Beaconsfield Therapies

About Beaconsfield Therapies

Beaconsfield Therapies offers many therapies under one roof plus a meeting place for seminars and company presentations or demonstration.


Beaconsfield Therapies Description


Conditions treated:
stress, anxiety, digestive disorders, headaches, insomnia
gynaecological problems, infertility
pregnancy including induction and the birthing process
musculo-skeletal problems, back pain
asthma, hayfever
and a wide range of other health problems. . . .

Dermal Fillers
Headlines for Treatments
Offers the Gold standard treatment of microsclerotherapy for the treatment of unsightly veins for all areas of the body.

Microsclerotherapy is a very successful treatment for surface veins and a good outcome can generally be expected but realistic expectations avoid disappointment. Continuous discussion with the specialist will ensure the best outcome.

Frances has been working with Reslylane fillers for many years and has great succses with hundreds of clients. Please see before and after pictures and further details at:

www. restylane. co. uk

Permanent Cosmetics

What is permanent make-up?
Permanent cosmetics are a beauty enhancement in which hypoallergenic pigments are infused into the skin in order to create a shadow of colour that mimics the most perfectly applied make-up in soft tones of colour and as the pigment remains in the skin, the effect remains 24 hours a day and gradually fades with time.
Women and men of all ages discovering the benefits of permanent enhancements that look so natural that even their closest friends do not realise they have received it.

Chiropractor in Beaconsfield
Practitioner: Dr Lisa Thomasson (Bsc, MSc, DC)


Low Back (including sciatica /disc) Mid Back /Rib
Neck (including whiplash /some headaches) Shoulder /Elbow /arm /wrist /hand
Hip /Knee /ankle /foot Arthritic pain
Jaw (TMJ) Pregnancy related pain (SPD)
Sports injuries

Diversified (manipulations /mobilisations), Soft tissue techniques, Fascial release, Stretching, PIR, Rehabilitation (exercises), Blocking (SOT), Kinesiotaping, Activator Technique

Psychotherapy in Beaconsfield
Practitioner: Carol nathanson

What is Psychotherapy

: Psychotherapy is a process which involves meeting with another person to explore areas of personal difficulty and growth.

This process offers the opportunity to get to know and acknowledge yourself more fully. It takes a sensitive approach to discussing and exploring issues that deeply affect you. Often these feelings arise in the past – perhaps as long ago as early childhood – and influence your experiences of life and your feelings today.

Ideally the work, however brief, requires commitment. It will relieve anxiety and distress, but it will also involve experiencing painful feelings and recognising one’s own part in perpetuating these.


• Life changes ranging from a new child to retirement
•Your relationships
• Sexual issues
• Personal growth and development
• Goal achievement
• Habit patterns and their use and abuse
• Bereavement and loss
• Emotional or physical abuse
• Traumatic experiences
• Panic and anxiety
• Feeling ‘stuck’
• Addictive and self-harming behaviour
• Anorexia and bulimia
• Living with the long-term effects of terminal illness, e. g. cancer.

Being on the edge with the shadow of cancer inside you, one is forced
To learn it, know it, accept it and even resist
But not deny it
And it is that tension
Which can, I believe, be transformed into a potent and creative vality
For the life that is left

Offering both open-ended and short-term therapy, patients are seen at a regular time on a weekly basis, every Tuesday for a fifty minute session in my consulting room in London. An initial session of one and quarter hours gives us both an opportunity to decide whether or not we wish to work together.

Carol takes both self referrals and referrals from local community services, NHS surgeries, BUPA, The Bagnall Centre for Integrated Healthcare, The Harley St Clinic Cancer Centre and Care Psychiatry, Harley St.

‘and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time’
T. S. Eliot

More about Beaconsfield Therapies

Beaconsfield Therapies is located at 35 Station Road, HP9 1QG Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
078141 13574