
About Skinetica

Quintessence by Skinetica is the ultimate single skincare solution which works on both male and female skin. It deals with all your skin’s challenges, from acne and breakouts to protecting it from makeup, bacteria and pollution.

Skinetica Description

Skinetica is an anti-blemish, acne treatment product for all types of skin, it soothes clears and calms your skin, has no side-effects and is non-greasy.

There are many happy users of Skinetica who often send their positive experiences of Skinetica, and how it has helped them clear their skin.

It is dermatologically tested and approved, and contains no harsh chemicals. It is also an excellent toner, and makes an effective base /foundation for make up, stopping it running even in the hottest climates.
Makeup can be applied as normal on top of Skinetica after it has air dried. It is best used twice daily - there is more information at www. skinetica. co. uk /faqs

Skinetica can be bought here on Facebook (click the tab at the top) and direct from the website.



This is me today - Spot free skin after using Skinetica for 8 days. Take a look below to see how I was before. thank you from the bottom of my heart ! Maya xx


This is how I was 8 days ago ! Maya


It might be just one little zit, but old fashioned creams and lotions don't work. Shrink it to zilch with Skinetica.


Skinetica in action at the molecular level.


Do you suffer from acne, spots and blemishes ? Forget about all those old fashioned creams and lotions that don't work, and are highly toxic and make your skin sore. Use the guaranteed nano technology of Skinetica to get rid of all your acne and spots in a few days, with absolutely no side effects.


Tracy sent us these pics with handclaps and thanks:
We don't know how long this transformation took but we reckon 7-10 days !


This is me before I used Skinetica !


Hello everyone! I’m so lucky that I’ve come across Skinetica! This little thing works wonders. I’ve been battling with acne for years and tried so many different things to get rid of it with no good results. I’ve tried antibiotics, home remedies, monthly treatments, went to GP hundreds of times and no luck. I’ve been using this for 2 months now and it literally changed my life!! Look above to see the before and after, the difference is insane. I totally recommend Skinetica if you have any blemishes. Head over to and get yours now. the bottles are now £6!!’


Tried everything i could on my skin and nothing worked until i tried skinetica and after a week these were my results, so so so happy thanks so much. 😍 Kathryn xx
Take a look on our page below to see how Kathryn was last week !


This is my skin last week before using Skinetica ! Kathryn x


After only 2 weeks my skin has now cleared up almost 100%. I love Skinetica Jackie xx


This is my chin after using Skinetica for just 5 days. All spots gone and perfectly smooth ! I just love it. Thank you so much ! xx Jo (take a look below to see how it used to be !)


This is what my chin used to look like before I found Skinetica. Jo.


The sun is out, Spring is coming, the daffodils are blooming, and so is my acne ! Thank goodness for Skinetica, enabling me to be a blemish free part of the beautiful new season.


This is my chin before I used Skinetica. See below 5 days later !


My lips no lie. This is my chin after using Skinetica for 4 days: See above how it was 5 days ago !


This is my forehead 2 weeks ago. See below how I am today after using Skinetica. ka


I've been using Skinetica on my spots for 2 weeks and the results are amazing. Take a look above to see how I was before. ka.


All the pics/videos on this page are from real Skinetica users who have voluntarily sent them in to us. None of them are professional photographers or models, so please understand these are real actual results and not carefully posed pics !

More about Skinetica