Amser Babi Cymraeg - Abc - Activities For Babies And Children

Monday: 19:00 - 08:00
Tuesday: 19:00 - 08:00
Wednesday: 19:00 - 08:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 08:00
Friday: 19:00 - 08:00
Saturday: 19:00 - 08:00
Sunday: 19:00 - 22:00

About Amser Babi Cymraeg - Abc - Activities For Babies And Children

Annog teuluoedd i fagu plant yn Gymraeg drwy rannu gwybodaeth am ddim ar y we. Sesiynau ar gael ar gais.
Offering online support for families who want to raise their children bilingually in Wales. Sessions available upon request.

Amser Babi Cymraeg - Abc - Activities For Babies And Children Description

(English follows) Gwybodaeth ar gyfer rhieni newydd, babanod a phlant gyda phwyslais ar ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg mewn awyrgylch hwyliog a diogel.
Information for new parents, babies and children focusing on providing an enjoyable and safe environment where the use of Welsh is encouraged.



Oes rhywun wedi dysgu Cymraeg efo SSIW? Fase chi’n argymell y ffordd yma o ddysgu Cymraeg i rywun arall? Anyone here learning Welsh with SaySomethinginWelsh? Would you recommend this way of learning Welsh?


Cyfarfod am ddim yn Tŷ Pawb Wrecsam 7 o’r gloch nos Iau yma! Rhannwch ogydd 🙂 A free meeting at Tŷ Pawb this Thursday evening! Please share 🙂


Rhannu rhag ofn bod rhai ohonoch eisiau arwyddo’r ddeiseb yma!
Sharing in case some of you would like to sign this petition!


Waw 3 mlynedd wedi mynd ers i mi ddechrau sefydlu Amser Babi Cymraeg. *** Wow! It’s 3 years since I started to establish my little Activities for Babies and Children business!
#Penblwydd #Birthday #busnesbachcymraeg ... #smallwelshbusiness #smallbusinessowner #parenting #rhianta #Cymraeg #Welsh #bilingualism #bilingualismisagift #dwyieithog #iaim #birthlight #CanMilRheswm Cymraeg byd busnes: Welsh for business
Diolch i bawb sydd wedi fy nghefnogi o’r cychwyn cyntaf. Does dim sesiynau abc yn ystod yr wythnos ar hyn o bryd (wedi gorfod ffeindio gwaith llawn amser dros dro i dalu biliau 😨) - ond dwi’n bwriadu dychwelyd i wneud yr hyn rwy’n ei garu yn y dyfodol agos! Cadwch mewn cysylltiad - faswn i wrth fy modd i wybod be’ ‘di hanes yr holl fabanod dwi wedi gweitho efo erbyn hyn 😍 I’d like to thank everyone who has supported my venture from the very beginning. I’m not able to run ABC weekday sessions at the moment (I’ve had to find a full time job for the time being that pays the bills 😰) but I do intend to return to running these sessions in the near future! Please keep in touch, I’d love to know what your little ones are up to now 😍
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Mae angen i ni feddwl am yr impact ar y byd bob tro dan ni’n prynu . . . er mwyn ein plant 🌎 We must think about the impact of everything we buy on this world. . . for the sake of our children 🌏


Gobeithio y cewch chi ddigonedd o amser i chwerthin efo'ch gilydd dros gyfnod y Pasg 🐣 Wishing you plenty of opportunities to laugh together over the Easter period. 🐣


Dwi’n mwynhau cyflwyno’r llyfr yma mewn sesiwn ABC ac yn hoffi tynnu sylw rhieni at y ffaith bod anifeiliaid yn gwneud sŵn gwahanol mewn ieithoedd gwahanol! Dwi wedi ffeindio erthygl wych sy’n trafod hyn 😍 37
I love reading this book in my ABC sessions and encourage parents to notice the different sounds the animals make in Welsh and English! Now I’ve found a fantastic article that discusses this 😆
... 37
#animals #anifeiliaid #Language #Iaith #Dwyieithrwydd #bilingualismisagift #bilingualkids #bilingualproblems #bilingualbaby #Cymraeg #multilingual #multilingualbaby #multilingualparenting
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Wrth fy modd efo'r erthygl yma! Oeddech chi'n ymwybodol bod anifeiliaid yn gwneud swn gwahanol mewn ieithoedd gwahanol? This is a great article! Were you aware that animals make different sounds in different languages? 🐷 soch soch/oink oink 🐹 bow wow/woof woof 🐑 mee mee/ baa baa... 🐝 bsss bsss - darllenwch yr erthygl i ddarganfod pa swn ma' gwenyn Japanieg yn ei wneud! Read the article to find out what sound a Japanese bee makes!!! 😃
#multilingualism #bilingualbabies #bilingualParenting #Dwyieithrwydd #Amlieithrwydd #Rhianta #Cymraeg
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Fase chi dod i ddosbarth ABC ar ddydd Sadwrn neu dydd Sul yng nghanolfan hamdden Yr Wyddgrug neu Bwcle? Gadewch sylwadau isod ogydd! Would you attend an ABC baby massage or baby yoga class on a Saturday or Sunday at Mold or Buckley Leisure Centre? Please leave comments below!


Ydach chi'n nabod rhywun hoffai ddod i hwn? Do you know anyone who would like to attend this informal meeting this Thursday Theatr Clwyd?


Pa driciau fyddwch chi’n eu gwneud heddiw? what tricks will you be playing today?
#DyddFfŵlEbrill #AprilFoolsDay #motherhood #rhianta ... #Hiwmor #SenseOfHumour #Jôc #Joke
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#PethauBychain sy’n gwneud ni’n hapus! Paned mewn caffi efo mam ar #SulyMamau
#LittleThings make us happy! Enjoying a cuppa in a cafe with mum on #MothersDay
... #MamHapusTeuluHapus #HappyMotherHappyFamily @ Lot 11 Express
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Mae'r erthygl Saesneg yma’n hir, ond wirioneddol werth ei ddarllen. Mae'r tad yn siarad Arabeg gyda'r plentyn (yr iaith leiafrifol) a'r fam yn siarad Twrceg - llawer o agweddau tebyg yn perthyn i'r Gymraeg ac Arabeg. Diolch i Mehmet Ates am rannu ei stori! ***This English article is long, but worth reading. The father speaks Arabic (minority language) to his son and the mother speaks Turkish - there are many similarities between Welsh and Arabic raised in this article. Thank you Mehmet Ates for sharing your story ❤ #Mamiaith #SulyMamau #MotherTongue #MothersDay #LifeWithNoPrejudice


Beth Jones o #Dinbych yn arddangos y sgiliau defnyddiol mae hi wedi dysgu yn ystod cyfnod mamolaeth!!! Dach chi wedi cael amser i ddatblygu sgiliau newydd????
#Hilarious evening! Here’s a clip of Beth Jones from #Denbigh demonstrating how she used her maternity leave in a constructive way!!!! Have you had time to develop some new skills???
😂🤣🤪😜🤩... #NosonGomedi #ComedyNight #MaternityLeave #CyfnodMamolaeth #Parenting #Rhianta #MamNewydd #NewMum #NosonDda yn The Royal Oak, Hendre heno!
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Ydach chi dyfaru bod yn ddwyieithog? Ydy siarad Cymraeg a Saeasneg yn fanteisiol i chi? Fyddwch chi’n rhoi yr un cyfle i’ch plant? Do you know anyone who regrets being bilingual? Do you wish you could speak Welsh? Will you do everything you can to support your child to become bilingual?


Dach chi'n cael trafferth setlo'r plant? Ydy cerddoriaeth yn gweithio cystal a hyn i chi? Are you finding it difficult trying to settle the little ones? Have you tried the magic of music?


Ma' canu i blentyn mor brydferth ac yn bwysig ym mhob iaith! #AtgofionHapus Singing to a child is so beautiful, and it's important in every language! #HappyMemories 🎶🎵 ❤️🎵🎶


Waw!!!! 1600 yn hoffi’r dudalen FB yma. Oeddech chi’n gwybod bod posib dilyn Amser Babi Cymraeg ar Trydar, You Tube ac Instagram hefyd? Wow!!!! 1600 people have liked this Facebook page. Did you know that Amser Babi Cymraeg is also on the following platforms :- Twitter, Instagram and YouTube


Would highly recommend these wonderful baby massage classes. Bethan is an amazing teacher who has lovely energy and made the group feel so welcome and connected.Martha and I really enjoyed learning the various massage techniques through singing in Welsh 😊 and learning about the importance of the language in families today. Great to have some welsh to bring back with me to Ireland 🍀😀 Diolch Bethan X


Would highly recommend these groups. I took my son Matthew to baby massage in the summer and just completed baby yoga today. I've learnt a lot and even picked up some of the catchy Welsh songs, which Matthew loves me singing to him.


We attended baby massage sessions with Bethan and are sad that our sessions have ended. Bethan is a brilliant instructor, the sessions are very relaxed if baby sleeps or needs a feed during the session it does not matter. The sessions were a small group which was really nice. As well as learning baby massage which helps my little one relax, you also have the bonus of meeting other mums who have a wealth of different experiences. If you are interested in introducing Welsh (or not) to your little one these sessions are brilliant, it does not matter if you have never spoken Welsh before.

We would recommend these sessions �


Thank you to Bethan for such a lovely course. We completed the baby massage and we’ve both loved it! I think Jay would be happy to keep coming back time and time again! Thank you �


Thank you Bethan for such an enjoyable few weeks at baby massage. Both Callum and I really enjoyed the classes and enjoyed learning some Welsh along the way to.

The class is great for learning massage techniques for babies that you can continue doing at home and gives you chance to meet and chat to others mums, for us it was a great first class to do.


My daughter and I had a wonderful time on Bethan’s baby massage course. It was such a calm, relaxing, enjoyable experience for us both and I feel like I learnt a really useful skill. It was also lovely having some one to one time with my baby away from the hubub of every day life as a parent.

Bethan is extremely knowledgable, friendly and caring. Little touches like making sure all the mums had a drink and asking fun questions at the start of the session to help us relax and get to know each other were great. I would definitely recommend baby massage and I’m looking forward to taking some of her other classes. Diolch Bethan. X


Jack a fi wedi mwnhau tylinio babi cyn yr hâf a splash a chân bore ma. Jack & I have enjoyed baby massage before the summer & started splash & sing today.


If you are pregnant or just had a baby get yourself down to Bethan's groups. She is fantastic. No need to know any Welsh beforehand. Can't recommend her enough. Attending these classes on my maternity leave were one of the highlights of my year. .


I would definitely recommend Amser Babi Cymraeg classes. I did the baby massage course which was not only really informative, but was great fun and I met some lovely people. Bethan is amazing and it’s obvious that she genuinely cares about the mums and babies, she is more than just an instructor. We’ve also been to the story and rhyme time sessions with my 4 year old - he took an immediate shine to Bethan as she is so good with children and knows exactly what to do to keep them amused and tailors the classes to suit their needs. You don’t need to be a welsh speaker to attend the classes. Diolch Bethan!


I took my daughter when she was 10days old and she absolutely loves the class! It really relaxes her :)


I thoroughly enjoyed the baby massage course I attended with Bethan. Very relaxing and spoilt to be offered drinks. Thanks Bethan


I moved to Wales when I was 10 although I did Welsh in school I never used it once I left and most of what I thought I knew was based on road signs and insults. The sessions with Bethan really surprised me how much I actually knew and gave me a little more confidence to use it with my son


I attended baby massage class in mydynn isa with my baby who was 4 weeks old at the start. As a new mum who isn’t a welsh speaker- I was terrified going to a class on my own. I attended every class and I loved every single one. Bethan makes you feel so so welcome and relaxed. During my first class my little boy just sobbed and wasn’t impressed as a new mum I had one of those mummy melt downs Bethan was so reassuring and understanding she explained to just pick our babies up and feed them and she was totally amazing. I’m gutted our baby massage course is over. We then attended rhyme time classes & yoga and loved all of them!! Thankyou for making my maternity leave so enjoyable and running such wonderful classes and helping me meet some other amazing mums! They are brilliant I have learnt so much in songs the massage and the welsh! Michael loves you and you’ve helped give me and luke and michael a fantastic start in our journey!

I’ll see you soon x�


I attended a Baby Yoga course with my 7 month old baby... from the beginning Bethan’s warm nature made us feel relaxed and very welcome. We enjoyed the sessions so much and found it very informative and relaxing for myself and my little girl. I will definitely be attending more events that Bethan holds in the future!


Hi Bethan- just wanted to say how much Dylan and I have enjoyed your sessions and how sad we are that they are both finished.

We have attended Sblash a Chàn and Yoga and have absolutely thoroughly enjoyed each session.

I have never attended a yoga session before and can't believe how much I enjoyed it- a postnatal class that offers joint benefits, developments and enjoyment for mum and baby. And the idea of Dads massage class- Genius!

You have such a happy, infectious personality who makes new mums (& Dads) feel calm and comfortable and your supportive, caring attitude towards breastfeeding mums makes your classes extremely comfortable and welcoming.

We have loved every single class!

You are a very special lady and I would (already have) recommend your classes! We wish you all the luck in continuing to develop ABC! �


Diolch Bethan for such lovely classes. Chris and I thoroughly enjoyed the baby massage classes. The dads and babies was brilliant as most classes are with mainly mums. I also enjoyed baby yoga and taking time to relax. I loved the bonding time and learning new skills.

You made everyone feel welcome and I appreciated the time you took to chat with us all. Even making sure we were comfy and well hydrated. Little touches.

Your passion for the welsh language is admirable too, we sing Evan a welsh lullaby every night thanks to hearing it in your classes x


Baby yoga was a wonderful way to spend time with my 3month old Edith, Beth's beautiful singing lulled us both into a relaxed refreshed state and the lovely atmosphere created within the group meant we got to forget everything else and simply enjoy time together learning tenchniques for both my recovering body and Edith's developing coordination. Highly reccommend x


Annabelle and I have really enjoyed attending baby massage classes this term. Bethan is a great teacher and a fantastic host, making everyone welcome with cups of teas and juice! We have learnt lots of Welsh songs and we are looking forward to baby yoga in the new year. Diolch!


Alys and I have really enjoyed the stori a chân sessions. Alys is a bilingual baby as her dad speaks Welsh so its been great for her to hear more Welsh, and for me to learn some songs to sing with her at happy.


Would highly recommend these wonderful baby massage classes. Bethan is an amazing teacher who has lovely energy and made the group feel so welcome and connected.Martha and I really enjoyed learning the various massage techniques through singing in Welsh 😊 and learning about the importance of the language in families today. Great to have some welsh to bring back with me to Ireland 🍀😀 Diolch Bethan X


Would highly recommend these groups. I took my son Matthew to baby massage in the summer and just completed baby yoga today. I've learnt a lot and even picked up some of the catchy Welsh songs, which Matthew loves me singing to him.


We attended baby massage sessions with Bethan and are sad that our sessions have ended. Bethan is a brilliant instructor, the sessions are very relaxed if baby sleeps or needs a feed during the session it does not matter. The sessions were a small group which was really nice. As well as learning baby massage which helps my little one relax, you also have the bonus of meeting other mums who have a wealth of different experiences. If you are interested in introducing Welsh (or not) to your little one these sessions are brilliant, it does not matter if you have never spoken Welsh before.

We would recommend these sessions �


Thank you to Bethan for such a lovely course. We completed the baby massage and we’ve both loved it! I think Jay would be happy to keep coming back time and time again! Thank you �


Thank you Bethan for such an enjoyable few weeks at baby massage. Both Callum and I really enjoyed the classes and enjoyed learning some Welsh along the way to.

The class is great for learning massage techniques for babies that you can continue doing at home and gives you chance to meet and chat to others mums, for us it was a great first class to do.


My daughter and I had a wonderful time on Bethan’s baby massage course. It was such a calm, relaxing, enjoyable experience for us both and I feel like I learnt a really useful skill. It was also lovely having some one to one time with my baby away from the hubub of every day life as a parent.

Bethan is extremely knowledgable, friendly and caring. Little touches like making sure all the mums had a drink and asking fun questions at the start of the session to help us relax and get to know each other were great. I would definitely recommend baby massage and I’m looking forward to taking some of her other classes. Diolch Bethan. X


Jack a fi wedi mwnhau tylinio babi cyn yr hâf a splash a chân bore ma. Jack & I have enjoyed baby massage before the summer & started splash & sing today.


If you are pregnant or just had a baby get yourself down to Bethan's groups. She is fantastic. No need to know any Welsh beforehand. Can't recommend her enough. Attending these classes on my maternity leave were one of the highlights of my year. .


I would definitely recommend Amser Babi Cymraeg classes. I did the baby massage course which was not only really informative, but was great fun and I met some lovely people. Bethan is amazing and it’s obvious that she genuinely cares about the mums and babies, she is more than just an instructor. We’ve also been to the story and rhyme time sessions with my 4 year old - he took an immediate shine to Bethan as she is so good with children and knows exactly what to do to keep them amused and tailors the classes to suit their needs. You don’t need to be a welsh speaker to attend the classes. Diolch Bethan!


I took my daughter when she was 10days old and she absolutely loves the class! It really relaxes her :)


I thoroughly enjoyed the baby massage course I attended with Bethan. Very relaxing and spoilt to be offered drinks. Thanks Bethan


I moved to Wales when I was 10 although I did Welsh in school I never used it once I left and most of what I thought I knew was based on road signs and insults. The sessions with Bethan really surprised me how much I actually knew and gave me a little more confidence to use it with my son


I attended baby massage class in mydynn isa with my baby who was 4 weeks old at the start. As a new mum who isn’t a welsh speaker- I was terrified going to a class on my own. I attended every class and I loved every single one. Bethan makes you feel so so welcome and relaxed. During my first class my little boy just sobbed and wasn’t impressed as a new mum I had one of those mummy melt downs Bethan was so reassuring and understanding she explained to just pick our babies up and feed them and she was totally amazing. I’m gutted our baby massage course is over. We then attended rhyme time classes & yoga and loved all of them!! Thankyou for making my maternity leave so enjoyable and running such wonderful classes and helping me meet some other amazing mums! They are brilliant I have learnt so much in songs the massage and the welsh! Michael loves you and you’ve helped give me and luke and michael a fantastic start in our journey!

I’ll see you soon x�


I attended a Baby Yoga course with my 7 month old baby... from the beginning Bethan’s warm nature made us feel relaxed and very welcome. We enjoyed the sessions so much and found it very informative and relaxing for myself and my little girl. I will definitely be attending more events that Bethan holds in the future!


Hi Bethan- just wanted to say how much Dylan and I have enjoyed your sessions and how sad we are that they are both finished.

We have attended Sblash a Chàn and Yoga and have absolutely thoroughly enjoyed each session.

I have never attended a yoga session before and can't believe how much I enjoyed it- a postnatal class that offers joint benefits, developments and enjoyment for mum and baby. And the idea of Dads massage class- Genius!

You have such a happy, infectious personality who makes new mums (& Dads) feel calm and comfortable and your supportive, caring attitude towards breastfeeding mums makes your classes extremely comfortable and welcoming.

We have loved every single class!

You are a very special lady and I would (already have) recommend your classes! We wish you all the luck in continuing to develop ABC! �


Diolch Bethan for such lovely classes. Chris and I thoroughly enjoyed the baby massage classes. The dads and babies was brilliant as most classes are with mainly mums. I also enjoyed baby yoga and taking time to relax. I loved the bonding time and learning new skills.

You made everyone feel welcome and I appreciated the time you took to chat with us all. Even making sure we were comfy and well hydrated. Little touches.

Your passion for the welsh language is admirable too, we sing Evan a welsh lullaby every night thanks to hearing it in your classes x


Baby yoga was a wonderful way to spend time with my 3month old Edith, Beth's beautiful singing lulled us both into a relaxed refreshed state and the lovely atmosphere created within the group meant we got to forget everything else and simply enjoy time together learning tenchniques for both my recovering body and Edith's developing coordination. Highly reccommend x


Annabelle and I have really enjoyed attending baby massage classes this term. Bethan is a great teacher and a fantastic host, making everyone welcome with cups of teas and juice! We have learnt lots of Welsh songs and we are looking forward to baby yoga in the new year. Diolch!


Alys and I have really enjoyed the stori a chân sessions. Alys is a bilingual baby as her dad speaks Welsh so its been great for her to hear more Welsh, and for me to learn some songs to sing with her at happy.

More about Amser Babi Cymraeg - Abc - Activities For Babies And Children

0 74 84 88 35 30
Monday: 19:00 - 08:00
Tuesday: 19:00 - 08:00
Wednesday: 19:00 - 08:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 08:00
Friday: 19:00 - 08:00
Saturday: 19:00 - 08:00
Sunday: 19:00 - 22:00