such difficulties. Constellations provide an opening for a positive life shift and presents ways for deep healing processes to occur.

What happens in a Constellations sessions ?

In Constellations work a ‘client’ is referred to as the ‘issue holder’. The method uses workshop participants as ‘representatives’ to stand-in for key people in the client’s life such as family members, colleagues, partners, ex partners etc. sometimes ‘abstract’ concepts such as an emotion, country of origin, religion or ‘destiny’ are also represented.
Each workshop will offer 2 issue holders a chance to work and all other participants are invited to take part as representatives. Workshop participants often report experiencing profound insights into their own lives by simply witnessing the process, regardless of how they choose to take part.

Why Do This Work ?

Science confirms; The experiences of your ancestors can determine your behaviour today and affect future generations. * Recent scientific research into DNA shows that a component named Epigenetic is embedding the effect of a traumatic experience by altering the genetic structure. This means that some of your behaviour patterns can be attributed to a traumatic event in your family history.
This notion has always been one of the guiding principles of Constellations Therapy, a form of work that is dedicated to exposing and dealing with issues emerging from our family system.

“It is only now that science is catching-up with what is evident in Constellations work and visible in each and every one of our therapy sessions; trauma in the family history directly affects future generations” said C. h. a. i. m Centre’s Constellations Facilitator Illi Adato.

About Our Group Sessions.
This is a small and intimate group Constellation workshop in Willesden Green and in other locations around the capital.

It is a journey of self-exploration and trauma healing. Working through the unseen conditioning one can be trapped in for many years.

What can form a Trauma in my family History ?

• Any miscarriages, abortions or stillbirth that you have had, your mother
has had or your grandmother has had.
• Children dying young in the family.
• Parents dying early when child is young.
• Has anyone committed suicide?
• Any direct experience of murder, war and /or torture?
• Any Insanity or Psychosis in the Family?
• Any serious illness?
• Did you or your parents or grandparents have any significant ex-lovers, ex-partners?
• A love-child?
• Any sexual abuse, rape or incest in the family?
• Any serious addictions in the family?
• Migration out of country of origin, by choice as well as by force.
• Unlawful takeover of land, property or business?

Please note: none of the above will require a detailed group sharing, yet a general outline of events is required, if known. If you have only a vague sense or uncertainty about issues such as the ones mentioned above in your family history, Constellations provides a way to explore the effects it may have on your life whether it is known or unknown. Our group provide a safe space where deep personal work is done and where maintaining confidentiality and respect of each other's privacy is paramount.

What is the Cost of the Group Session ?
All our Constellations workshops are offered at £30 per person for both Issue-Holder or Representatives and while other facilitators are charging up to 3 times more for an Issue-Holder space the philosophy here is that all participants are gaining greatly from the process and therefore all pay the same. This is a great opportunity for self exploration as well as a great value for your money and therefore RSVP is Essential.

Booking can be made through this link: http://www. /

* DNA Research Paper and BBC Article links: /may /13-grandmas-experiences-leave-epigenetic-mark-on-your-genes #. UbRjWZq9Kc1


http://m. bbc. co. uk /news /health-25156510

Facilitated by Illi Adato MA Lon. Inst. GQHP Crt(HYP) Crt(COACH)
C-h-a-n-g-e. co. uk Group & Individual Work:
Systemic & Family Constellations ISCA Reg. | Hypnotherapy GHR Reg. |
Tune-In Counseling | Advanced NLP Therapeutic Specialist™ |
Tel: 07799 181615 e: illi@c-h-a-n-g-e. co. uk w: www. c-h-a-n-g-e. co. uk

--> Clients Testimonials <--

“ Paticipating to the Healing, Roots, Wings - Workshop with Illi Adato has been a wonderful experience! I've found this session really challenging. We really went to the root of several issues, behaviors, feelings and, once we've done this, I felt relieved. I wasn't an "issue holder" but I participate as representative in the three constellations and I can say that in all of them I have learned so many things about myself and about my own personal life. I'm thankful to all the participants because they allowed me to see and learn. Illi has been a great facilitator. He has led the session with presence, respect, comprehension and without judgment, embodying those values that, in my opinion, are fundamental values to be able to do this work and thanks to which it can start an healing process. So thanks and congratulations to Illi! I'll join the group again for sure! Chiara ”

— Chîa

“ I have done a few constellation workshops with Illy both as an issue holder and a representative, and every session brings me the feeling of effortless balance for which I am very grateful. ”

— Tania

“ I was impressed by Illi's ability to facilitate, guide and support clients through exploration of their ancestral ties and family dynamics. It was fascinating and revealing to see and experience how these relationships can and do shape people's ability to show up fully in their lives. It was a honour to be a part in assisting others in moving past and through these subconscious barriers. ”

— Graham

“ This was a powerful work. Illi is sensitive and wise in addressing what is going on with the issue presented, taking all the necessary time to analise the situation and close it properly. I am grateful for this meeting and the help received. ”

— Angela

Illi is an excellent guide and as a first timer I can see both short and semi-long term benefits of my personal self-reflection triggered by participating in the constellation. Both within my professional and personal environment I was immediately able to see myself practising certain behaviours that needs changing and never interested me before. The family constellations is A real tool to discover things about and within yourself and above all to look at them from a more ''external'' perspective.
Thanks very much Illi !

- Sofia Sagripant

Simply great! Illi excellent at understanding situations

- Darcy Cayre

Well I must say I didn't really know what to expect as a first timer to Constellations. It was definately an eye opening and thought provoking experience. It was not only a real insight into the human psyche but it was way more powerful and moving than I thought it would ever be. A very interesting concept that needs to be experienced first hand as it is not really possible to explain via words alone. Highly recommended!

- Nick O D

"Thought provoking. Challenging but worthwhile. ”

- Ting

“Absolutely fabulous experience . Cannot put it into words but if there is something that keeps coming up for you go to one of these workshops and sort it out Thank you to Illi and everyone involved in today's workshop I have learned so much ” - Fiona KennedyA liberating experience. Powerful, expressive and beautiful to see so much growth and love shared by people who have never met before. I still have no idea how to explain how the experience of someone else's pain is possible, how we are able to connect instantly with something that we know so little about, how we are able to release a deep feeling on an unconscious level that does not even belong to us directly. It is an undeniable truth that we are all connected through our consciousnessThe constellation experiences shared between people generates a deeper understanding of ourselves and our universal consciousness becomes clearer. Amazing! ! ! Magnificent.
Thank you x

- Mirna Poppy Majer

I AM the creator of my own Universe. I have my own little universe inside me that I love very much. Thank you to Mr Illi for reminding me on many occasions to look deep inside me and to be grateful for all that I am. Watch out people, for I am very High on life right now! PM / LondonI have to just take a moment to say I had a mind opening and enriching life coaching session yesterday courtesy of Illi Adato. I would not chose to work with anyone else on my dreams and issues- using tools and techniques and exploring the subconscious via hypnotherapy to help me make sense of and move forward in my life. If you want counselling, go to MIND. If however you want to become the creator of your own universe and invest in yourself, go to see Illi. You won’t regret it! I am happy to share what I have been learning in my sessions if anyone is curious x

- BC / London

More about Acknowledging What Is - London School Of Systemic & Family Constellations

Acknowledging What Is - London School Of Systemic & Family Constellations is located at 9 Broadhurst Mansions, 97 Broadhurst Gardens, NW6 3QP London, United Kingdom