
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Triveda

The objective of Triveda is to help you maintain balance and restore health through diet, lifestyle, Ayurvedic Herbs, Detox & Cleansing Retreats & Workshop

Triveda Description

Triveda was founded in 2009 after working for 2 years within established Ayurvedic Clinics in London; Shymala Ayurveda in Holland Park and Ayuspa in Kenton. I wanted to start my own business and specialise in certain chronic conditions that I have seen Ayurveda providing great results with.
This facebook page is primarily to provide with lifestyle and dietary tips based on Ayurvedic principles.



Here are the 10 factors that determine or contribute to ill health, beautifully explained here by Dr Robert. Its the way we interact with these factors that determines whether we maintain good health or move towards illness. This is one of my favourite Slokas (verse) in the Classics as it empowers us to become more aware of how we interact and respond to everything around us.


Beautifully said by one of my favourite teachers Dr Robert Svoboda


Its all coming together.....
I would love some feedback on my label designs for the new Dina Charya - Ayurvedic self care range I am about to introduce to Triveda products.
Below are two label designs, they have a self print contemporary leafy design in the background which is hard to pick up and I may go darker with it.
... Would love to hear: Which label colour you prefer and why
Whether the focus should be on the range "self care" or "product name - Daily Massage oil" by gradient colour
Which caps look better - black only or black and chrome
Any other suggestions also welcome....
We shall also be introducing our Organic range of capsules, Classical range (formulations) and Botanic range (special formulations) which will be represented by different colours. The lime green is for our self care range.
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Join us this evening for our 1st session on Ritu Charya, Sutra Sthana chap 3 with DrVijay Murthy, where we will be discussing the effects of seasons on digestion and immunity.
Here are some snippets of our last session on Sadvrutta or ethical living.
Details and registration on


Join us this evening for our 3rd session on Asthanga Hridayam - Sutra Sthana, looking at the final slokas on Dina Charya - Sadvrutta or good conduct for living a healthy happy life. Details and registration


Very informative session last week on Dina Charya! The benefits of daily routines such as Nasyam, nasal drops and their effect on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Thank you DrVijay Murthy. This Wednesday 26th Sept we shall be covering lifestyle choices and their effects on health. Details and registration


Join us this Wed 19 Sept at the YWCA, for our next session of Classical Ayurveda where we shall be discussing how to advice, exercise and engage in physical activity as a health intervention, considering Ayurvedic perspectives with DrVijay Murthy
Details and Registration


Celebrating Ganesha, remover of obstacles, beacon of wisdom May we learn from our challenges and face them with courage; may all our undertakings be blessed; may we be wise in our decisions Om Gam Ganapataye Namo Namaha
The beautiful Gabriella Burnel chanting with love and joy!


Thank you DrVijay Murthy for an inspiring evening discussing Asthanga Hridayam Sutra Sthana and the concepts of Dina Charya. Thanks to all those who attended.
Our next Seminar is on Wed 19 Sept. Details and registration are here
Here is a snippet from yesterday's session. Hope to see all those passionate about the Classics in the coming 5 sessions.


Join us tomorrow evening for our 1st seminar on the importance of Daily regimes in the maintenance of health and well being with DrVijay Murthy Seminar starts at 7 pm at The Bridge, YWCA, London Bridge. Details and registration: Hope to see you all there!


Our first seminar on the Importance of Daily regimes for health starts this Wednesday 12 Sept at The Bridge, YWCA, London Bridge.
Seminar is discounted for APA members and is aimed for Ayurvedic Practitioners and Yoga teachers and students of Ayurveda
Hope to see you all there! Full details and registration on


There has been a lot of research suggesting that human genes have lost the ability to perceive and stay in tune with the circadian rhythms of nature.
Chronodisruption, a term used by scientists has been linked to a host of health concerns. In our urban busy lives more and more of us are becoming disconnected from our bodies physiological needs from environmental cues.
In all Ayurveda Classical texts, great emphasis is placed on the importance of staying connected to the of nature through practising Dina Charya (daily regimes) and Ritu Charya (seasonal regimes).
From Sept 12 to Nov 14th, Triveda and Dr VijayMurthy will be hosting a series of 6 seminars studing and discussing the importance of Circadian rhythms for health and well being, from Asthanga Hridayam, Ayurveda classical text.
For details on each seminar and registration:
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Transition of seasons is the perfect time for an Ayurvedic Cleanse.
Summer is when the Pitta Dosha (fire/heat) accumulates in the body due to the hot season. As the leaves dry up and the wind begins to blow, Vata dosha begins to take over, fueling the excessive Pitta fire.
Liver is our bodies’ natural detoxifier and closely associated with Pitta Dosha. If the two systems in our body – the Liver and our Digestive system get overwhelmed we start to accumulate Ama or toxins whic...h can lead to our existing conditions getting worse or create new issues.
A Cleanse this time of the year focuses on flushing out the toxins as well as the accumulated Pitta.
An autumn cleanse is particularly beneficial for skin conditions. I recommend all my eczema clients, even those who have healed their eczema to undergo a gentle cleanse to prevent aggravation in the coming cold season.
If you are experiencing any health issues that seem aggravated this autumn then I would recommend you find an Ayurvedic Practitioner near you for a seasonal cleanse.
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Love this blog by Om Swami on kindness. Its come at a time when I am closely looking at coming from a place of kindness especially when this is challenged by the way others behave.
As Omi Swami rightly says "Kindness does not mean you do something without finding out what the other person actually requires. In other words, sometimes what you think is beneficial to the other person may not actually be of help to them at all. Kindness is being sensitive and open towards others.... For, openness and sensitivity will automatically evoke the emotion of kindness in your heart. Once you experience that state, you will not only naturally act in a kind manner but will think and feel kind too"
Without kindness, we can’t be neither empathic or compassionate, much less forgiving or humble.
The words of Maya Angelou also come to mind "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"
Be kind to yourself and others. Towards everything and everyone.
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Tips for Kapha: Kapha’s are the easiest people to travel with as they ideally don’t want to do much! Their dream holiday is a sun lounge, a book and meals as and when they want them.
Their sweet, easy nature makes them ideal travel companions for Vata and Pitta types. If this resonates with you then bear in mind this loving nature can also bring Kapha imbalances.
... If you are a Kapha then you probably love a routine….which holidays can ruin! Especially if you happen to be travelling with a Vata type who cannot stick to a routine or a Pitta type who is too excited to stay with a routine.
The key for Kapha is to try and make a routine that will help maintain their stability. Stick with a meal plan and try not to snack or indulge in a treat in between meals. Overeating can be a Kapha tendency, so have 1 main meal (lunch) and 2 smaller meals. Eat foods that are light and easy to digest. If you are tempted to have a dessert after both meals then make them a sharing one.
Trikatu is a great Ayurvedic digestive support blend if you suffer from bloating, heaviness and feel sleepy or lethargic after meals. You can take this before meals to aid and stimulate digestion. (Trikatu is available from our online store).
Make sure you get some activity, a sun lounge and skipping the holiday excursions might not be the best thing for the heavy, slow and dense Kapha energy. Swim or go for a walk after every meal to avoid sluggishness and heaviness after eating. Avoid napping in the afternoon!
Make some Kapha space to do what you want! Kapha’s easy accommodating nature can sometimes go with the flow with what others want to do; this can create resentment and a sense of not having had a “proper” holiday.
So make some time during your day or in the week to unwind in the way you like, reading, swimming, having a massage or just spending some “me” time.
After all it’s your holiday too!
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Travel tips for Pitta: If your tendency is to get heat rash, an irritable bowel, heartburn and indigestion then you are more than likely to be a Pitta type of traveller. These are when the hot, sharp, oily, liquid and spreading qualities of Pitta are aggravated.
The thrill and adventure of holidays appeal to my Pitta nature and I tend to want to do everything it has to offer….the sheer excitement can tip my delicate Pitta balance.
... Pitta’s have a strong appetite and can overeat or try too many different things at the same time, overloading their digestion causing heartburn and an irritable bowel. If you are a Pitta then eat slowly allowing your body to signal when it’s full.
Avoid spicy hot food whilst travelling or have it in moderation. Eat plenty of cooling foods such as cucumbers, melons, coriander and mint. Spicy food, plenty of alcohol and hot weather are a lethal combination for Pitta!
For heartburn Aloe Vera juice or food grade gel is soothing. Alternatively make a yogurt drink called Takra by blending 1 part yogurt to 4 parts water, add some fresh coriander and drink after your meal.
As much as you want that tan stay out of the sun from 12 am till 4 pm, as this is when Pitta is at its peak. Always wear sun protection, sunglasses and a hat to keep Pitta cool.
The most important aspect for Pitta is to be spontaneous and flexible. Pitta’s like to have structured planned holiday and can get irritable if things don’t quite go their way! If you are a Pitta understand that your companions may have a different holiday dynamic to yours.
Let go, laugh when things don’t go as planned and be spontaneous for a few weeks.
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To all the teachers and Gurus who have blessed my life. Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah! Happy Guru Purnima Day!
This is one of my favourite Mantras, as it recognises the value of the Guru’s teachings and is ultimately an expression of gratitude for all spiritual teachers and elders and the guidance they give in overcoming ignorance and finding self-awareness and awakening.
Today is an excellent opportunity to enhance any spiritual development, as its not just Guru Purnima but also t...he longest total lunar eclipse where the gravitational effects multiply the effect of our Sadhanas.
I love this explanation of Guru from Jivamukti (link below) “Guru is the remover of darkness: Gu means darkness, and Ru means remover. Darkness refers to what obscures the light of awareness.
Guru is the enlightenment principal that aids one in the realization of the true Self, the whole Self, the holy Self. The guru removes avidya, or ignorance, which is a case of mistaken identity. It is when you think you are your personality, mistaking your body/mind container for who you are and ignore who you really are. It is when you feel separate from the whole.
By reciting this mantra with a sincere heart, you will see that the power that enlightens is all around you at all times. The mantra asks for the ability to see the guru in all names and forms, and even to acknowledge, love and serve the guru who you cannot see, who is beyond all visible forms. The guru is your own self, the inner guiding light” a/
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Travel Tips for Vata: Vata being the elements of air and space tends to go out of balance for most people whilst travelling, especially if flying to your holiday destination.
This is when the Vata qualities of dryness, rough, subtle, mobile and cold get further aggravated. If you are a predominant Vata type of personality you might experience dryness of the eyes and skin, constipation, insomnia, fatigue and dehydration more than others.
... To keep Vata in balance stay hydrated! Start drinking plenty of water the day before you travel and avoid any alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks the day before you fly and during your journey.
Alcohol during your flight can be very tempting but dehydrating as you are starting to get into the holiday spirit! I allow myself just 1 glass of my favourite drink and then it’s plenty of water throughout. Avoid having any dry foods or snacks on flight such as dried nuts or fruits.
Stay warm whilst travelling as the cold and dry air can further dehydrate Vata. Use a good face oil to moisturise your skin from the night before and during your flight. Keep a good hand cream handy. I use Kumkumadi tailam as wonderful Ayurvedic face oil (more of this oil in my coming posts) or even Rosehip oil.
Constipation can be a common travel side effect – so hydration is key, eat light and easy to digest food on flight with lots of fibre and fruits. Triphala is a wonderful Ayurvedic blend of 3 fruits: which has a mild laxative effect, balances all Doshas as well as a rejuvenating effect on the cells.
To help with constipation, take two Triphala tablets in the evening before bed with a warm glass of water. I tend to start taking Triphala the day before I travel and continue to take it till my body regulates itself.
Sleep disturbance or insomnia is another symptom of Vata disturbance. If you are unable to sleep on flight then avoid over stimulation by watching too many movies, instead listen to music and rest your eyes. Once you reach your destination try and create a routine around sleep patterns.
Vata’s love to stay up late and get easily fatigued with the travel, activity and over stimulation around them.
Moderation is the key for Vata travellers!
Triphala is safe to take for all Doshas and available online and from our Triveda online shop.
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Ragini has guided me through my Panchakarma cleansing.

From the beginning to the end, Ragini was very supportive and I really felt looked after. Before the cleansing we met at Ragini’s home clinic in Harrow to talk about my condition. It was when I realised I am in a very knowledgeable and professional hands. Ragini was really trying to understand the reason of my condition before preparing my individual cleansing plan and prescribing any herbals.

I would definitely recommend her to everyone who is looking for the professional help and advice doing Panchakarma at home.


I love the massages from Ragini's healing hands- my definition of heaven!


Ragini has guided me through my Panchakarma cleansing.

From the beginning to the end, Ragini was very supportive and I really felt looked after. Before the cleansing we met at Ragini’s home clinic in Harrow to talk about my condition. It was when I realised I am in a very knowledgeable and professional hands. Ragini was really trying to understand the reason of my condition before preparing my individual cleansing plan and prescribing any herbals.

I would definitely recommend her to everyone who is looking for the professional help and advice doing Panchakarma at home.


I love the massages from Ragini's healing hands- my definition of heaven!


Ragini has guided me through my Panchakarma cleansing.

From the beginning to the end, Ragini was very supportive and I really felt looked after. Before the cleansing we met at Ragini’s home clinic in Harrow to talk about my condition. It was when I realised I am in a very knowledgeable and professional hands. Ragini was really trying to understand the reason of my condition before preparing my individual cleansing plan and prescribing any herbals.

I would definitely recommend her to everyone who is looking for the professional help and advice doing Panchakarma at home.


I love the massages from Ragini's healing hands- my definition of heaven!

More about Triveda

Triveda is located at 4 Shepherds Court, 35 Sheepcote Road, Harrow HA1 2JS, SW8 2L London, United Kingdom
07775 627183
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -