Be Karma With Kim

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 20:00

About Be Karma With Kim

Aromatherapy essential Oil Blends, Facial & Body Products, made from high quality pure ingredients. Yoga, Meditation, Stability Ball, Muay Thai, Swimming.

Be Karma With Kim Description

I began my Holistic Lifestyle when i started working ful time and could afford to buy my own food and try to lose weight, as my Mum's cooking was wonderful, but meanth that both her and the rest of the family ate well but not healthy.
Having watched her live a limiting lifestyle due to her obesity, after having us 4 children in just 6 years, i decided to have a different life.
My Mum Audrey was a very Intelligent Articulate Lady, she heard of 'Weight Watchers in America' and that it had come across to Great Britain, so wrote to the company, telling them of the great need there was in Port Talbot, for such a Life Changing Lifestyle.
Weight Watchers listened and a Class was set up in the Towns YMCA.
My Mum and my Nana Pember were the first Members to join the happy band of Dieters.
Nana lost all 5 stone of herexcess weight in just 6 months. However my Mother lost very little and would get very upset when leaving the class every week. So much so that her first call would be to the Italian Cafe which was then in the same street as the Y, MCA at Talbot Road, which was on the opposite side of the road to our home in 10 Cwrt Ucha Terrace.
I tred my own diet which was from a book , it was called 'The 'F' Plan. It was very popular and i did quite well with it, mainly as it focused on removing empty carbohydrates like bread, cakes, pastry, biscuits and pasta and replacing then with high bran and fibre foodstuffs.
When i became a Mother to James this realy changed my life, as i was breast feeding him so wanted to make sure he was having the best possible nourishment he could.
When it was time to ween him, i bought a Health Book on 'Feeding your baby naturally. '
He developed Asthma, so this provided me with another challenge and a chance to learn about Alterbnative Therapis.
I was not happy with him being Hospitalised at his worse and on pumps at his best, so looked for a 'Homeopath' we was a retired GP in Morriston Swansea.
He advised and prescirbed Echinacea Tinture, which although tasted fowl, James took for me easily. He also advised that at the change in seasons, i. e. Spring and Autumn, I should increase Jemes' Zinc and Vitamin C intake to Boost his own bodies Immune System.
All these helped and James was never Hospitalised again, nor did he need the Nebulizer which was bought for him from fundraising by 'Port Talbot Round Table;' which my the Husband was a Member of.
I then ?Donated it to our GP Practice. This showed my faith and determination to follow this Holistic Lifestyle, for myself and my sons, as Nathan had then been born.
I also taught myself basic Massage and used Cypress Essential Oil mixed with a Carrier Oil, as this is what seemed to me wiukd help him most, at that time.
When i was able to Qualify in Swedish Massage at my local College, i furthered my knowledge of its benefits. I then studied Indian Head Massage in an intensive summer clouse at 'Coleg Glan Hafren' Cardiff.
With Just these 2 Qualifications, i opened my first Therapy Rooms, which interestingly enough were at the YMCA.
I then started Studying 'Sports Therapy' at the local college.
Then I was doing an Indian Head Massage Demonstration, for Bryn School, Port Talbot, at a Fund Raising Evening , in 'The Royal Oak'. Another Lady was doing a makeup Demo for ' Body Shop Direct' so i asked her how I became a Demonastarer with the, . She gave me her managers phone number and within 6 months i was to be Invited by its Founder and Owner 'Anita Rodick' to a Garden Party at her new family Home in East Sussex, England.
I found this lady a great Inspiration, witn wonderful ethics in Fair Trade and eco friendliness.
It was with @Body Shop Direct' that I learned all about Essential Oils, their amazing benefits and gained my 'Advanced Aromatherapy' Qualification.
Next I learned Reiki, which was again lifechanging. I became a reiki master in a very short time, but had to change master after the Reiki Second Degree as the Master I was Attuned to them by, kept having chest infections.
The Second reiki master I encountered brought me more into the Spiritual World as she was involved in the Spiritual Church and mediumship. However she suffered from ultiple Sclorosis and said that only when Reiki didnt work did she take her medication. This of course showed a total lack of faith and discipline, in her chosen Mastery.
However I continued in my growth and many Huge Challenges came my way.
I also gained more Qualifications, including in 'Further Education Certificate, ' which opened the door for local Adult education Providers, which started with the WEA , Workers Education Association. The with Life Long Learning.
I then bacame a hatha Yoga teacher, Pre and Post Pregnancy Yoga Teacher and am now studying Holistic Nutritional therapy, which will then complete all my learning needs.
I will be selling my Home of 11 years in a week and with the equity will be opening my first 'Health and Well Being Centre' which has been my Dream for the past 16 since my painful divorce.
This will be called 'Pure heart-calon Lan, Community Enterprises. '
It will be in the main town high st called Station Road. Easily accested from the Train and Bus Station, with lots of car parking and space in the rear for a Bike Park.
I will also be living in a rented flat a few doors along the street, so this will give me the much needed refuge and a closeness which will mean thee will be no need for transport apart from my own foot power.
all has been so amazing this past few years, as the lessons got harder, i became stronger and more Aware of my own words and actions creating my reality ! ! !
So now to continue with clearing out the old to make way for the New ! !
May we each find beauty within and without , to Create Heaven on Earth ! ! Namaste <3



Preparing my new treatment room ☺


Classes starting next week in Swansea. Then in Aberdulais, Neath.


All is progressing wonderfully !


I will be doing Spiritual Relaxation Evenings and Events shortly with my new business partners, watch this space !
Big shifts happening, go with the flow or risk drowning in your own fear, Love is the answer to Everything ! <3


So much has happened over the past few years. Traveling through 20 countries and 3 continents was amazing, but left me unsure of where to settle. But for now it's back in the green green grass of home. Recording a meditation CD on Wednesday. Then doing some taster classes around Swansea voluntarily, before moving to Neath and setting up classes there and in Swansea. So watch this space as everything is now clicking into place ☺


I'm folks I have been organising new venues to teach my classes in here in Swansea. On Wednesday I went into Burns Fitness opposite the Railway Station and met John Burns who has run the place for 25 years. What an Amazing man he is and such a hard working person who loves what he does and is not a money motivated establishment machine like so many I have met, and there have been many I can tell you ! So I will be going back there today after emailing the WEA to look at up classes funded health and well-being classes there. On Wednesday evening I walked past the Salvation Army Church in Richardson Road and found that open, so I went in and found the Brass Band preparing for practice. I was immediately welcomed and I explained I am looking for suitable venues to set up Yoga and Meditation Classes. The last took me to see the beautiful newly refurbished and carpeted room upstairs. It overlooks the Vets Park and is perfect for taking Adult and Children Classes as Well as Drug and Alcohol, Homeless and Mental Health Groups and Individuals Classes.
Finally I went to The Dylan Thomas Centre on the Marine and foubdvit to be a most Wonderful building that has a Theatre, Events Hall and many other rooms that I can use for Management Meetings etc to set up the Committee of Pure Heart-Calon Lan Community Enterprises Swansea. So watch this space Swansea as I am about to Rock Your City with Living Intention ! Have a great day much love Kim 💘💗💝👌✌👊
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Siam Delicious thank you for my Beautiful Birthday Meal with my Fabulous Son Nathan in February, I will bring him for a meal soon ! 💗👌✊


Good day World <3


So all as always is good in Kim's World !
Im off to Carmarthen on Sunday to do more filming and editing.
I have booked my first Venus for my Oga Classes.
... It is NSA Sandfields Road Community Centre.
It will be an afternoon class from 2.30 -4.00 p.m.
Suitable for all levels and toddlers can come along swells.
So turn up with a Yoga Mat or contact me and we will sort one out.
All you need to do is wear comfy clothes and an open mind.
First class will be on Fri 3rd November ring me on 07763 756825 <3
Much love Kim :-) <3
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Lara Bragger Rhian Weaver Christine Kenifick Amanda James


Good Day World !
Well what an amazing time I have had since my life changing 16 weeks travelling!
Came home to get clarity on where I will go next, so with just a month until I move out of my rented home, I am sorting, DE cluttering and organizing myself big time.
... On 14th October I am planning on backpacking to Pembroke on the train, then crossing over to Southern Ireland on the ferry. Seeing the many wonders of that area, before travelling up to Northern Ireland, then crossing over to Scotland, seeing that and as many of its beauty spots, before travelling down through England and back to Wales.
On November 1st I fly from Cardiff to Amsterdam, then on to Dubai where I will spend 2 days before travelling on to Sri Lanka for 3 months. For the first month in Sri Lanka I will be joined by my Adopted Son Semakula Denis from Uganda. For the remainder of my stay I will be recording the third part of my life story which will be entitled. Endings and Beginnings, Soul Journey to Twinflame.
After my time in Sri Lanka I will return to South Wales for a week or two to visit my family and book my flight to Uganda, where I intend buying land and building houses next to Starlight Junior School and Orphanage.
So enjoy every day, change your plans if they no longer suit your needs, as your life is your responsibility and no one else's !!
Lots of Love, Light and Laughter , Kim Elizabeth Pember-Thomas XX
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More about Be Karma With Kim

Be Karma With Kim is located at Swansea Community Workshops, 208 High Street,, SA11PE Swansea, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 06:00 - 20:00