Bmb Fitness

Monday: 06:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:30
Friday: 06:00 - 20:15
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:30
Sunday: -

About Bmb Fitness

We specialise in Functional Fitness for individuals looking to improve their Health and Wellbeing. Feel stronger and healthier, both in and out of the gym

Bmb Fitness Description

We specialise in Functional Fitness for individuals looking to improve their Health and Wellbeing. Feel stronger and healthier, both in and out of the gym



RobвАЩs before and after is an inspiration to us all рЯТ™рЯПї
WeвАЩve watched Rob grow immensely since joining BM. A friendly and supportive face at the box, heвАЩs a great energy to be around and gives nothing less than 110% effort to his training рЯПЛрЯПївАНвЩВпЄП
This year already heвАЩs participated in numerous CrossFit competitions, with plenty more in the pipeline IвАЩm sure!
... Now for a few words from Rob...⧵пЄП
вАЬI am so much more confident in social situations since joining BM Barbell. I work in a very small team in the farm and so donвАЩt see many people day to day.
The gym has given me another interest and IвАЩve found IвАЩve made some great friends through training each day with you all.
These photos show how the gym has changed my lifestyle. IвАЩm so much healthier now, diet and whole outlook on life is more balanced and IвАЩm enjoying that change!вАЭ
Great work Rob - keep it up рЯСКрЯПї
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в≠РпЄП Huge congratulations to member Lindsay who absolutely smashed her 100kg Deadlift goal out the water last week! рЯТ™
With more on her journey, here she is! рЯЧ£
... WHAT DO YOU DO: Police Officer
FITNESS/SPORTING BACKGROUND: Played lots of sport in my younger years and since then IвАЩve just played around in gyms and with running. Never really knew what I was doing and never really got anywhere!
WHY THIS TYPE OF TRAINING: A need to generally become fitter, plus IвАЩve always wanted to lift weights but never had the courage to do it. A friend and fellow CrossFitter recommended CrossFit and I could see the differences it had made to her, so it was a simple decision to make. Now I can lift weights and much more
HOW OFTEN DO YOU TRAIN: Three times a week, would like to do more...
WHAT DIFFERENCES HAVE YOU NOTICED: I now enjoy fitness and pushing myself to my limits and then some. I would never do that in a conventional gym working out alone. IвАЩve become more flexible and gotten stronger physically. I also generally eat better now as IвАЩm more aware of the difference it makes to gaining your goals and smashing the workouts
SHORT TERM GOALS: Overcoming my long term mental battle with box jumps and working on my gymnastic skills more
WHY BM BARBELL & FITNESS: Coaches are friendly and knowledgeable. All the members are friendly and encouraging. It doesnвАЩt matter if you are the last one completing the WOD, others will be there cheering you on to complete it
OTHER INTERESTS: Travel and my 3 year old wannabe CrossFitter son!
WORD TO NEWBIES: Never say вАЬI canвАЩtвАЭ - youвАЩll surprise yourself what you can do, and with a bit of training you will be able to achieve even more. Everything can be scaled to your fitness level so thereвАЩs no excuses for not participating in a certain movement etc. Try to ignore the aches on your first week, it will get better I promise!
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CrossFit comp approaching? Or do you just want a little taste of what itвАЩs all about?
вЮ°пЄПThis is the class for you!вђЕпЄП
... Competitors' training at BM covers everything you need to ensure optimal preparation and performance for competition.
Skill, form, endurance, pace, team work, movements that regularly occur, pre and post nutrition and more....рЯТ™рЯПї
This Sunday sees some of our Competitor class members partake in the same sex 3вАЩs comp at CrossFit Wolfram so a HUGE good luck to them!
Want to get Competition ready with us? DM the page today for more information рЯУ©
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3пЄПвГ£ Three classes a week рЯПГвАНвЩАпЄП Improved fitness рЯТ™ Increased strength... вЬ® Growing confidence
Now tell me you don't want to try CrossFit? рЯШЙ
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Are you new to our page? рЯСА
Not everyone here know's who we are, what we do or what we're about рЯТ™
рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП What is CrossFit?
... With varied, high-intensity functional movements, CrossFit is a training philosophy that coaches people of all abilities, ages and body types to improve physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness in a tough yet accepting and encouraging environment.
рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП Can anyone do CrossFit?
YES! CrossFit is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect option for anyone regardless of experience. So do not fear us! Rather than having different workouts for everyone, thereвАЩs ONE workout each day that is completely scalable to your level of experience.
рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП How do I sign up?
We offer memberships to suit everyone. For more information just visit our website where you'll find everything you need to know about us, our people, our environment, our classes, and MORE!
We hope to see you soon! рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄПрЯЩМ
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What a fantastic Kids' Parkour Workshop with Alex Grinter today рЯШД
Taking them through: рЯ§ЄвАНвЩАпЄП Falls & Rolls рЯ§ЄвАНвЩВпЄП Vaults & Precisions... рЯ§ЄвАНвЩАпЄП Swinging & Traversing Bars рЯ§ЄвАНвЩВпЄП Butterfly Kicks & Cartwheels рЯ§ЄвАНвЩАпЄП Front Flips & Jumps
With some super games added into the mix рЯ§©
We couldn't have asked for more - even the shyest of children got stuck in, made big progress and had great fun alongside рЯЩМ
Special thanks to Progress Gym for use of their crash mat рЯШК
And thank you Alex - can't wait until the Adults' Workshop!!
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Tomorrow = #FreeFriendFriday рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄПрЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩВпЄП
рЯТ• Bring a friend to BM for FREE рЯТ•
If you're thinking about trying CrossFit then Fridays are the perfect opportunity!
... Come on down and get a feel for the sport, our environment, people, and even better, get involved in one of our classes рЯЩМ
All classes are coached by qualified CrossFit and Strength and Conditioning coaches вЬЕ
Tag your friends below and we'll see you tomorrow! рЯСЗрЯСЗрЯСЗ
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#TipTuesday рЯТ°
вЮ°пЄП The Importance of Programming for Performance-Based Goals вђЕпЄП
"A basic programme performed consistently and progressively will reap more benefits than a complex programme performed half-arsed". On the topic of programming for performance-based goals, this quote resonates well.
... WeвАЩve all had those times. We get to the gym and follow a session loosely from a programme and the next day we're in again doing bits from another programme. In a sense, that's fine - youвАЩre in the gym, you're active, you're moving. More than the majority are doing today!
But there is a time and a place for loosely following a programme. In Strength & Conditioning this is referred to as GPP (general physical preparedness) - but if youвАЩre working towards a specific performance-based goal, you need to stay focused and stick to the programme you've been given.
Following a properly structured programme tailored to your goals will ensure progression in your training and will help with accountability. If the numbers arenвАЩt going up, your weight isn't coming down, times arenвАЩt getting quicker, or you arenвАЩt getting those extra reps in, with no other factors to consider (e.g. illness), the chances are you arenвАЩt following the programme correctly and neither being honest with yourself.
If want to get the most out of your training, then you must commit to your goal and your programme рЯТѓ
Here at BM we utilise tried-and-tested methods; programming based on proven, frequently-reviewed systems for optimal progress. In other words, we are committed to getting you the result you deserve. Everything is laid out for you, completely accessible. Which in turn will help you achieve the amazing results we know you are capable of рЯТ™
For more information on how we can help you with performance-based programming, drop us a message today рЯУ©
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Who wants to have some fun and learn super cool new skills?
This month the hugely talented Alex Grinter will be joining us at BM to run two fantastic gymnastics, parkour and acrobatics workshops. One for the adults and one for the kids - suitable for all abilities!
... Alex has over 10 years experience in parkour is the ONLY coach in Somerset to have a level 2 A.D.A.P.T parkour and free running qualification - the highest level in parkour coaching!
We are very lucky to have Alex at BM for these workshops so please take advantage of this opportunity, as well as his super skills and knowledge, whilst itвАЩs here! рЯЩМрЯПї
For more information, or to express interest, check out the Facebook events below.
рЯ§ЄрЯПївАНвЩВпЄП KIDS WORKSHOP - Sat 15th June: 370490/ (age 6+)
рЯ§ЄрЯПївАНвЩВпЄП ADULTS WORKSHOP - Sun 30th June: 810458/
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CrossFit connects and creates relationships рЯ§ЬрЯ§Ы
Come to BM and find your tribe! You won't regret it рЯЩМ
For more information, drop us a message today рЯУ©


It's that time again! рЯТ™
Set the clock and push today's session to the next level with this killer metcon workout рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩВпЄПрЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП
... Good luck рЯШЙ
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"If you never try, you'll never know!"
Nice one Harri рЯТ™
Thank you for choosing BM рЯЩМрЯПї We are so pleased to have you on board our ever growing community! рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП


MayвАЩs Member of the Month has been a long time due, but this month in particular has seen a lot come together for this lady.
Samantha joined us a little over a year ago, with some experience of CrossFit. Her attendance for quite a while was sporadic; Sam had been working up the energy and courage to come into group sessions with the main aim of improving her mental health вАУ at the time suffering badly with both depression and anxiety. Little by l...ittle, her health and confidence improvedвА¶
It was not always plain sailing вАУ there were periods where it was much more difficult for her to attend, but attend she did and kept the habit going and growing.
As her fitness & strength grew, so did her confidence & health, until she got into a positive loop where one fed the other! This took huge depths of mind and character вАУ making herself go even if she didnвАЩt feel like it вАУ and did it ever pay off рЯСП
The physical differences are obvious вАУ so much leaner, fitter, healthier-looking. But she now stands tall and confident. She is a very active, supportive person in classes. She is strong!
This month alone has seen her:
рЯТ™ Increase her Deadlift рЯТ™ Increase her Overhead Squat рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП PB her Power Clean рЯПЛпЄПвАНвЩАпЄП PB her Power Snatch рЯ§ЄвАНвЩАпЄП Attain Toes-to-Bar рЯ§ЄвАНвЩАпЄП Perform sets of Strict Ring Dips
Her mobility has improved hugely, and she is now looking to compete and involve herself even further in the community.
But the best of all: depression has been gone for a long time вАУ no more medication! The anxiety has massively reduced, and she is smiling all the time рЯШБ
Well done Sam вАУ youвАЩre an inspiration and weвАЩre hugely proud of you рЯШК
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#WorkoutWednesday is back рЯТ•
Core and Carries anyone!?
Let's see what you've got! рЯТ™


We certainly made the most of the beautiful bank holiday weekend with our members!
Well done to all involved in the Dragon Boat Racing at Sherborne Castle Country Fair this weekend - much fun was had! рЯРЙрЯЪ£вАНвЩВпЄП
Following on from this, like many other boxes around the globe, we have today paid our respects for those in service through participating in the Hero WOD Murph, which commemorates the ultimate sacrifice of Michael Patrick "Murph" Murphy рЯЩПрЯПїрЯПЛрЯПївАНвЩВпЄП
... HereвАЩs to another strong week рЯТ™рЯПї
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WHAT DO YOU DO: Branch Manager for a Building Society
AGE: 27
WHY THIS TYPE OF TRAINING: I was looking to try something new, CrossFit seemed to tick all the boxes!
HOW OFTEN DO YOU TRAIN: On average, five times a week
WHAT DIFFERENCES HAVE YOU NOTICED: Metabolic conditioning has improved as well as strength gains
SHORT TERM GOALS: To complete a muscle up!
WHY BM BARBELL & FITNESS: I took part in the February challenge and havenвАЩt looked back since
OTHER INTERESTS: Fitness in general, always looking to improve mobility
WORD TO NEWBIES: Be brave and give it a go, BM Barbell is full of amazing people and itвАЩs an amazing community
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More about Bmb Fitness

Bmb Fitness is located at Unit 11 The Parade Ground, BA22 8HZ Yeovil, Somerset
Monday: 06:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:30
Friday: 06:00 - 20:15
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:30
Sunday: -