Bath In English Homestays

About Bath In English Homestays

One-to-One Full-Immersion Homestay English Language Courses in The Historic City of Bath, South West England

Bath In English Homestays Description

Study one-to-one with your English teacher in your English host family's home in the beautiful Georgian City of Bath, England.

Full immersion is the fastest way to learn the English language. You will experience the culture and day-to-day life of your hosts, teachers and tour guides. You will only speak English for the whole duration of your course!

Homestay accommodation with some of the finest families in the area will enhance your learning through daily conversations and interactions in English.

We tailor your course to include anything between 15 and 30 lessons per week at a time to suit you. Your course start date is flexible but a weekend arrival is preferable. All courses include: homestay accommodation, 3 meals per day plus any refreshments, all study materials, a trip to the Roman Baths and an attendance certificate at the end of your course.


当校が提供するのは、学生それぞれのニーズに合わせたオーダーメードの英語コースです。講師はいずれもCELTA認定の英語教師資格、または英国の大学の修士号(もしくはその両方)を有しています。いずれも経験豊富で、優れた技能により選抜されています。講師は学生個々人にきめ細かく配慮し、1対1の個人レッスンに100% の熱意を傾けています。








Beautiful photos there Sofia! I hope you don't mind us sharing 😉


Isn't this a beautiful sight!?


We are in love with Bath in the month of May. Wouldn't you be?


We absolutely love Bath in May! Don't you?


We are looking forward to welcoming all our students arriving early this week... we hope you have a safe flight!


July is a busy time with many international students coming to Bath... let's take a quick look at the weather forecast! It looks like they will be able to enjoy a little sunshine!


If you still have no plans for tonight... why not enjoy some opera?!


Whilst governments, laws and opinions can change, there are things that will remain the same throughout centuries.


What a stunning place this is...! Even on a wet and cloudy day we can still enjoy the beauty of Bath! Never been here? You are missing out!


How did you celebrate Father’s Day yesterday? People often celebrate this day by treating their dad and making him feel special!


What is Bath most famous for?? Is it the Roman Baths, is it the Royal Crescent, is it Bath Abbey… What is your opinion?


What does SUMMER mean for you? Is it beautiful sunny days, tasty cream teas or even a relaxed picnic in the park? How are you going to make your summer special?


Out and about in BATH… Why not get involved in the Bath Fringe Festival? Our beautiful city contains many talented artists and performers. Ends on the 12th June, so be sure not to miss out!!


Our Academic English student Leela is writing an English report on the Buskers of Bath tonight!


We can't wait to explore the RIver Avon and go punting this Friday


Our new video shows you what is involved in our one-to-one English homestay courses. In this video you see our Spanish Student Elena's fantastic experience with her host family, English teacher, and native English companion. Full immersion is the way to go!


The elegant withdrawing room in Number 1 Royal Crescent where our students get their inspiration to indulge in a classic high tea at one of Bath's many traditional tea rooms


Our lovely Spanish student Elena with her English teacher :)

More about Bath In English Homestays

+44 (0) 1225 581185