Ireca Uk

About Ireca Uk

The I. R. E. C. A. Method is a simple effective technique used to balance our Energy Centres. When in balance, the Energy Centres are able to bring our human organism into equilibrium, leading to optimal health and wellbeing.

Ireca Uk Description

The IRECA Method

The I. R. E. C. A. Method (developed by the Institute for Research on Applied Cosmic Energy, based in Italy) is a simple effective technique used to balance the Energy Centers (EC's). When in balance, the EC's are able to bring our human organism into equilibrium, leading to optimal health and wellbeing.

Practicing IRECA involves learning to use intention and attention (‘presence’), with an attitude of non-interference to facilitate energetic changes in the mind-body, typically for therapeutic and /or performance enhancement purposes.

To this end, it employs the familiar operational framework of ‘energy centres’ and ‘energy transmission’, common to many other traditional systems and techniques; the primary function of which is instrumental, however, not explanatory (the question of the sense in which these constructs ‘really exist’ considered unimportant for practical purposes).

The Treatment

An IRECA energy application lasts only a few minutes. The practitioner uses the Energy Centres to channel energy, helping the body to return to its natural state of balance. Upon receiving an energy application, and as the treatments progress, one may experience improved vitality, mental clarity, calm, and a reduction of stress. The technique is an effective complement to conventional medical treatments.

By Learning IRECA, you will:

* Learn how to maintain and strengthen your energy balance.
* Learn to distribute energy in the whole body
* Learn to be Helpful towards States of Distress and Illness
* Learn how to transmit Energy at a distance through of Intention
* And You Will learn how to harmonise the Cellular memory, Stress Reduction and Assist the release from traumatic memories

By Practicing IRECA, you will:

* Regain Physical Stamina
* Develop the tools to Deal with Stress
* Improve your Focus and Concentration
* Become more Resistant to Illnesses
* Increase your Emotional and Mental Well-Being
* Refine Your State of Deep Presence
* Learn to Use Correct Intention

How Does IRECA Work?

The human organism interacts, as all living forms do, with that inextinguishable energy source that is the universe. In all of the ancient traditions, attention has been given to the Energy Centres located within the body.

The centres are being seen as receptors and transmitters of this energy (the Chinese call it ‘Chi’, in India, ‘Prana’), influencing the state of health of their corresponding organs, and consequently, the individual’s health. Our fast pace lifestyle, stress, environmental toxins and other factors, threaten the healthy function of these Energy Centres. Subsequently, an Energy Centre imbalance is experienced and can be visibly demonstrated through varying degrees of physical illness and emotional upset.


London & South East:
Barbara Baum | barabaum@yahoo. co. uk | 07900825609

Bath & South West:
Masha Kastner | 07702 477 857 | mashakastner@yahoo. co. uk
David Moss | 07791 908 262 | davidjmoss69@yahoo. co. uk

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Steve Little | steve@gardeningwithlove. co. uk | 07758122343