Yoni Pearls Uk - Waltham Forest

About Yoni Pearls Uk - Waltham Forest

Womb Healing for women that suffer from: Fibroids-Cysts-Infertility-BV-Thrush-Looseness- Dryness-Odour-Hormone Issues-Abortion-Miscarriage-Endo + more

Yoni Pearls Uk - Waltham Forest Description

Dear women! Unfortunately, we must recognize that gynecological pathology in our time is so common that finding healthy woman is now very difficult. A vicious circle: the gynecologist's office - pharmacy - expensive regimens pharma, have more side effects than treatment effects - temporary relief . . . and again a visit to the gynecologist . . . Who of women is not familiar? Answers - not familiar units. Is there an alternative? We doctors do not get tired surprising effect of exposure to a small miracle called "pearls", seeing the results of this remarkable product even in women who consider themselves healthy. If you approach this name from the medical point of view, it would be: "vegetable candle" because the first negative reaction of many gynecologists was connected with the name because ordinary cotton-gauze pads to put more than 4 hours is prohibited because of the risk of infection. This plant fitosvecha (swab) - a very powerful antiseptic and can be in a woman's body from 3 nights or more, adjusting her health. And many think gynecologists now respond with great respect about this product. A great many women who gave birth after already ceased to dream about it! Women, get rid of inflammation and tumors! Women avoid surgery to remove the uterus and appendages! And finally - women looking younger, prettier, loving and beloved! Only for this wonderful little ball of herbs can compose hymns of thanks! And for much more! And now - more about him:
Fitopearls - improving production production Hong Kong. Recipe taken from ancient sources of Chinese medicine, with more than 5, 000 years. Recreational and prophylactic pearlss conform «GMP» (international quality standard). Manufactured under strictly sterile conditions, contain no chemical additives have been more than 1, 000 clinical studies have confirmed that pearlss are safe, non-toxic, does not have any side effects.
Treatment and prevention fitopearlsy consist of several dozen kinds of natural Chinese traditional components. Main ingredients: angelica, "dragon's blood" Bornean camphor, lilac, acacia catechu.
Antigipoksanty and antioxidants. Antihypoxic and antioxidant effects of therapeutic and prophylactic fitopearlsov.
Hypoxia or anoxia - sample pathological process that adversely affects the reproductive health of women. Oxygen is needed by the body for the synthesis of a source of free energy - adenosine triphosphate (ATP). With its lack, hypoxia, decreased function of all cells, formed immunodeficiencies. Tissues of the body, especially the reproductive organs become vulnerable to "attack" pathogens. Against the background of functional disorders formed degenerative-dystrophic processes.
Hypoxia triggers the accumulation of oxidized products - free radicals. Recent form powerful destructive oxidation reactions, increase mutagenicity
All the plants that make up the fitokompozitsii are powerful antigipoksantami, t. e. eliminates symptoms of oxygen starvation, normalize microcirculation, whereby there is a normalization function of the reproductive organs, improves the turgor and elasticity of tissues.
Plants, included in the fitokompozitsii, are also powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants - a large group of biologically active compounds, which are widespread in nature: tocopherols (vitamin E), carotenoids (beta-carotene - a precursor of vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), selenium, etc . . The spectrum of biological action is very diverse and is caused Basically their protective functions expressed in the ability to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals.
In fitopearlsah powerful antioxidant natural compounds have united under the title "Flavonoids". This phenolic compounds - yellow, brown or other color pigments that have expressed a variety of effects on the body (both general and local).
Flavonoids regulate the functional state of the capillary walls, reduce their fragility, improve metabolic processes in the vascular wall, improve the body's resistance to negative external factors, exhibit anti-allergic, antispasmodic and onkoprotektornyh action.

Fitopearlsy recommended:

For healthy women:

- The extension of youth (supported production of sex hormones);
- improve blood circulation and complexion, reduce wrinkles and their depth;
- improve breast shape;
- increase libido (there is a rejuvenation of the vaginal walls (reduced in size) is tightening of the uterus that has a positive impact on sensations during intercourse;
- protection against pathogens while traveling (when compliance with the usual hygiene standards can be broken), while bathing in pools and natural vodoymah after unprotected intercourse;
- prevention of gynecological problems;
Women with gynecological diseases, such as:

- Inflammation of the urogenital area (adnexitises, cystitis, cervicitis, vaginitis, etc. ) vyzvannyerazlichnymi pathogens;
- violation of the hormonal balance (irregular menstruation, painful periods, abnormal menopause, vaginal dryness, etc. );
- Infertility;
- benign tumors (fibroids, fibroids, fibroids, polyps, cysts, endometriosis);
- urinary incontinence associated sopuscheniem pelvic organs;
- breast;
- cervical pathology (erosion, pseudo, dysplasia, leukoplakia).
Women after gynecological operations for:

- Rehabilitation of the organism, the normalization of endocrine regulation of the female body;
- the destruction of the reasons that led to surgery.
Photo Shoot. What pulled Chinese pearlss

Different women prevention * pearlss pull different content. It is noted that in healthy women who buy pearlss for prevention but updated epithelium (in the form of thin tissue paper) does not work. In women with cysts and polyps goes contents as in the photo below. pearlss update epithelium, where hotbeds harmful pathogenic organisms - sources of the disease. Together with an infected epithelium leave polyps and cysts. Over and over again with each new pad will be cleaning the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix . . . Also pathogenic entities can go pus, intercellular fluid.

Action fitopearlsov:

- Anti-inflammatory.
- antihypoxic - protects tissues from oxygen starvation.
- Antioxidant - binds free radicals.
- normalize the microflora of genitals.
- harmonizes the endocrine balance.
- Regenerating tissue.
- geroprotective - protects against aging.
- onkoprotektornyh - protects against tumors.
Pay attention!

After application of 1 unit. drug 99% of women there is a noticeable effect: fitopearls displays pathogens from the body naturally. And this can be seen potsess! Often this is accompanied by unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, drawing pains). In appointing fitopearlsov need to consider the length of the menstrual cycle: fitopearlsy begin to apply from 6-7 days from the beginning menstruatsionnogo cycle and stop for 5-6 days before the next menstrual period. For women suffering from vaginal dryness, elderly women fitopearls before use is recommended to hold for 3-5 minutes in purified water at room temperature, and further dipped in olive oil (the first Chinese pearlss cause further dryness sensation).

- Application fitopearlsov not recommended during menstruation, as well as pregnant women, nursing mothers and virgins.
- During the period of fitopearlsov not recommended to conduct intimate life. Sex is possible after three hours after removal of the pearls and douching.
- After surgical interventions statement fitopearlsov recommended six months after surgery.
Recommendations for use:

Preventive course involves the use of 6 fitopearlsov within 1-1. 5 months (in a row), and then supporting course - 1 month pearls. Cure for the relief of acute inflammation is 6 fitopearlsov in conjunction with urological patches (at the navel) and orthopedic plasters (on the lumbosacral area). If we have problems with the "sex" of the system, then they are automatically and "urinary" system. This is evidenced by the mere name "genitourinary" system. Therefore, it is advisable to use fitopearlsa with urological and orthopedic plasters. The observed enhancement effect several times. Cure gynecological diseases involves the use of 12-30 units of the product for 3-6 months in conjunction with the Comprehensive Program for the restoration of the female body.
How to use:

Open the package with clean hands. Before using a pearls unwind collapsed lanyard. Before the introduction of the maximum relax and gently enter the pearls into the vagina as deep as possible to the posterior fornix (between the cervix and the back wall of the vagina), the tip of the lanyard at the same time must be outside. After the correct entry you will not feel a pearls inside. After 3 days the swab to remove, gently pulling the tip of the lanyard. After removing the need to carefully prosprintsevat vagina herbal broth or saline (at least 2 liters). Sex life can be conducted in 3 hours after removal of the pearls. Next fitopearls administered 24-48 hours after removal of the previous one.
Phytohormones (plant hormones). Harmonisation of hormonal levels via health-care fitopearlsov (plant hormones)

With the onset of puberty in the reproductive organs of the female body, periodic changes, called cycles. Their regulation is carried out neuroendocrine system.
It starts with the production cycle of the hypothalamus of the brain specific hormones - neurohormones that stimulate the pituitary gland. Under the influence of pituitary hormones in the ovary of mature follicles containing the egg. Follicle produces the production of female sex hormones - estrogen. In the middle of each cycle, ovulation occurs - the output of a mature ovarian follicle capable of fertilization of the egg. As you approach ovulation, especially directly during ovulation, there is a reorganization of functions, as genitals and body as a whole. These changes occur under the influence of hormones-estrogen.



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More about Yoni Pearls Uk - Waltham Forest

Yoni Pearls Uk - Waltham Forest is located at London, United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom