
About G14

Transform your body & change your life with personal exercise and nutrition coaching at G14. Book your free consultation today.

www. G14. co. uk

G14 Description

Transform your body & change your life with personal exercise and nutrition coaching at G14. Book your free consultation today.

www. G14. co. uk



a set.
of thoughts, beliefs ... and assumptions.
that are so powerful.
our behaviour conforms to them.
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desires without dates are just dreams.


even if your action is inspired.
without a logical strategy ... it will likely result in failure.
"give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe"
- abraham lincoln
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transformational change.
imagined by so many.
but only few have ... the capacity to achieve.
change in any area of someone's life is never easy.
as cliche as it sounds sometimes it quite literally comes down to how much someone wants it.
you see;
in order to create transformational, meaningful and long lasting change.
in order to achieve truly life changing results.
it's imperative that you have real clarity.
1. CLARITY ON YOUR GOALS - are you clear on EXACTLY WHAT you want to achieve?
2. CLARITY ON YOUR STRATEGY - are you clear on EXACTLY how you're going to achieve the results you desire?
3. CLARITY ON YOUR MOTIVES - WHY do you want what you SAY you want? What are the RAW emotions behind your goals. How will your life be different when you achieve your goals?
CLARITY on your motives will DRIVE your actions to IMPLEMENT your strategy.
implementing your strategy will get you want you say you want.
your motive; or 'why' is therefore the KEY to the ENTIRE process.
get clarity on the MOTIVE.
the WHY.
the RAW emotions behind your goals
and excess incredible levels of internal drive, motivation and focus.
unlock these emotions and you'll access the POWER to achieve results you never thought possible.
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January 2017
Clarity. Strategy. Action.... Results. Celebration.
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weight gain is most often not the cause of emotional pain.
... it's the outcome.
not always.
but most often.
when we suffer
it's human nature to seek out any possible way to alleviate, sedate or suppress pain.
comfort food is just one method.
which in today's society is a very common method.
a quick binge on something sweet or savoury will temporarily lift any negative state.
a short sharp injection of serotonin.
the happy drug.
straight into your brain
a burst of serotonin will take away any emotional suffering to any human on this earth.
for a few minutes that is.
and if you want less suffering. eat more food.
simple logic.
understand that binge eating is therefore not an action of self loathing or self sabotage.
but self love
it's goal is to reduce pain not cause more.
the action is therefore one of temporary self compassion.
you're not greedy. you're not gluttonous.
you're not broken.
you're just suffering.
and you're just trying your best
with your current level of consciousness
to make yourself feel better.
so no more judgement. on yourself or others.
you're not a machine. you're human.
it's ok. you're ok.
replace negative self talk with LOVE and empathy at all times.
replace your powerless thoughts and beliefs.
with new powerful ones.
there is a way to end the struggle of weight management forever.
but you have a choice.
you can choose to ignore your feelings.
continue to sedate and suppress them and deal with the inevitable consequences.
or choose to begin the journey of self discovery.
get to the route cause of the pain and therefore the problem.
and by doing so you may end the struggle with your weight forever.
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transformational change will require a pro active mindset.
forward thinking... and planning.
it will require you to consistently prioritise your time and energy towards the essential and required actions.
ensuring you're consistently one step ahead.
prepared and organised.
not leaving things to chance.
without this attitude. without this mindset.
you will likely fail.
you will constantly feel like life is happening 'to you'.
constantly 'reacting'
you will feel weak. powerless.
and out of control.
do not allow yourself to become a victim of circumstance.
get pro active.
get in the drivers seat
take control of your life and your goals.
and make your vision your reality.
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"If you do not change direction. you may end up where you are heading"
... - lao tzu
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January 2017.
Application closes tomorrow.


January 2017
Clarity. Strategy. Action. ... Results. Celebration.
2 spaces remaining. Application closes Sunday 22nd.
Are you ready to transform your body and change your life?
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focus more of your thoughts, feelings, actions, time and energy towards more of what you desire.
... the outcome is inevitable.
that what you desire will eventually become your reality.
therefore; the question is.
logic aside.
what do you really want?
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Clarity. Strategy. Action.... Results. Celebration.
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how different would your life be if you chose to put you, your health and your ... happiness first.
before anything or anyone.
any. thing.
a shift in priorities may lead to you having that body you've always wanted.
you'd find the time to maybe exercise more.
to eat better.
lean. fit. strong. healthy.
if you looked different.
you'd likely feel different.
attractive. happier more confident.
how would this impact your life?
social life. sex life. relationships. your career.
putting yourself first would result in you have much more energy.
you'd feel more present, productive and powerful.
you'd deal with stress better. sleep better. get sick less.
you'd feel calmer.
you'd get more done in less time.
how would this change things?
if you started to look after yourself a little more.
if you started to prioritise you, your health and happiness before anything or anyone.
and experienced all the benefits that that would bring.
how would the people around you benefit?
partner. kids. friends. family.
ask yourself the questions.
and if you're not happy with your current reality.
if you want to change.
if you want to feel happier.
consider shifting your current thinking.
consider shifting your current mindset.
consider reframing the word 'selfish'.
understanding that it may not actually be 'bad'
in fact; it could actually be the key to not only your happiness;
but as a knock on effect;
a greater level of happiness of those people around you.
whatever you do.
always remember;
the greatest gift you can give the world is the gift of your own happiness.
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there is no such thing as a 'toning' exercise.
no specific exercise... will help you lose fat from any one specific area of your body.
you can squat all you want.
do sit ups until the cows come home.
do all the triceps exercises under the sun.
but your legs, abs and arms will never change if you're putting the wrong types and wrong amounts of food in your body.
the best way you get the body of your dreams?
ensure you're doing the right type of training for your goals.
ensure you're then training both frequently and at the right intensity.
then combine this with a realistic, sustainable and personalised nutrition plan.
then watch your body transform quicker than you can believe.
January 2017. Application closes Saturday 22nd
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your life is your art work.
you are the artist.
... your thoughts, words and actions are paint strokes.
no one can think your thoughts for you.
speak your words for you.
feel your feelings for you.
act your actions for you.
no one can paint your strokes on your canvas but you.
you are the artists.
with this understanding.
your current reality is therefore your creation.
your masterpiece.
if you're not happy with it and you want to change it.
you must first understand that with the choices that you have made up to this moment in time.
with the strokes that you have chosen to make.
chosen to paint.
you are the one that created it.
sure; it hasn't been easy.
but you still created it.
it's no one else's fault.
it's your work of art.
you have always had the power of free will choice.
you have always had full power and control of yourself.
full control over your thoughts, words and actions.
full control over your attitude to any circumstance.
so if you're feeling a little down about where you are right now.
weak. vunerable.
this is just a gentle reminder that you are the artist.
you still have the paint brush.
you're not powerless or weak.
in fact you're more powerful than you could ever possibly believe.
thought provoking.
but true.
and with this understanding.
with this new insight into the power that you have;
and always have possessed. comes an opportunity to gain back control of your life.
with your power of thought, word, feeling and action.
with your paint brush.
start painting again.
but now start painting a new picture.
a new piece of artwork. a new masterpiece.
and this time.
make it exactly how you want it.
forget what's done.
you can't edit it.
you've never been more experienced and wise than you are right now.
move forward.
make. different choices.
paint different strokes.
create and paint whatever you want.
create your new masterpiece.
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we all have time.
24 hours a day. 168 hours a week.
... as individuals we just chose to prioritise different things with it.
it's our choice to do so.
we're therefore time users.
we choose how to use it.
life requests it from us.
and people demand and expect it from us.
often we even chose to give it to others without thought or question.
we can be efficient with it.
we can waste it.
through our choices we even have the capacity to make more of it available to ourselves.
using it, or lack of it as reason or 'excuse' as to why you are unable to carry out a particular and necessary action linked to a goal that you have declared as important to you.
is another way of saying that you're choosing not to prioritise the action because it's not as important to you as something else.
it doesn't make you a bad person.
it doesn't make you weak.
it doesnt make you an 'excuse maker'.
the truth is you just don't want it as bad as you say you do.
you're a prioritiser and delegator of time.
a choice maker.
and you're choosing not to delegate or prioritise time to the required action.
therefore your vision isn't as compelling as you say it is.
you're not as motivated as you think you are.
you don't 'want it' as much as you might say you do.
how do you know this.
because your actions are telling you.
you see; if you really wanted something.
you would make it happen.
you would find time.
make time.
prioritise and delegate more time to the required actions.
to what needed to be done.
It would be at the forefront of your conscious mind.
all the time.
you wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it.
you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from doing what was required to make it happen.
even if the actions were difficult and challenging.
you would make time to do them.
because the thought of staying where you are for a second longer would cause you so much emotional discomfort that you just wouldn't allow yourself to tolerate it anymore.
you would force it higher on your priority list.
so the fact is;
if you choose to prioritise more time to the required and necessary actions for your goals.
the outcome would be inevitable.
your vision will become your reality.
if you choose not to.
and the outcome will also be also be inevitable.
your goal.
will remain a goal.
you're a choice maker.
a prioritiser. a delegator of time.
and we prioritise time to what we're most committed to.
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clarity. strategy. action.... results. celebration.
January. 5 spaces remaining.
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do you want to achieve more in 3 months than most do in a year?
it's essential that you... understand that results like this are not achieved by someone with a specific set of circumstances.
but by someone with a specific mindset
someone with a specific attitude
and a specific way of thinking
if you want results like this it's essential that you
...and COMMIT.
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If you're going to make a change.
go 'all in'
... or not at all.
transformation transfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n,trɑːns-,-nz-/
1. a marked change in form, nature, or appearance.
change, alteration, modification, variation, conversion, revision, amendment, metamorphosis, transfiguration, evolution, mutation.
remodelling, reshaping, remoulding, redoing, reconstruction, rebuilding, recasting, reorganization, rearrangement, reordering, reshuffling, restyling, rejigging, reworking, renewal, renewing, revamping, renovation, overhaul, remaking;
revolutionizing, revolution, transmutation;
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Worth more than 5 stars so much more:

If i’m completely honest, when I first walked though the doors I was a mental and physical mess. Sounds a little intense but to a certain degree I didn't know why I was even living at this point, I felt had no meaning to life at all. I was very low on confidence and very very unhappy. Working in health care I was exhausted with shift work and my diet was full of fast food and sugar - lots of it and all the time. I just felt so awful.

This wasn’t the first time I’d tried to change, i’d started and failed so many times before. I had tried standard gyms and to be honest I hated them, I’d had personal training before and it had never really worked for me. I’d tried endless diet plans that never lasted longer than a week and to be honest just made me feel worse in the end as I had failed. Failing only them made me turn to food to make myself feel better but never did and the vicious cycle would continue. I needed help, I need to change my my whole life around. I hated what I had become and could only see one road that my life was going down and it was a road that I didn't like. I don’t know why, but I felt like my last chance I had such little energy, I felt depressed, nervous, scared and very very overwhelmed and that’s when I found G14.

What can I say, quite simply - thank you of giving me my life back.

The guys are absolutely incredible and very very skilled at what they do. I was blown away as even after only one visit ALL of the coaches new me by name and every time I walked through the door I was greeted with positive energy and enthusiasm. Seems silly but it is amazing…

I was so scared to start, I had no idea what to expect. My previous personal trainers had a ‘no pain no gain’ attitude and this scared me so much. I have bad asthma and previously my training was never personalised so I have been pushed to hard and I would get sick and then give up.

I had nothing to worry about - they personalised everything! We started slow, going at my own pace and week by week the guys were there to push me just that little bit harder. My confidence grew and I started to really really enjoy each and every session! I love training with the other G14 members in small groups, everyone is so friendly and supportive it’s like a family! The other people encourage and motivate you to keep going when you know if you were training by yourself you would easily stop or slow down - it’s incredible!

It’s the first time in my life that I have been in a gym and never felt ‘judged’. I realised that everyone at G14 is here for the same reason and you can really feel this - everyone just giving their best!

It’s hard to explain how small things they do so consistently influenced me so much. I will never forget Ben saying to me never to say ‘sorry’ to him or any of the other coaches for not managing to complete an interval fully or keep up for any reason. Small things like this had a massive influence on my confidence.

What they have created it absolutely amazing, I could work at my own level and yet feel the energy and positive motivation of training with other people. The heat rate technology they use is fantastic - it never lies. They can ‘see’ exactly how hard everyone is working. Sometimes they would encourage you to rest and at other times try and push you that little bit harder. It amazing how quick my fitness levels shot up and up and up!

In just 4 months my whole life has been turned upside down - I feel like a new person! I’ve lost over two stone, i’m leaner, stronger, fitter, confident and so much happier. My relationship with nutrition has completely changed and my body loves it too. I have so much more energy now to get out there and enjoy life!

I have realised that there is no ‘end’ to my goals and that it’s very much a lifestyle! So instead of putting pressure on myself I decided to do what the guys said. Focus on one day at a time, focus on create long term changes to my habits and above all enjoy it! I’m not ‘ there’ by any means, but for the first time ever I have realised I never will be. Exercising regularly and eating well is now just a part of my life and Im loving how it makes me feel.

G14 is a very very special place and you have to come and see for yourself! If you feel lost they will help, guide and support you in every way possible - you are not alone here!

Ben, David, Oliver and James I can't thank you all enough, you have truly changed my life. I remember the first day I met you and I asked you 'not to ever give up on me'. The answer you gave was ‘no’ - well you have well and truly kept your word.


When I joined G14 I met a team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. I undertook a 14 week programme which produced amazing results! What G14 have taught me is imbedded for life; I know I will never revert back to old ways!! I recommend anyone unhappy with their body to join G14!


To the Fab Team at G14

Though I had been a regular runner and with little method behind it. I was lacking in focus, guidance and any positive results. I felt that I would benefit from personal training, I joined G14, I had spent year’s yo-yo dieting and constantly battling with my weight. My confidence was low and I was extremely unhappy with my body. I followed numerous ‘diet’ plans, counting calories, where the sole focus was (A) number produced on the scales each week. Although I lost weight following these plans and my running, they predominantly promoted low-fat, high carb intake, consequently I did not feel good about myself; I was extremely disappointed at the end with the results.

When I joined G14 I met with the team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. The team are very professional, friendly and fun! My trainers, Ben & Joe, implemented the G14 plan which produced results. Within one week of following the nutrition plan, I felt in tune with body and had considerably more energy and I was more relaxed.

Ben personal approach by understanding my strengths and weaknesses meant he was able to tailor make a plan to suit me. Ben taught me so much about nutrition and my body; every training session was unique and I thoroughly enjoyed every single one. My wellbeing was always top of his agenda, and achieving optimum results. His dedication, constant support and motivation spurred me on throughout the process; he made training fun and provided sound advice whenever I needed it.

The perception I have of my body is now positive. The knowledge I acquired has been phenomenal; I know I will never revert back to old habits, I recommend to anyone unhappy with their body contact G14 Thank you.


The team at G14 are brilliant, having just completed the September 2013 programme I now feel fitter, thinner and healthier than I have in years.

The team provide you with their knowledge, guidance and support throughout the programme to help you learn and change your lifestyle.

Their programme is really practical and effective, no measuring food or calorie counting, it brings nutrition back to basics.

I would thoroughly recommend G14, my trainer James was great and the rest of the team are ace too.


The best decision I made in 2013 was to join G14. James and the team are just amazing. The whole team, Ben, Joe, James and David are very professional and friendly. I did not feel at all intimidated. The very first moment I stepped into G14 I was put at ease with the smile and enthusiasm. I would recommend,without hesitation, anyone wanting to get visible results and confidence to join G14. 14 weeks just fly by. I am now back there!


Thanks David and the G14 team for your guidance and programme. Didn't think I would be able to do it but your encouragement and support made it easy and enjoyable. Finally I have managed to put the nutrition and exercise together and see the results without falling off the plan. It really does work and it isn't that hard to do, would recommend the course to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.

Can't wait to start my second course in January.


My story is like many others – lifelong battle with weight issues, yo-yo weight loss efforts with some small successes only to regain it (plus more), waking up every day not liking what I saw in the mirror, and the battered self-esteem which goes along with all of that.

At 41 years of age I had really had enough of that holding me back. I wanted to be healthy and happy, not just for a short time, but for a lifetime. My upcoming wedding was an excellent motivator, however my outlook went way beyond that.

It was by luck, or perhaps serendipity, that I came across G14. From my initial consultation with Ben I had a strong feeling that G14 was going to be different. Naturally I was apprehensive, but I couldn’t wait to get started.

G14 is not about quick fix, magic pills, potions or starvation. It is common sense nutrition and exercise with the goal of creating a leaner and healthier you, and importantly, sustaining that long-term. And it works!

I saw noticeable results within 3 weeks, dropped 1-2 dress sizes within 14 weeks, and at 9 months (my wedding day!) I was leaner and fitter than I have ever been having lost 20kgs (over 3 stone!). The physical improvements are plain to see, but in conjunction with that I am more positive, and have more energy and enthusiasm for life.

To get to this stage it has meant some changes in routine, which at first was daunting and took time and effort, but before I knew it I had adapted, formed new habits (my ‘new normal’) and was on the path to health. I thrived on the accountability from the G14 coaches. Not only did it help me to stay on track, but they were all a constant source of advice, motivation and energy for achieving my goals. They have a genuine and real passion to help people change and it shows!

Now 12 months on, with less accountability I continue with my ‘new normal’. All coaches are very much still ‘there’ for me. As I grow fitter and stronger my training is tweaked to ensure it continues to offer variety and new challenges. What does not change, however, is the commitment from the whole G14 team.

Each visit to G14 is unlike any typical gym visit. Here, you are welcomed by name and friendly banter. The gym itself is really well equipped, not intimidating, never crowded and everyone in there is on a similar journey.

Your goals are the G14 goals – a leaner, healthier you for the long-term. They want to see you succeed and bring about change, and will be there every step of the way to educate you and encourage you. With their guidance, I truly believe that if you put the work in, you can do nothing but succeed.

Imagine waking up every day and the first thought in your head NOT being how unhappy you are with yourself.

This is now my reality!


Love this place. The guys are helping me to get in the best shape I have been in for 15 years! Can't compliment them enough. A great environment to work out in and get excellent and sustainable nutritional advice. Worth every penny.


I've just finished the May Programme and had a great experience with G14. They make going to the gym enjoyable, and their knowledge really shines through.

So much so I'm back for the September Gym Programme :) Thanks James & all the guys


I've just finished my 2nd program & have literally never felt so good! The G14 boys are brilliant, particularly my personal trainer, David who has been there encouraging me when I felt like I couldn't go any further. My body shape has changed dramatically (so I've been told) and the compliments I've been getting are very nice indeed!

I would recommend G14 to anyone who wants to change their outlook on exercise & nutrition. I never imagined that eating 4 balanced meals a day could help me lose so much fat!

Can't wait to go back in January 2014!


I've been a client of G14 for a number of years now and I can't recommend them enough! They have developed a well being program that is second to none and combines both exercise and nutrition to help you achieve real results in a defined period of time. The team at G14 are brilliant motivators and experts in what they do and the facilities feel exclusive with everything you could need. Reading all the great reviews here is testimony to all their hard work and passion in setting up such a great place and helping so many people, keep up the excellent work!


Having hormone and weight problems since the age of 9, I've forever been reading Health magazines, been to many different classes and even bought exercise equipment at home. With lack of motivation I thought this is my last straw and invested my time and money into a programme that I was personally looked after on a daily basis. Not only have I lost that struggling stone but also a dress size! It was a challenge as I'm not used to eating a breakfast, but now I can't go a morning without one. A total education that makes a lot of sense. A complete shock of seeing the before and after pictures, this has motivated me to continue on my own. I now have the confidence and self esteem to say I can easily lose another dress size before Christmas and my 33rd Birthday in January! Thank you for putting me in the right direction.


Great team, great studio, great results! I thoroughly enjoyed my 14 week programme and am feeling better than ever. Thanks guys!:)


G14 is the best! These guys are with you every step of the way. They are not like any other gyms out there. If you want to see results but don't know where to start then i would definitely recommend G14.

I will be returning-no doubt about that. :-)


G14 is amazing. This is no generic gym, they genuinely care about getting you the best results and they are brilliant at what they do. The focus is firmly on nutrition and before I started G14 I thought I knew about healthy eating, but I learnt a whole new way of thinking about food and the results have been life-changing. I lost weight by eating more, I feel fantastic and my friends and family say I look younger. My sleep patterns used to be terrible, I was always tired and I would swerve past any gym. Now, my sleep is better, I have more energy and I love the efficiency of the G14 workouts and feeling strong again. The team is supportive and positive - and fun, and the atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming.

Above all, the genius of G14 is that it is sustainable. It has given me a blueprint for healthy living that I know I can continue. I can't thank David and everyone at G14 enough. After 14 weeks I feel like a different person, it is one of the best things I have ever done.


Finished one programme with fantastic results. For the first time in my life I actually felt in controll of my weight. And it felt awesome ! Wasn't easy but with David's continues support I was making progress . I have a strong addiction to sugar so there's still lots of work to be done ... I'm looking forward to going back for a second programme and strongly recommend G14 for anyone!


Don't give it one more thought - just do it - sign up now !! In 14 weeks I saw some amazing results but most importantly it has given me the kick start I needed and the tools and know how to be able to continue with the new healthy lifestyle that I now love. The guys at G14 are amazing, full of energy and passion for what they do and that rubs off on all of us . Just 3 months has made the biggest change to my life ever !! Thank you G14 !


Being sceptical at any offered program on getting in shape and fat loss programs in 14 weeks, it took me a while to sign up at G14. Glad I did! I completed the program with incredible results. It was well worth the money and effort and I got what was promised. A healthier life, lean body composition and so much more energy.

I can highly recommend this program to any one who is determined to loose body fat and get in shape.

For all those sceptical people out there.. This WORKS for real.

The tools given, both on nutrition and exercises will enable me to stay lean, healthy and energised.

If you want a body composition make over, G14 is the way to go..

Thanks David, Ben, James and Joey for being there during the journey!



Amazing 'family' to be a part of. I've never felt so engaged in a regime before, and having struggled for 25+ years that's a big statement. I really can't praise the guys enough. I can highly recommend G14 to anyone out there that is thinking of taking the step to make a change. Come join us and see for yourself


Worth more than 5 stars so much more:

If i’m completely honest, when I first walked though the doors I was a mental and physical mess. Sounds a little intense but to a certain degree I didn't know why I was even living at this point, I felt had no meaning to life at all. I was very low on confidence and very very unhappy. Working in health care I was exhausted with shift work and my diet was full of fast food and sugar - lots of it and all the time. I just felt so awful.

This wasn’t the first time I’d tried to change, i’d started and failed so many times before. I had tried standard gyms and to be honest I hated them, I’d had personal training before and it had never really worked for me. I’d tried endless diet plans that never lasted longer than a week and to be honest just made me feel worse in the end as I had failed. Failing only them made me turn to food to make myself feel better but never did and the vicious cycle would continue. I needed help, I need to change my my whole life around. I hated what I had become and could only see one road that my life was going down and it was a road that I didn't like. I don’t know why, but I felt like my last chance I had such little energy, I felt depressed, nervous, scared and very very overwhelmed and that’s when I found G14.

What can I say, quite simply - thank you of giving me my life back.

The guys are absolutely incredible and very very skilled at what they do. I was blown away as even after only one visit ALL of the coaches new me by name and every time I walked through the door I was greeted with positive energy and enthusiasm. Seems silly but it is amazing…

I was so scared to start, I had no idea what to expect. My previous personal trainers had a ‘no pain no gain’ attitude and this scared me so much. I have bad asthma and previously my training was never personalised so I have been pushed to hard and I would get sick and then give up.

I had nothing to worry about - they personalised everything! We started slow, going at my own pace and week by week the guys were there to push me just that little bit harder. My confidence grew and I started to really really enjoy each and every session! I love training with the other G14 members in small groups, everyone is so friendly and supportive it’s like a family! The other people encourage and motivate you to keep going when you know if you were training by yourself you would easily stop or slow down - it’s incredible!

It’s the first time in my life that I have been in a gym and never felt ‘judged’. I realised that everyone at G14 is here for the same reason and you can really feel this - everyone just giving their best!

It’s hard to explain how small things they do so consistently influenced me so much. I will never forget Ben saying to me never to say ‘sorry’ to him or any of the other coaches for not managing to complete an interval fully or keep up for any reason. Small things like this had a massive influence on my confidence.

What they have created it absolutely amazing, I could work at my own level and yet feel the energy and positive motivation of training with other people. The heat rate technology they use is fantastic - it never lies. They can ‘see’ exactly how hard everyone is working. Sometimes they would encourage you to rest and at other times try and push you that little bit harder. It amazing how quick my fitness levels shot up and up and up!

In just 4 months my whole life has been turned upside down - I feel like a new person! I’ve lost over two stone, i’m leaner, stronger, fitter, confident and so much happier. My relationship with nutrition has completely changed and my body loves it too. I have so much more energy now to get out there and enjoy life!

I have realised that there is no ‘end’ to my goals and that it’s very much a lifestyle! So instead of putting pressure on myself I decided to do what the guys said. Focus on one day at a time, focus on create long term changes to my habits and above all enjoy it! I’m not ‘ there’ by any means, but for the first time ever I have realised I never will be. Exercising regularly and eating well is now just a part of my life and Im loving how it makes me feel.

G14 is a very very special place and you have to come and see for yourself! If you feel lost they will help, guide and support you in every way possible - you are not alone here!

Ben, David, Oliver and James I can't thank you all enough, you have truly changed my life. I remember the first day I met you and I asked you 'not to ever give up on me'. The answer you gave was ‘no’ - well you have well and truly kept your word.


When I joined G14 I met a team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. I undertook a 14 week programme which produced amazing results! What G14 have taught me is imbedded for life; I know I will never revert back to old ways!! I recommend anyone unhappy with their body to join G14!


To the Fab Team at G14

Though I had been a regular runner and with little method behind it. I was lacking in focus, guidance and any positive results. I felt that I would benefit from personal training, I joined G14, I had spent year’s yo-yo dieting and constantly battling with my weight. My confidence was low and I was extremely unhappy with my body. I followed numerous ‘diet’ plans, counting calories, where the sole focus was (A) number produced on the scales each week. Although I lost weight following these plans and my running, they predominantly promoted low-fat, high carb intake, consequently I did not feel good about myself; I was extremely disappointed at the end with the results.

When I joined G14 I met with the team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. The team are very professional, friendly and fun! My trainers, Ben & Joe, implemented the G14 plan which produced results. Within one week of following the nutrition plan, I felt in tune with body and had considerably more energy and I was more relaxed.

Ben personal approach by understanding my strengths and weaknesses meant he was able to tailor make a plan to suit me. Ben taught me so much about nutrition and my body; every training session was unique and I thoroughly enjoyed every single one. My wellbeing was always top of his agenda, and achieving optimum results. His dedication, constant support and motivation spurred me on throughout the process; he made training fun and provided sound advice whenever I needed it.

The perception I have of my body is now positive. The knowledge I acquired has been phenomenal; I know I will never revert back to old habits, I recommend to anyone unhappy with their body contact G14 Thank you.


The team at G14 are brilliant, having just completed the September 2013 programme I now feel fitter, thinner and healthier than I have in years.

The team provide you with their knowledge, guidance and support throughout the programme to help you learn and change your lifestyle.

Their programme is really practical and effective, no measuring food or calorie counting, it brings nutrition back to basics.

I would thoroughly recommend G14, my trainer James was great and the rest of the team are ace too.


The best decision I made in 2013 was to join G14. James and the team are just amazing. The whole team, Ben, Joe, James and David are very professional and friendly. I did not feel at all intimidated. The very first moment I stepped into G14 I was put at ease with the smile and enthusiasm. I would recommend,without hesitation, anyone wanting to get visible results and confidence to join G14. 14 weeks just fly by. I am now back there!


Thanks David and the G14 team for your guidance and programme. Didn't think I would be able to do it but your encouragement and support made it easy and enjoyable. Finally I have managed to put the nutrition and exercise together and see the results without falling off the plan. It really does work and it isn't that hard to do, would recommend the course to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.

Can't wait to start my second course in January.


My story is like many others – lifelong battle with weight issues, yo-yo weight loss efforts with some small successes only to regain it (plus more), waking up every day not liking what I saw in the mirror, and the battered self-esteem which goes along with all of that.

At 41 years of age I had really had enough of that holding me back. I wanted to be healthy and happy, not just for a short time, but for a lifetime. My upcoming wedding was an excellent motivator, however my outlook went way beyond that.

It was by luck, or perhaps serendipity, that I came across G14. From my initial consultation with Ben I had a strong feeling that G14 was going to be different. Naturally I was apprehensive, but I couldn’t wait to get started.

G14 is not about quick fix, magic pills, potions or starvation. It is common sense nutrition and exercise with the goal of creating a leaner and healthier you, and importantly, sustaining that long-term. And it works!

I saw noticeable results within 3 weeks, dropped 1-2 dress sizes within 14 weeks, and at 9 months (my wedding day!) I was leaner and fitter than I have ever been having lost 20kgs (over 3 stone!). The physical improvements are plain to see, but in conjunction with that I am more positive, and have more energy and enthusiasm for life.

To get to this stage it has meant some changes in routine, which at first was daunting and took time and effort, but before I knew it I had adapted, formed new habits (my ‘new normal’) and was on the path to health. I thrived on the accountability from the G14 coaches. Not only did it help me to stay on track, but they were all a constant source of advice, motivation and energy for achieving my goals. They have a genuine and real passion to help people change and it shows!

Now 12 months on, with less accountability I continue with my ‘new normal’. All coaches are very much still ‘there’ for me. As I grow fitter and stronger my training is tweaked to ensure it continues to offer variety and new challenges. What does not change, however, is the commitment from the whole G14 team.

Each visit to G14 is unlike any typical gym visit. Here, you are welcomed by name and friendly banter. The gym itself is really well equipped, not intimidating, never crowded and everyone in there is on a similar journey.

Your goals are the G14 goals – a leaner, healthier you for the long-term. They want to see you succeed and bring about change, and will be there every step of the way to educate you and encourage you. With their guidance, I truly believe that if you put the work in, you can do nothing but succeed.

Imagine waking up every day and the first thought in your head NOT being how unhappy you are with yourself.

This is now my reality!


Love this place. The guys are helping me to get in the best shape I have been in for 15 years! Can't compliment them enough. A great environment to work out in and get excellent and sustainable nutritional advice. Worth every penny.


I've just finished the May Programme and had a great experience with G14. They make going to the gym enjoyable, and their knowledge really shines through.

So much so I'm back for the September Gym Programme :) Thanks James & all the guys


I've just finished my 2nd program & have literally never felt so good! The G14 boys are brilliant, particularly my personal trainer, David who has been there encouraging me when I felt like I couldn't go any further. My body shape has changed dramatically (so I've been told) and the compliments I've been getting are very nice indeed!

I would recommend G14 to anyone who wants to change their outlook on exercise & nutrition. I never imagined that eating 4 balanced meals a day could help me lose so much fat!

Can't wait to go back in January 2014!


I've been a client of G14 for a number of years now and I can't recommend them enough! They have developed a well being program that is second to none and combines both exercise and nutrition to help you achieve real results in a defined period of time. The team at G14 are brilliant motivators and experts in what they do and the facilities feel exclusive with everything you could need. Reading all the great reviews here is testimony to all their hard work and passion in setting up such a great place and helping so many people, keep up the excellent work!


Having hormone and weight problems since the age of 9, I've forever been reading Health magazines, been to many different classes and even bought exercise equipment at home. With lack of motivation I thought this is my last straw and invested my time and money into a programme that I was personally looked after on a daily basis. Not only have I lost that struggling stone but also a dress size! It was a challenge as I'm not used to eating a breakfast, but now I can't go a morning without one. A total education that makes a lot of sense. A complete shock of seeing the before and after pictures, this has motivated me to continue on my own. I now have the confidence and self esteem to say I can easily lose another dress size before Christmas and my 33rd Birthday in January! Thank you for putting me in the right direction.


Great team, great studio, great results! I thoroughly enjoyed my 14 week programme and am feeling better than ever. Thanks guys!:)


G14 is the best! These guys are with you every step of the way. They are not like any other gyms out there. If you want to see results but don't know where to start then i would definitely recommend G14.

I will be returning-no doubt about that. :-)


G14 is amazing. This is no generic gym, they genuinely care about getting you the best results and they are brilliant at what they do. The focus is firmly on nutrition and before I started G14 I thought I knew about healthy eating, but I learnt a whole new way of thinking about food and the results have been life-changing. I lost weight by eating more, I feel fantastic and my friends and family say I look younger. My sleep patterns used to be terrible, I was always tired and I would swerve past any gym. Now, my sleep is better, I have more energy and I love the efficiency of the G14 workouts and feeling strong again. The team is supportive and positive - and fun, and the atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming.

Above all, the genius of G14 is that it is sustainable. It has given me a blueprint for healthy living that I know I can continue. I can't thank David and everyone at G14 enough. After 14 weeks I feel like a different person, it is one of the best things I have ever done.


Finished one programme with fantastic results. For the first time in my life I actually felt in controll of my weight. And it felt awesome ! Wasn't easy but with David's continues support I was making progress . I have a strong addiction to sugar so there's still lots of work to be done ... I'm looking forward to going back for a second programme and strongly recommend G14 for anyone!


Don't give it one more thought - just do it - sign up now !! In 14 weeks I saw some amazing results but most importantly it has given me the kick start I needed and the tools and know how to be able to continue with the new healthy lifestyle that I now love. The guys at G14 are amazing, full of energy and passion for what they do and that rubs off on all of us . Just 3 months has made the biggest change to my life ever !! Thank you G14 !


Being sceptical at any offered program on getting in shape and fat loss programs in 14 weeks, it took me a while to sign up at G14. Glad I did! I completed the program with incredible results. It was well worth the money and effort and I got what was promised. A healthier life, lean body composition and so much more energy.

I can highly recommend this program to any one who is determined to loose body fat and get in shape.

For all those sceptical people out there.. This WORKS for real.

The tools given, both on nutrition and exercises will enable me to stay lean, healthy and energised.

If you want a body composition make over, G14 is the way to go..

Thanks David, Ben, James and Joey for being there during the journey!



Amazing 'family' to be a part of. I've never felt so engaged in a regime before, and having struggled for 25+ years that's a big statement. I really can't praise the guys enough. I can highly recommend G14 to anyone out there that is thinking of taking the step to make a change. Come join us and see for yourself


Worth more than 5 stars so much more:

If i’m completely honest, when I first walked though the doors I was a mental and physical mess. Sounds a little intense but to a certain degree I didn't know why I was even living at this point, I felt had no meaning to life at all. I was very low on confidence and very very unhappy. Working in health care I was exhausted with shift work and my diet was full of fast food and sugar - lots of it and all the time. I just felt so awful.

This wasn’t the first time I’d tried to change, i’d started and failed so many times before. I had tried standard gyms and to be honest I hated them, I’d had personal training before and it had never really worked for me. I’d tried endless diet plans that never lasted longer than a week and to be honest just made me feel worse in the end as I had failed. Failing only them made me turn to food to make myself feel better but never did and the vicious cycle would continue. I needed help, I need to change my my whole life around. I hated what I had become and could only see one road that my life was going down and it was a road that I didn't like. I don’t know why, but I felt like my last chance I had such little energy, I felt depressed, nervous, scared and very very overwhelmed and that’s when I found G14.

What can I say, quite simply - thank you of giving me my life back.

The guys are absolutely incredible and very very skilled at what they do. I was blown away as even after only one visit ALL of the coaches new me by name and every time I walked through the door I was greeted with positive energy and enthusiasm. Seems silly but it is amazing…

I was so scared to start, I had no idea what to expect. My previous personal trainers had a ‘no pain no gain’ attitude and this scared me so much. I have bad asthma and previously my training was never personalised so I have been pushed to hard and I would get sick and then give up.

I had nothing to worry about - they personalised everything! We started slow, going at my own pace and week by week the guys were there to push me just that little bit harder. My confidence grew and I started to really really enjoy each and every session! I love training with the other G14 members in small groups, everyone is so friendly and supportive it’s like a family! The other people encourage and motivate you to keep going when you know if you were training by yourself you would easily stop or slow down - it’s incredible!

It’s the first time in my life that I have been in a gym and never felt ‘judged’. I realised that everyone at G14 is here for the same reason and you can really feel this - everyone just giving their best!

It’s hard to explain how small things they do so consistently influenced me so much. I will never forget Ben saying to me never to say ‘sorry’ to him or any of the other coaches for not managing to complete an interval fully or keep up for any reason. Small things like this had a massive influence on my confidence.

What they have created it absolutely amazing, I could work at my own level and yet feel the energy and positive motivation of training with other people. The heat rate technology they use is fantastic - it never lies. They can ‘see’ exactly how hard everyone is working. Sometimes they would encourage you to rest and at other times try and push you that little bit harder. It amazing how quick my fitness levels shot up and up and up!

In just 4 months my whole life has been turned upside down - I feel like a new person! I’ve lost over two stone, i’m leaner, stronger, fitter, confident and so much happier. My relationship with nutrition has completely changed and my body loves it too. I have so much more energy now to get out there and enjoy life!

I have realised that there is no ‘end’ to my goals and that it’s very much a lifestyle! So instead of putting pressure on myself I decided to do what the guys said. Focus on one day at a time, focus on create long term changes to my habits and above all enjoy it! I’m not ‘ there’ by any means, but for the first time ever I have realised I never will be. Exercising regularly and eating well is now just a part of my life and Im loving how it makes me feel.

G14 is a very very special place and you have to come and see for yourself! If you feel lost they will help, guide and support you in every way possible - you are not alone here!

Ben, David, Oliver and James I can't thank you all enough, you have truly changed my life. I remember the first day I met you and I asked you 'not to ever give up on me'. The answer you gave was ‘no’ - well you have well and truly kept your word.


When I joined G14 I met a team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. I undertook a 14 week programme which produced amazing results! What G14 have taught me is imbedded for life; I know I will never revert back to old ways!! I recommend anyone unhappy with their body to join G14!


To the Fab Team at G14

Though I had been a regular runner and with little method behind it. I was lacking in focus, guidance and any positive results. I felt that I would benefit from personal training, I joined G14, I had spent year’s yo-yo dieting and constantly battling with my weight. My confidence was low and I was extremely unhappy with my body. I followed numerous ‘diet’ plans, counting calories, where the sole focus was (A) number produced on the scales each week. Although I lost weight following these plans and my running, they predominantly promoted low-fat, high carb intake, consequently I did not feel good about myself; I was extremely disappointed at the end with the results.

When I joined G14 I met with the team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. The team are very professional, friendly and fun! My trainers, Ben & Joe, implemented the G14 plan which produced results. Within one week of following the nutrition plan, I felt in tune with body and had considerably more energy and I was more relaxed.

Ben personal approach by understanding my strengths and weaknesses meant he was able to tailor make a plan to suit me. Ben taught me so much about nutrition and my body; every training session was unique and I thoroughly enjoyed every single one. My wellbeing was always top of his agenda, and achieving optimum results. His dedication, constant support and motivation spurred me on throughout the process; he made training fun and provided sound advice whenever I needed it.

The perception I have of my body is now positive. The knowledge I acquired has been phenomenal; I know I will never revert back to old habits, I recommend to anyone unhappy with their body contact G14 Thank you.


The team at G14 are brilliant, having just completed the September 2013 programme I now feel fitter, thinner and healthier than I have in years.

The team provide you with their knowledge, guidance and support throughout the programme to help you learn and change your lifestyle.

Their programme is really practical and effective, no measuring food or calorie counting, it brings nutrition back to basics.

I would thoroughly recommend G14, my trainer James was great and the rest of the team are ace too.


The best decision I made in 2013 was to join G14. James and the team are just amazing. The whole team, Ben, Joe, James and David are very professional and friendly. I did not feel at all intimidated. The very first moment I stepped into G14 I was put at ease with the smile and enthusiasm. I would recommend,without hesitation, anyone wanting to get visible results and confidence to join G14. 14 weeks just fly by. I am now back there!


Thanks David and the G14 team for your guidance and programme. Didn't think I would be able to do it but your encouragement and support made it easy and enjoyable. Finally I have managed to put the nutrition and exercise together and see the results without falling off the plan. It really does work and it isn't that hard to do, would recommend the course to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.

Can't wait to start my second course in January.


My story is like many others – lifelong battle with weight issues, yo-yo weight loss efforts with some small successes only to regain it (plus more), waking up every day not liking what I saw in the mirror, and the battered self-esteem which goes along with all of that.

At 41 years of age I had really had enough of that holding me back. I wanted to be healthy and happy, not just for a short time, but for a lifetime. My upcoming wedding was an excellent motivator, however my outlook went way beyond that.

It was by luck, or perhaps serendipity, that I came across G14. From my initial consultation with Ben I had a strong feeling that G14 was going to be different. Naturally I was apprehensive, but I couldn’t wait to get started.

G14 is not about quick fix, magic pills, potions or starvation. It is common sense nutrition and exercise with the goal of creating a leaner and healthier you, and importantly, sustaining that long-term. And it works!

I saw noticeable results within 3 weeks, dropped 1-2 dress sizes within 14 weeks, and at 9 months (my wedding day!) I was leaner and fitter than I have ever been having lost 20kgs (over 3 stone!). The physical improvements are plain to see, but in conjunction with that I am more positive, and have more energy and enthusiasm for life.

To get to this stage it has meant some changes in routine, which at first was daunting and took time and effort, but before I knew it I had adapted, formed new habits (my ‘new normal’) and was on the path to health. I thrived on the accountability from the G14 coaches. Not only did it help me to stay on track, but they were all a constant source of advice, motivation and energy for achieving my goals. They have a genuine and real passion to help people change and it shows!

Now 12 months on, with less accountability I continue with my ‘new normal’. All coaches are very much still ‘there’ for me. As I grow fitter and stronger my training is tweaked to ensure it continues to offer variety and new challenges. What does not change, however, is the commitment from the whole G14 team.

Each visit to G14 is unlike any typical gym visit. Here, you are welcomed by name and friendly banter. The gym itself is really well equipped, not intimidating, never crowded and everyone in there is on a similar journey.

Your goals are the G14 goals – a leaner, healthier you for the long-term. They want to see you succeed and bring about change, and will be there every step of the way to educate you and encourage you. With their guidance, I truly believe that if you put the work in, you can do nothing but succeed.

Imagine waking up every day and the first thought in your head NOT being how unhappy you are with yourself.

This is now my reality!


Love this place. The guys are helping me to get in the best shape I have been in for 15 years! Can't compliment them enough. A great environment to work out in and get excellent and sustainable nutritional advice. Worth every penny.


I've just finished the May Programme and had a great experience with G14. They make going to the gym enjoyable, and their knowledge really shines through.

So much so I'm back for the September Gym Programme :) Thanks James & all the guys


I've just finished my 2nd program & have literally never felt so good! The G14 boys are brilliant, particularly my personal trainer, David who has been there encouraging me when I felt like I couldn't go any further. My body shape has changed dramatically (so I've been told) and the compliments I've been getting are very nice indeed!

I would recommend G14 to anyone who wants to change their outlook on exercise & nutrition. I never imagined that eating 4 balanced meals a day could help me lose so much fat!

Can't wait to go back in January 2014!


I've been a client of G14 for a number of years now and I can't recommend them enough! They have developed a well being program that is second to none and combines both exercise and nutrition to help you achieve real results in a defined period of time. The team at G14 are brilliant motivators and experts in what they do and the facilities feel exclusive with everything you could need. Reading all the great reviews here is testimony to all their hard work and passion in setting up such a great place and helping so many people, keep up the excellent work!


Having hormone and weight problems since the age of 9, I've forever been reading Health magazines, been to many different classes and even bought exercise equipment at home. With lack of motivation I thought this is my last straw and invested my time and money into a programme that I was personally looked after on a daily basis. Not only have I lost that struggling stone but also a dress size! It was a challenge as I'm not used to eating a breakfast, but now I can't go a morning without one. A total education that makes a lot of sense. A complete shock of seeing the before and after pictures, this has motivated me to continue on my own. I now have the confidence and self esteem to say I can easily lose another dress size before Christmas and my 33rd Birthday in January! Thank you for putting me in the right direction.


Great team, great studio, great results! I thoroughly enjoyed my 14 week programme and am feeling better than ever. Thanks guys!:)


G14 is the best! These guys are with you every step of the way. They are not like any other gyms out there. If you want to see results but don't know where to start then i would definitely recommend G14.

I will be returning-no doubt about that. :-)


G14 is amazing. This is no generic gym, they genuinely care about getting you the best results and they are brilliant at what they do. The focus is firmly on nutrition and before I started G14 I thought I knew about healthy eating, but I learnt a whole new way of thinking about food and the results have been life-changing. I lost weight by eating more, I feel fantastic and my friends and family say I look younger. My sleep patterns used to be terrible, I was always tired and I would swerve past any gym. Now, my sleep is better, I have more energy and I love the efficiency of the G14 workouts and feeling strong again. The team is supportive and positive - and fun, and the atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming.

Above all, the genius of G14 is that it is sustainable. It has given me a blueprint for healthy living that I know I can continue. I can't thank David and everyone at G14 enough. After 14 weeks I feel like a different person, it is one of the best things I have ever done.


Finished one programme with fantastic results. For the first time in my life I actually felt in controll of my weight. And it felt awesome ! Wasn't easy but with David's continues support I was making progress . I have a strong addiction to sugar so there's still lots of work to be done ... I'm looking forward to going back for a second programme and strongly recommend G14 for anyone!


Don't give it one more thought - just do it - sign up now !! In 14 weeks I saw some amazing results but most importantly it has given me the kick start I needed and the tools and know how to be able to continue with the new healthy lifestyle that I now love. The guys at G14 are amazing, full of energy and passion for what they do and that rubs off on all of us . Just 3 months has made the biggest change to my life ever !! Thank you G14 !


Being sceptical at any offered program on getting in shape and fat loss programs in 14 weeks, it took me a while to sign up at G14. Glad I did! I completed the program with incredible results. It was well worth the money and effort and I got what was promised. A healthier life, lean body composition and so much more energy.

I can highly recommend this program to any one who is determined to loose body fat and get in shape.

For all those sceptical people out there.. This WORKS for real.

The tools given, both on nutrition and exercises will enable me to stay lean, healthy and energised.

If you want a body composition make over, G14 is the way to go..

Thanks David, Ben, James and Joey for being there during the journey!



Amazing 'family' to be a part of. I've never felt so engaged in a regime before, and having struggled for 25+ years that's a big statement. I really can't praise the guys enough. I can highly recommend G14 to anyone out there that is thinking of taking the step to make a change. Come join us and see for yourself


Worth more than 5 stars so much more:

If i’m completely honest, when I first walked though the doors I was a mental and physical mess. Sounds a little intense but to a certain degree I didn't know why I was even living at this point, I felt had no meaning to life at all. I was very low on confidence and very very unhappy. Working in health care I was exhausted with shift work and my diet was full of fast food and sugar - lots of it and all the time. I just felt so awful.

This wasn’t the first time I’d tried to change, i’d started and failed so many times before. I had tried standard gyms and to be honest I hated them, I’d had personal training before and it had never really worked for me. I’d tried endless diet plans that never lasted longer than a week and to be honest just made me feel worse in the end as I had failed. Failing only them made me turn to food to make myself feel better but never did and the vicious cycle would continue. I needed help, I need to change my my whole life around. I hated what I had become and could only see one road that my life was going down and it was a road that I didn't like. I don’t know why, but I felt like my last chance I had such little energy, I felt depressed, nervous, scared and very very overwhelmed and that’s when I found G14.

What can I say, quite simply - thank you of giving me my life back.

The guys are absolutely incredible and very very skilled at what they do. I was blown away as even after only one visit ALL of the coaches new me by name and every time I walked through the door I was greeted with positive energy and enthusiasm. Seems silly but it is amazing…

I was so scared to start, I had no idea what to expect. My previous personal trainers had a ‘no pain no gain’ attitude and this scared me so much. I have bad asthma and previously my training was never personalised so I have been pushed to hard and I would get sick and then give up.

I had nothing to worry about - they personalised everything! We started slow, going at my own pace and week by week the guys were there to push me just that little bit harder. My confidence grew and I started to really really enjoy each and every session! I love training with the other G14 members in small groups, everyone is so friendly and supportive it’s like a family! The other people encourage and motivate you to keep going when you know if you were training by yourself you would easily stop or slow down - it’s incredible!

It’s the first time in my life that I have been in a gym and never felt ‘judged’. I realised that everyone at G14 is here for the same reason and you can really feel this - everyone just giving their best!

It’s hard to explain how small things they do so consistently influenced me so much. I will never forget Ben saying to me never to say ‘sorry’ to him or any of the other coaches for not managing to complete an interval fully or keep up for any reason. Small things like this had a massive influence on my confidence.

What they have created it absolutely amazing, I could work at my own level and yet feel the energy and positive motivation of training with other people. The heat rate technology they use is fantastic - it never lies. They can ‘see’ exactly how hard everyone is working. Sometimes they would encourage you to rest and at other times try and push you that little bit harder. It amazing how quick my fitness levels shot up and up and up!

In just 4 months my whole life has been turned upside down - I feel like a new person! I’ve lost over two stone, i’m leaner, stronger, fitter, confident and so much happier. My relationship with nutrition has completely changed and my body loves it too. I have so much more energy now to get out there and enjoy life!

I have realised that there is no ‘end’ to my goals and that it’s very much a lifestyle! So instead of putting pressure on myself I decided to do what the guys said. Focus on one day at a time, focus on create long term changes to my habits and above all enjoy it! I’m not ‘ there’ by any means, but for the first time ever I have realised I never will be. Exercising regularly and eating well is now just a part of my life and Im loving how it makes me feel.

G14 is a very very special place and you have to come and see for yourself! If you feel lost they will help, guide and support you in every way possible - you are not alone here!

Ben, David, Oliver and James I can't thank you all enough, you have truly changed my life. I remember the first day I met you and I asked you 'not to ever give up on me'. The answer you gave was ‘no’ - well you have well and truly kept your word.


When I joined G14 I met a team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. I undertook a 14 week programme which produced amazing results! What G14 have taught me is imbedded for life; I know I will never revert back to old ways!! I recommend anyone unhappy with their body to join G14!


To the Fab Team at G14

Though I had been a regular runner and with little method behind it. I was lacking in focus, guidance and any positive results. I felt that I would benefit from personal training, I joined G14, I had spent year’s yo-yo dieting and constantly battling with my weight. My confidence was low and I was extremely unhappy with my body. I followed numerous ‘diet’ plans, counting calories, where the sole focus was (A) number produced on the scales each week. Although I lost weight following these plans and my running, they predominantly promoted low-fat, high carb intake, consequently I did not feel good about myself; I was extremely disappointed at the end with the results.

When I joined G14 I met with the team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. The team are very professional, friendly and fun! My trainers, Ben & Joe, implemented the G14 plan which produced results. Within one week of following the nutrition plan, I felt in tune with body and had considerably more energy and I was more relaxed.

Ben personal approach by understanding my strengths and weaknesses meant he was able to tailor make a plan to suit me. Ben taught me so much about nutrition and my body; every training session was unique and I thoroughly enjoyed every single one. My wellbeing was always top of his agenda, and achieving optimum results. His dedication, constant support and motivation spurred me on throughout the process; he made training fun and provided sound advice whenever I needed it.

The perception I have of my body is now positive. The knowledge I acquired has been phenomenal; I know I will never revert back to old habits, I recommend to anyone unhappy with their body contact G14 Thank you.


The team at G14 are brilliant, having just completed the September 2013 programme I now feel fitter, thinner and healthier than I have in years.

The team provide you with their knowledge, guidance and support throughout the programme to help you learn and change your lifestyle.

Their programme is really practical and effective, no measuring food or calorie counting, it brings nutrition back to basics.

I would thoroughly recommend G14, my trainer James was great and the rest of the team are ace too.


The best decision I made in 2013 was to join G14. James and the team are just amazing. The whole team, Ben, Joe, James and David are very professional and friendly. I did not feel at all intimidated. The very first moment I stepped into G14 I was put at ease with the smile and enthusiasm. I would recommend,without hesitation, anyone wanting to get visible results and confidence to join G14. 14 weeks just fly by. I am now back there!


Thanks David and the G14 team for your guidance and programme. Didn't think I would be able to do it but your encouragement and support made it easy and enjoyable. Finally I have managed to put the nutrition and exercise together and see the results without falling off the plan. It really does work and it isn't that hard to do, would recommend the course to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.

Can't wait to start my second course in January.


My story is like many others – lifelong battle with weight issues, yo-yo weight loss efforts with some small successes only to regain it (plus more), waking up every day not liking what I saw in the mirror, and the battered self-esteem which goes along with all of that.

At 41 years of age I had really had enough of that holding me back. I wanted to be healthy and happy, not just for a short time, but for a lifetime. My upcoming wedding was an excellent motivator, however my outlook went way beyond that.

It was by luck, or perhaps serendipity, that I came across G14. From my initial consultation with Ben I had a strong feeling that G14 was going to be different. Naturally I was apprehensive, but I couldn’t wait to get started.

G14 is not about quick fix, magic pills, potions or starvation. It is common sense nutrition and exercise with the goal of creating a leaner and healthier you, and importantly, sustaining that long-term. And it works!

I saw noticeable results within 3 weeks, dropped 1-2 dress sizes within 14 weeks, and at 9 months (my wedding day!) I was leaner and fitter than I have ever been having lost 20kgs (over 3 stone!). The physical improvements are plain to see, but in conjunction with that I am more positive, and have more energy and enthusiasm for life.

To get to this stage it has meant some changes in routine, which at first was daunting and took time and effort, but before I knew it I had adapted, formed new habits (my ‘new normal’) and was on the path to health. I thrived on the accountability from the G14 coaches. Not only did it help me to stay on track, but they were all a constant source of advice, motivation and energy for achieving my goals. They have a genuine and real passion to help people change and it shows!

Now 12 months on, with less accountability I continue with my ‘new normal’. All coaches are very much still ‘there’ for me. As I grow fitter and stronger my training is tweaked to ensure it continues to offer variety and new challenges. What does not change, however, is the commitment from the whole G14 team.

Each visit to G14 is unlike any typical gym visit. Here, you are welcomed by name and friendly banter. The gym itself is really well equipped, not intimidating, never crowded and everyone in there is on a similar journey.

Your goals are the G14 goals – a leaner, healthier you for the long-term. They want to see you succeed and bring about change, and will be there every step of the way to educate you and encourage you. With their guidance, I truly believe that if you put the work in, you can do nothing but succeed.

Imagine waking up every day and the first thought in your head NOT being how unhappy you are with yourself.

This is now my reality!


Love this place. The guys are helping me to get in the best shape I have been in for 15 years! Can't compliment them enough. A great environment to work out in and get excellent and sustainable nutritional advice. Worth every penny.


I've just finished the May Programme and had a great experience with G14. They make going to the gym enjoyable, and their knowledge really shines through.

So much so I'm back for the September Gym Programme :) Thanks James & all the guys


I've just finished my 2nd program & have literally never felt so good! The G14 boys are brilliant, particularly my personal trainer, David who has been there encouraging me when I felt like I couldn't go any further. My body shape has changed dramatically (so I've been told) and the compliments I've been getting are very nice indeed!

I would recommend G14 to anyone who wants to change their outlook on exercise & nutrition. I never imagined that eating 4 balanced meals a day could help me lose so much fat!

Can't wait to go back in January 2014!


I've been a client of G14 for a number of years now and I can't recommend them enough! They have developed a well being program that is second to none and combines both exercise and nutrition to help you achieve real results in a defined period of time. The team at G14 are brilliant motivators and experts in what they do and the facilities feel exclusive with everything you could need. Reading all the great reviews here is testimony to all their hard work and passion in setting up such a great place and helping so many people, keep up the excellent work!


Having hormone and weight problems since the age of 9, I've forever been reading Health magazines, been to many different classes and even bought exercise equipment at home. With lack of motivation I thought this is my last straw and invested my time and money into a programme that I was personally looked after on a daily basis. Not only have I lost that struggling stone but also a dress size! It was a challenge as I'm not used to eating a breakfast, but now I can't go a morning without one. A total education that makes a lot of sense. A complete shock of seeing the before and after pictures, this has motivated me to continue on my own. I now have the confidence and self esteem to say I can easily lose another dress size before Christmas and my 33rd Birthday in January! Thank you for putting me in the right direction.


Great team, great studio, great results! I thoroughly enjoyed my 14 week programme and am feeling better than ever. Thanks guys!:)


G14 is the best! These guys are with you every step of the way. They are not like any other gyms out there. If you want to see results but don't know where to start then i would definitely recommend G14.

I will be returning-no doubt about that. :-)


G14 is amazing. This is no generic gym, they genuinely care about getting you the best results and they are brilliant at what they do. The focus is firmly on nutrition and before I started G14 I thought I knew about healthy eating, but I learnt a whole new way of thinking about food and the results have been life-changing. I lost weight by eating more, I feel fantastic and my friends and family say I look younger. My sleep patterns used to be terrible, I was always tired and I would swerve past any gym. Now, my sleep is better, I have more energy and I love the efficiency of the G14 workouts and feeling strong again. The team is supportive and positive - and fun, and the atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming.

Above all, the genius of G14 is that it is sustainable. It has given me a blueprint for healthy living that I know I can continue. I can't thank David and everyone at G14 enough. After 14 weeks I feel like a different person, it is one of the best things I have ever done.


Finished one programme with fantastic results. For the first time in my life I actually felt in controll of my weight. And it felt awesome ! Wasn't easy but with David's continues support I was making progress . I have a strong addiction to sugar so there's still lots of work to be done ... I'm looking forward to going back for a second programme and strongly recommend G14 for anyone!


Don't give it one more thought - just do it - sign up now !! In 14 weeks I saw some amazing results but most importantly it has given me the kick start I needed and the tools and know how to be able to continue with the new healthy lifestyle that I now love. The guys at G14 are amazing, full of energy and passion for what they do and that rubs off on all of us . Just 3 months has made the biggest change to my life ever !! Thank you G14 !


Being sceptical at any offered program on getting in shape and fat loss programs in 14 weeks, it took me a while to sign up at G14. Glad I did! I completed the program with incredible results. It was well worth the money and effort and I got what was promised. A healthier life, lean body composition and so much more energy.

I can highly recommend this program to any one who is determined to loose body fat and get in shape.

For all those sceptical people out there.. This WORKS for real.

The tools given, both on nutrition and exercises will enable me to stay lean, healthy and energised.

If you want a body composition make over, G14 is the way to go..

Thanks David, Ben, James and Joey for being there during the journey!



Amazing 'family' to be a part of. I've never felt so engaged in a regime before, and having struggled for 25+ years that's a big statement. I really can't praise the guys enough. I can highly recommend G14 to anyone out there that is thinking of taking the step to make a change. Come join us and see for yourself


Worth more than 5 stars so much more:

If i’m completely honest, when I first walked though the doors I was a mental and physical mess. Sounds a little intense but to a certain degree I didn't know why I was even living at this point, I felt had no meaning to life at all. I was very low on confidence and very very unhappy. Working in health care I was exhausted with shift work and my diet was full of fast food and sugar - lots of it and all the time. I just felt so awful.

This wasn’t the first time I’d tried to change, i’d started and failed so many times before. I had tried standard gyms and to be honest I hated them, I’d had personal training before and it had never really worked for me. I’d tried endless diet plans that never lasted longer than a week and to be honest just made me feel worse in the end as I had failed. Failing only them made me turn to food to make myself feel better but never did and the vicious cycle would continue. I needed help, I need to change my my whole life around. I hated what I had become and could only see one road that my life was going down and it was a road that I didn't like. I don’t know why, but I felt like my last chance I had such little energy, I felt depressed, nervous, scared and very very overwhelmed and that’s when I found G14.

What can I say, quite simply - thank you of giving me my life back.

The guys are absolutely incredible and very very skilled at what they do. I was blown away as even after only one visit ALL of the coaches new me by name and every time I walked through the door I was greeted with positive energy and enthusiasm. Seems silly but it is amazing…

I was so scared to start, I had no idea what to expect. My previous personal trainers had a ‘no pain no gain’ attitude and this scared me so much. I have bad asthma and previously my training was never personalised so I have been pushed to hard and I would get sick and then give up.

I had nothing to worry about - they personalised everything! We started slow, going at my own pace and week by week the guys were there to push me just that little bit harder. My confidence grew and I started to really really enjoy each and every session! I love training with the other G14 members in small groups, everyone is so friendly and supportive it’s like a family! The other people encourage and motivate you to keep going when you know if you were training by yourself you would easily stop or slow down - it’s incredible!

It’s the first time in my life that I have been in a gym and never felt ‘judged’. I realised that everyone at G14 is here for the same reason and you can really feel this - everyone just giving their best!

It’s hard to explain how small things they do so consistently influenced me so much. I will never forget Ben saying to me never to say ‘sorry’ to him or any of the other coaches for not managing to complete an interval fully or keep up for any reason. Small things like this had a massive influence on my confidence.

What they have created it absolutely amazing, I could work at my own level and yet feel the energy and positive motivation of training with other people. The heat rate technology they use is fantastic - it never lies. They can ‘see’ exactly how hard everyone is working. Sometimes they would encourage you to rest and at other times try and push you that little bit harder. It amazing how quick my fitness levels shot up and up and up!

In just 4 months my whole life has been turned upside down - I feel like a new person! I’ve lost over two stone, i’m leaner, stronger, fitter, confident and so much happier. My relationship with nutrition has completely changed and my body loves it too. I have so much more energy now to get out there and enjoy life!

I have realised that there is no ‘end’ to my goals and that it’s very much a lifestyle! So instead of putting pressure on myself I decided to do what the guys said. Focus on one day at a time, focus on create long term changes to my habits and above all enjoy it! I’m not ‘ there’ by any means, but for the first time ever I have realised I never will be. Exercising regularly and eating well is now just a part of my life and Im loving how it makes me feel.

G14 is a very very special place and you have to come and see for yourself! If you feel lost they will help, guide and support you in every way possible - you are not alone here!

Ben, David, Oliver and James I can't thank you all enough, you have truly changed my life. I remember the first day I met you and I asked you 'not to ever give up on me'. The answer you gave was ‘no’ - well you have well and truly kept your word.


When I joined G14 I met a team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. I undertook a 14 week programme which produced amazing results! What G14 have taught me is imbedded for life; I know I will never revert back to old ways!! I recommend anyone unhappy with their body to join G14!


To the Fab Team at G14

Though I had been a regular runner and with little method behind it. I was lacking in focus, guidance and any positive results. I felt that I would benefit from personal training, I joined G14, I had spent year’s yo-yo dieting and constantly battling with my weight. My confidence was low and I was extremely unhappy with my body. I followed numerous ‘diet’ plans, counting calories, where the sole focus was (A) number produced on the scales each week. Although I lost weight following these plans and my running, they predominantly promoted low-fat, high carb intake, consequently I did not feel good about myself; I was extremely disappointed at the end with the results.

When I joined G14 I met with the team of experts who devote themselves to helping people reach their goals and transform their bodies. The team are very professional, friendly and fun! My trainers, Ben & Joe, implemented the G14 plan which produced results. Within one week of following the nutrition plan, I felt in tune with body and had considerably more energy and I was more relaxed.

Ben personal approach by understanding my strengths and weaknesses meant he was able to tailor make a plan to suit me. Ben taught me so much about nutrition and my body; every training session was unique and I thoroughly enjoyed every single one. My wellbeing was always top of his agenda, and achieving optimum results. His dedication, constant support and motivation spurred me on throughout the process; he made training fun and provided sound advice whenever I needed it.

The perception I have of my body is now positive. The knowledge I acquired has been phenomenal; I know I will never revert back to old habits, I recommend to anyone unhappy with their body contact G14 Thank you.


The team at G14 are brilliant, having just completed the September 2013 programme I now feel fitter, thinner and healthier than I have in years.

The team provide you with their knowledge, guidance and support throughout the programme to help you learn and change your lifestyle.

Their programme is really practical and effective, no measuring food or calorie counting, it brings nutrition back to basics.

I would thoroughly recommend G14, my trainer James was great and the rest of the team are ace too.


The best decision I made in 2013 was to join G14. James and the team are just amazing. The whole team, Ben, Joe, James and David are very professional and friendly. I did not feel at all intimidated. The very first moment I stepped into G14 I was put at ease with the smile and enthusiasm. I would recommend,without hesitation, anyone wanting to get visible results and confidence to join G14. 14 weeks just fly by. I am now back there!


Thanks David and the G14 team for your guidance and programme. Didn't think I would be able to do it but your encouragement and support made it easy and enjoyable. Finally I have managed to put the nutrition and exercise together and see the results without falling off the plan. It really does work and it isn't that hard to do, would recommend the course to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.

Can't wait to start my second course in January.


My story is like many others – lifelong battle with weight issues, yo-yo weight loss efforts with some small successes only to regain it (plus more), waking up every day not liking what I saw in the mirror, and the battered self-esteem which goes along with all of that.

At 41 years of age I had really had enough of that holding me back. I wanted to be healthy and happy, not just for a short time, but for a lifetime. My upcoming wedding was an excellent motivator, however my outlook went way beyond that.

It was by luck, or perhaps serendipity, that I came across G14. From my initial consultation with Ben I had a strong feeling that G14 was going to be different. Naturally I was apprehensive, but I couldn’t wait to get started.

G14 is not about quick fix, magic pills, potions or starvation. It is common sense nutrition and exercise with the goal of creating a leaner and healthier you, and importantly, sustaining that long-term. And it works!

I saw noticeable results within 3 weeks, dropped 1-2 dress sizes within 14 weeks, and at 9 months (my wedding day!) I was leaner and fitter than I have ever been having lost 20kgs (over 3 stone!). The physical improvements are plain to see, but in conjunction with that I am more positive, and have more energy and enthusiasm for life.

To get to this stage it has meant some changes in routine, which at first was daunting and took time and effort, but before I knew it I had adapted, formed new habits (my ‘new normal’) and was on the path to health. I thrived on the accountability from the G14 coaches. Not only did it help me to stay on track, but they were all a constant source of advice, motivation and energy for achieving my goals. They have a genuine and real passion to help people change and it shows!

Now 12 months on, with less accountability I continue with my ‘new normal’. All coaches are very much still ‘there’ for me. As I grow fitter and stronger my training is tweaked to ensure it continues to offer variety and new challenges. What does not change, however, is the commitment from the whole G14 team.

Each visit to G14 is unlike any typical gym visit. Here, you are welcomed by name and friendly banter. The gym itself is really well equipped, not intimidating, never crowded and everyone in there is on a similar journey.

Your goals are the G14 goals – a leaner, healthier you for the long-term. They want to see you succeed and bring about change, and will be there every step of the way to educate you and encourage you. With their guidance, I truly believe that if you put the work in, you can do nothing but succeed.

Imagine waking up every day and the first thought in your head NOT being how unhappy you are with yourself.

This is now my reality!


Love this place. The guys are helping me to get in the best shape I have been in for 15 years! Can't compliment them enough. A great environment to work out in and get excellent and sustainable nutritional advice. Worth every penny.


I've just finished the May Programme and had a great experience with G14. They make going to the gym enjoyable, and their knowledge really shines through.

So much so I'm back for the September Gym Programme :) Thanks James & all the guys


I've just finished my 2nd program & have literally never felt so good! The G14 boys are brilliant, particularly my personal trainer, David who has been there encouraging me when I felt like I couldn't go any further. My body shape has changed dramatically (so I've been told) and the compliments I've been getting are very nice indeed!

I would recommend G14 to anyone who wants to change their outlook on exercise & nutrition. I never imagined that eating 4 balanced meals a day could help me lose so much fat!

Can't wait to go back in January 2014!


I've been a client of G14 for a number of years now and I can't recommend them enough! They have developed a well being program that is second to none and combines both exercise and nutrition to help you achieve real results in a defined period of time. The team at G14 are brilliant motivators and experts in what they do and the facilities feel exclusive with everything you could need. Reading all the great reviews here is testimony to all their hard work and passion in setting up such a great place and helping so many people, keep up the excellent work!


Having hormone and weight problems since the age of 9, I've forever been reading Health magazines, been to many different classes and even bought exercise equipment at home. With lack of motivation I thought this is my last straw and invested my time and money into a programme that I was personally looked after on a daily basis. Not only have I lost that struggling stone but also a dress size! It was a challenge as I'm not used to eating a breakfast, but now I can't go a morning without one. A total education that makes a lot of sense. A complete shock of seeing the before and after pictures, this has motivated me to continue on my own. I now have the confidence and self esteem to say I can easily lose another dress size before Christmas and my 33rd Birthday in January! Thank you for putting me in the right direction.


Great team, great studio, great results! I thoroughly enjoyed my 14 week programme and am feeling better than ever. Thanks guys!:)


G14 is the best! These guys are with you every step of the way. They are not like any other gyms out there. If you want to see results but don't know where to start then i would definitely recommend G14.

I will be returning-no doubt about that. :-)


G14 is amazing. This is no generic gym, they genuinely care about getting you the best results and they are brilliant at what they do. The focus is firmly on nutrition and before I started G14 I thought I knew about healthy eating, but I learnt a whole new way of thinking about food and the results have been life-changing. I lost weight by eating more, I feel fantastic and my friends and family say I look younger. My sleep patterns used to be terrible, I was always tired and I would swerve past any gym. Now, my sleep is better, I have more energy and I love the efficiency of the G14 workouts and feeling strong again. The team is supportive and positive - and fun, and the atmosphere is always friendly and welcoming.

Above all, the genius of G14 is that it is sustainable. It has given me a blueprint for healthy living that I know I can continue. I can't thank David and everyone at G14 enough. After 14 weeks I feel like a different person, it is one of the best things I have ever done.


Finished one programme with fantastic results. For the first time in my life I actually felt in controll of my weight. And it felt awesome ! Wasn't easy but with David's continues support I was making progress . I have a strong addiction to sugar so there's still lots of work to be done ... I'm looking forward to going back for a second programme and strongly recommend G14 for anyone!


Don't give it one more thought - just do it - sign up now !! In 14 weeks I saw some amazing results but most importantly it has given me the kick start I needed and the tools and know how to be able to continue with the new healthy lifestyle that I now love. The guys at G14 are amazing, full of energy and passion for what they do and that rubs off on all of us . Just 3 months has made the biggest change to my life ever !! Thank you G14 !


Being sceptical at any offered program on getting in shape and fat loss programs in 14 weeks, it took me a while to sign up at G14. Glad I did! I completed the program with incredible results. It was well worth the money and effort and I got what was promised. A healthier life, lean body composition and so much more energy.

I can highly recommend this program to any one who is determined to loose body fat and get in shape.

For all those sceptical people out there.. This WORKS for real.

The tools given, both on nutrition and exercises will enable me to stay lean, healthy and energised.

If you want a body composition make over, G14 is the way to go..

Thanks David, Ben, James and Joey for being there during the journey!



Amazing 'family' to be a part of. I've never felt so engaged in a regime before, and having struggled for 25+ years that's a big statement. I really can't praise the guys enough. I can highly recommend G14 to anyone out there that is thinking of taking the step to make a change. Come join us and see for yourself

More about G14

G14 is located at 111 Power Road, W4 5PY London, United Kingdom
020 8144 1889