Bodyworks Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Monday: 19:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 22:00
Friday: 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Bodyworks Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Chartered Physiotherapist Trained to Assess, Diagnose and Treat Sports Injuries as well as Acute and Chronic Musculoskeletal Injuries.

Bodyworks Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Description

Claire Hosier (Nee Miller):

Completed my BSC (Hons) Physiotherapy degree at Brunel University in London and since qualifying have worked full time within the NHS. I have worked with a range of sports teams including GAA, Soccer and Rugby and have treated many Elite Athletes representing Club, County and Country.

I am a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (MCSP) and the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

I offer clients an evidence-based, hands-on and exercise based approach to injury & musculoskeletal dysfunctions. I aim to alleviate pain & restore normal posture, movement & function, allowing the affected tissues to repair in an appropriate way.



Respiratory physiotherapy...a side of the profession unknown to many. Such an important role in assisting those suffering from respiratory illnesses by Clearing a chest and providing some ease when breathing. Stay safe everyone.


Spending more time at home doesn’t mean u can’t keep active. Give these a go to keep those muscles working!


Always learning, always researching and always striving to provide the best possible service to everyone I treat. I hope that comes across to everyone who walks through the clinic doors.


Have you ever suffered from neck pain...if you have, then you, like so many of my clients, are well aware of how much it affects your life. You can’t sleep, you can’t drive, housework is a no go (at least there’s 1 positive) and driving isn’t even can’t even have that cup of tea or coffee (or stronger) that you have craved, without pain. Always make an appointment to get a proper assessment and treatment plan, to ensure you achieve pain free movement and the right advice/tips on how to stay pain free.


Although today is world mental health day, it’s something we need to be mindful of on a daily basis. People are affected by different things in so many ways and it’s important that we as friends, family or work colleagues offer them that ‘someone to talk to’. So many of my clients come not only for treatment but have that time to talk and just have someone to listen to them. Never be afraid to confide and open up to the people around you! Keep if you need to - always know....someone cares!


Let’s get the kids outside and encourage a healthy lifestyle!! So important for many different reasons!


Education is the key..... When people are in pain and are given therapeutic exercises, often they are nervous and afraid to get moving. It is so important to discuss how you feel with your physiotherapist....your feelings are very real and will impact on your recovery. Movement and exercise as prescribed by your physiotherapist is safe and will not cause you further deterioration. #trustinyourphysio


A lot of people avoid weight training or think it’s better to avoid certain activities or types of training for the fear of what it will do to theit bodies. There are so many benefits to the various tissues and structures within your body when you ‘load’ them. Make sure you train correctly with a good technique...or you will be seeing me sooner than you think! 🤔😜


Saturdays thought for anyone like me who has always suffered from the dreaded tight hamstrings...get stretching!!!


It’s so important to remember that Physiotherapy is unlikely to be that quick fix you think is out there. After you are assessed, diagnosed and a treatment plan given, this does not mean that you should never return. I get so many clients who went to physio before but only attended once and say it didn’t work so never went back. No physio will ‘fix’ you in one session. If you have had months of pain or discomfort, surely you would agree that it’s worth a few sessions with someone who knows what they are doing with a goal of easing your pain and making your daily grind that bit better.



The importance of regular Physio sessions.... a-physiotherapist…/


Community rehab is so vital and is shouldn’t depend on your postcode. Everyone is entitled to receiving the best care!! #proudtobeaphysio


Physiotherapy or Sports Massage Appointment available tonight at 8pm. Contact me on 07759085599 to make it yours!


A busy week ahead following a weeks holiday. Refreshed and ready to help! Last available appointment is at 7pm Tuesday 22nd due to cancellation! Call now to make your appointment!


Sports massage is simply a deep tissue massage that aims to massage and manipulate the muscles, stretch out the fascia, and work to ease tightness and restrictions.
... The techniques used ensure effective and efficient results are gained from each massage given. Soft Tissue Therapy may:
- Improve circulation and lymphatic flow - Assist in the removal of metabolic waste - Sedate or stimulate nerve endings - Increase or decrease muscle tone - Increase or decrease muscle length - Remodel scar tissue when required - Assist in mental preparation for sporting participation
You don't need to be a sports performer to benefit from Soft Tissue Therapy. The benefits can also help relieve many day to day problems, repetitive strain injury, sprains, tension, fatigue that everyone experiences.
If you are a sports performer, of any level, a sports specific massage can be beneficial at various stages of participation. For example:
~ The conditioning / training phase ~ Pre competition ~ Inter competition ~ Post competition ~ Post travel ~ Injury prevention ~ Injury recovery
Any queries/concerns or to book your Massage, don't hesitate to contact Claire on 07759085599.
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More about Bodyworks Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Bodyworks Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic is located at 1 Coolnagard Close, BT78 1AY Omagh
Monday: 19:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 22:00
Friday: 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -