Girls Gone By Publishers

About Girls Gone By Publishers

We are a publishing company who specialise in republishing books such as the Chalet School and Malcolm Saville - www. ggbp. co. uk -

Girls Gone By Publishers Description

The authors we publish include Mabel Esther Allan, Margaret Biggs, Elinor Brent-Dyer, Patricia Caldwell, Gwendoline Courtney, Monica Edwards, Josephine Elder, Lorna Hill, Violet Needham, Malcolm Saville, and Elfrida Vipont. We also publish fill-in titles for Elinor Brent-Dyer and Antonia Forest.



Highland Twins will be published end next week. Midnight Horse almost back from proof reader and will go to printers end next week. Am thinking about next year and in this week's newsletter I asked people various questions. If you are not signed up for this, pl scroll to bottom of home page on website and sign up. Also note the four pictures there which change each week.


Condor Crags has now been typeset and is having its final proof read so should be published end October. We have gone out of print of Chalet School and Jo and Chalet School and Richenda. Ken is now working on cover for The Chalet School Annexe - I always find it fascinating seeing how he does this. Here it is at the moment.


We are almost out of stock of 7 titles (fewer than 8 copies, and in several cases 5 or less). See Home and News pages on website if you have not already signed up for my weekly email (go to Home Page and scroll to bottom). Highland Twins now at printers and will be published beginning October. I have now finished reading Condor Crags and started to typeset (just have to write my introduction).


Highland Twins at the Chalet School is almost ready to be sent to the printers and should be published early October. I have finished typsetting The Midnight Horse by Monica Edwards and this is having its final proof read. And in preparing to write my intro for Condor Crags I have been reading it and getting suitably scared! We also have a lovely short story by Adrianne Fitzpatrick in this one. If you want more news, and you do not already receive my weekly email, please go to our website and scroll down the home page and sign in where it says 'stay in touch with our updates'. This week's email has already been sent so if you want this, then please email me ggbp@rockterrace.or - don't leave a message for me on Facebook.


Have had v busy week and so have not done as much as I had hoped on Monica Edwards' Midnight Horse. But I now have the morning to get on with the typesetting and hope to get it nearly finished. John Allsup has written a particularly interesting introduction and publishing history.


New Schools for Old by Mabel Esther Allan and Dark Danger by Malcolm Saville were published earlier in the week, and all pre-ordered copies have been sent out yesterday and today. Ann is also completely up-to-date following our break last week (great rest but seems a v long time ago now). I need to update website and will do that tomorrow. I have had a huge amount to do this week for our Village Day in Coleford this Sunday. Am now 3/4 of the way through, but still have a v big job tomorrow morning.


On holiday next week - not going anywhere but having some outings and enjoying garden. All orders for books in print received today will be sent out, and all orders for books not yet published will be recorded. We now hear from our printers that both New Schools for Old by Mabel Esther Allan and Dark Danger by Malcolm Saville will be delivered by Tuesday 21st August, and pre-ordered copies will be sent asap after that.


The Lost Staircase is being delivered today and pre-ordered copies will be packed on Monday and dispatched on Tuesday. It is not too late to order! I don't know about the rest of you who went to Bristol, but I am still recovering! And Betula and Sally say that next time the lumpy mattresses will be replaced - I *like* lumpy mattresses! This one is not nearly as lumpy as mine. BTW, if you are looking for your orders from the old website, this isn't possible, they didn't transfer. So just ask if you need to know.


Absolutely wonderful Bristol Conference, though I expect I am not alone in coming back exhausted. Wonderful company though inevitably I didn't manage to talk to everyone and I am really sorry to have missed people. Terrific talks, fabulous food, and I was really pleased with the attendance at services in the chapel. I took absolutely no photographs at all, but I think this poster reflects the WW1 theme.


For those of you who have been having trouble re-setting your password, I have now been sent a video on how to do this. If you would like this, please email me at (do not leave a message on Facebook) This weekend I shall be away at the Bristol Conference. I have a lot to do, so may not post again until next week. This is an ever-hopeful picture of me, ready to go with those suitcases not required for my extensive wardrobe being empty and waiting for all those books I am going to buy ...


OK, the website is now sorted. In order to see everything, I had to clear my browser (something I had never done before). So, if you are still having difficulty you might need to do this. You can Google it, remembering to say which browser you are using. If you are unsure, ask a friend. But you should be able to cope even if you can't do this. If you want to go into your account, just scroll down to the bottom of any page. You will see two columns of blue lettering. Second top on the right hand one it says 'My Account'. You do not need to reset your browser to see this. Also, when you get into the checkout, there is a box which says 'returning customer click here to log in' (this I had to reset my browser to see but it is there) On the checkout page, go to the bottom and the PayPal button is now the automatic one (but I had to reset my browser for it to be so). If what comes up is cheque, then just click on the PayPal button. Hope all this helps. Logging off for the evening now.
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When you can't get on to the website are you typing in It will not work if you just type in Or simply google Girls Gone By Publishers I am now going offline until the morning. I really am trying to get these problems sorted asap.


Those of you who have had problems ordering with timeouts etc. I have sorted this. When you are at checkout stage, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the page. There are two buttons there - one for PayPal and one for Cheques. It has been automatically going to Cheque and this is being changed now. I am not sure how long it will take. But if you see the Cheque button clicked, just click the PayPal button and you will be fine. Also, if you do not have PayPal you can pay by credit card to PayPal. I am so sorry about these problems but until several people had had them I didn't realise it was the fault of the website.


I have spent a lot of time this week updating the GGBP website, and I now hope that, apart from the placement of the author pictures, everything is now as it should be. It would be helpful if some of you to take some time to have a look and see what you think. You need to go to If you are interested, scroll down to the bottom of the home page to where it says Stay in Touch with our Updates and sign up to receive regular updates. I have finally worked out how to do this. I have just announced four new titles to be published this year – you can find these under or under the various authors / series. If you have been looking at the site yesterday and this morning you may have found it wobbly. This is because I have been constantly updating it.


The Lost Staircase by Elinor Brent-Dyer has now been sent to the printers, and should be delivered here at either the end July or early August. As our extra for this, Katherine Bruce has written a very moving story about the first Christmas after Sir Ambrose's death.


I am slowly adding items to the website, but it is taking me a bit longer than it should, so please be patient. Please note that if you want to pay by cheque, you simply now need to write the titles down, together with your name and address (or use the catalogue) and send it to us. If you pay by PayPal you add titles to your shopping basket and then pay. You follow either PayPal UK, PayPal Europe, PayPal Rest of the World Sea or PayPal Rest of the World Air depending on where you live and how you want your book sent. You can either order via the Books page or via the Authors and Series page.


they are brillant




This place is just amazing ....wonderful books and first class service.

I love the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books with the original illustrations, which I remember from the hardback editions I used to borrow from my school library over forty years ago ......

I hope other titles will be republished in the near future, so I can add to my collection!


Thank you so much for keeping these books alive and available so that they still can be accessible to us.


So pleased to have found you.

I'm currently reading Val Forrest In The Fifth and loving it.

Glad that you are re printing these wonderful books!


So pleased many old books, especially Monica Edwards and EBD books are being republished. I am obviously going to have to replace all my Armada books with them as GGBP publish the unabridged version. Is there a big difference>


Loving Girls Gone By's re-issuing of the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books. So many little bits of interesting detail were cut out in the abridged versions. Their service has always been great and the site is really easy to browse and order from. I also enjoy the newsletters, featuring interesting-sounding authors I'd never heard of!


Lovely publishers, bringing back my favourite childhood series - Monica Edwards' Punchbowl books.


Love your Monica Edwards reprints - only fault is need to get more published quicker ����


I was in Ludlow Visitors Centre today when my friend asked me if I has seen anything about Malcolm Saville & his books. A lady nearby said she had been looking all over Ludlow for his books but couldn't find anything so was beginning to wonder if she had imagined him as an author! I promptly told her about GGBP reprinting all his titles and she took down your details, so hopefully you will be hearing from her soon!


I am so pleased with my copy of 'Three Towers in Tuscany'. I purchased it as Malcolm Saville was my favourite author when I was young (and still is) and we were travelling to Tuscany on 4th June. I am sure that I read this book when I was about 14 (35 years ago!) but could not remember where the Three Towers were. I started reading the book on our return journey from Pisa, on 7th June and finished it in the early hours of 8th June, it was so brilliant. Please publish the other Marston Baines titles soon, and also re-print 'The Elusive Grasshopper' and 'Lone Pine London', as I would love to purchase new copies of these. I ordered 'The Gay Dolphin Adventure' (my favourite book ever) from you when you first published it and have just added your edition of 'Treasure at Amorys' (also brilliant) to my collection. As you have probably guessed, my favourite Lone Pine adventures are those featuring the evil, Miss Ballinger.


Girls Gone By are brilliant, they've introduced me to so many authors I hadn't read before (like Clare Mallory) and I'm gradually getting to discover exactly what Armada edited out of the Chalet School series, which is fantastic. The service from them is also five stars, and I can recommend Girls Gone By to anyone who enjoys this kind of book. Thanks GGB, long may you continue!


Found my treasured unabridged Malcolm Saville books they made my day.


Excellent books and service.




Brilliant reprints. Original illustrations and fascinating supporting notes.


All my favourites. <3


they are brillant




This place is just amazing ....wonderful books and first class service.

I love the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books with the original illustrations, which I remember from the hardback editions I used to borrow from my school library over forty years ago ......

I hope other titles will be republished in the near future, so I can add to my collection!


Thank you so much for keeping these books alive and available so that they still can be accessible to us.


So pleased to have found you.

I'm currently reading Val Forrest In The Fifth and loving it.

Glad that you are re printing these wonderful books!


So pleased many old books, especially Monica Edwards and EBD books are being republished. I am obviously going to have to replace all my Armada books with them as GGBP publish the unabridged version. Is there a big difference>


Loving Girls Gone By's re-issuing of the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books. So many little bits of interesting detail were cut out in the abridged versions. Their service has always been great and the site is really easy to browse and order from. I also enjoy the newsletters, featuring interesting-sounding authors I'd never heard of!


Lovely publishers, bringing back my favourite childhood series - Monica Edwards' Punchbowl books.


Love your Monica Edwards reprints - only fault is need to get more published quicker ����


I was in Ludlow Visitors Centre today when my friend asked me if I has seen anything about Malcolm Saville & his books. A lady nearby said she had been looking all over Ludlow for his books but couldn't find anything so was beginning to wonder if she had imagined him as an author! I promptly told her about GGBP reprinting all his titles and she took down your details, so hopefully you will be hearing from her soon!


I am so pleased with my copy of 'Three Towers in Tuscany'. I purchased it as Malcolm Saville was my favourite author when I was young (and still is) and we were travelling to Tuscany on 4th June. I am sure that I read this book when I was about 14 (35 years ago!) but could not remember where the Three Towers were. I started reading the book on our return journey from Pisa, on 7th June and finished it in the early hours of 8th June, it was so brilliant. Please publish the other Marston Baines titles soon, and also re-print 'The Elusive Grasshopper' and 'Lone Pine London', as I would love to purchase new copies of these. I ordered 'The Gay Dolphin Adventure' (my favourite book ever) from you when you first published it and have just added your edition of 'Treasure at Amorys' (also brilliant) to my collection. As you have probably guessed, my favourite Lone Pine adventures are those featuring the evil, Miss Ballinger.


Girls Gone By are brilliant, they've introduced me to so many authors I hadn't read before (like Clare Mallory) and I'm gradually getting to discover exactly what Armada edited out of the Chalet School series, which is fantastic. The service from them is also five stars, and I can recommend Girls Gone By to anyone who enjoys this kind of book. Thanks GGB, long may you continue!


Found my treasured unabridged Malcolm Saville books they made my day.


Excellent books and service.




Brilliant reprints. Original illustrations and fascinating supporting notes.


All my favourites. <3


they are brillant




This place is just amazing ....wonderful books and first class service.

I love the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books with the original illustrations, which I remember from the hardback editions I used to borrow from my school library over forty years ago ......

I hope other titles will be republished in the near future, so I can add to my collection!


Thank you so much for keeping these books alive and available so that they still can be accessible to us.


So pleased to have found you.

I'm currently reading Val Forrest In The Fifth and loving it.

Glad that you are re printing these wonderful books!


So pleased many old books, especially Monica Edwards and EBD books are being republished. I am obviously going to have to replace all my Armada books with them as GGBP publish the unabridged version. Is there a big difference>


Loving Girls Gone By's re-issuing of the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books. So many little bits of interesting detail were cut out in the abridged versions. Their service has always been great and the site is really easy to browse and order from. I also enjoy the newsletters, featuring interesting-sounding authors I'd never heard of!


Lovely publishers, bringing back my favourite childhood series - Monica Edwards' Punchbowl books.


Love your Monica Edwards reprints - only fault is need to get more published quicker ����


I was in Ludlow Visitors Centre today when my friend asked me if I has seen anything about Malcolm Saville & his books. A lady nearby said she had been looking all over Ludlow for his books but couldn't find anything so was beginning to wonder if she had imagined him as an author! I promptly told her about GGBP reprinting all his titles and she took down your details, so hopefully you will be hearing from her soon!


I am so pleased with my copy of 'Three Towers in Tuscany'. I purchased it as Malcolm Saville was my favourite author when I was young (and still is) and we were travelling to Tuscany on 4th June. I am sure that I read this book when I was about 14 (35 years ago!) but could not remember where the Three Towers were. I started reading the book on our return journey from Pisa, on 7th June and finished it in the early hours of 8th June, it was so brilliant. Please publish the other Marston Baines titles soon, and also re-print 'The Elusive Grasshopper' and 'Lone Pine London', as I would love to purchase new copies of these. I ordered 'The Gay Dolphin Adventure' (my favourite book ever) from you when you first published it and have just added your edition of 'Treasure at Amorys' (also brilliant) to my collection. As you have probably guessed, my favourite Lone Pine adventures are those featuring the evil, Miss Ballinger.


Girls Gone By are brilliant, they've introduced me to so many authors I hadn't read before (like Clare Mallory) and I'm gradually getting to discover exactly what Armada edited out of the Chalet School series, which is fantastic. The service from them is also five stars, and I can recommend Girls Gone By to anyone who enjoys this kind of book. Thanks GGB, long may you continue!


Found my treasured unabridged Malcolm Saville books they made my day.


Excellent books and service.




Brilliant reprints. Original illustrations and fascinating supporting notes.


All my favourites. <3


they are brillant




This place is just amazing ....wonderful books and first class service.

I love the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books with the original illustrations, which I remember from the hardback editions I used to borrow from my school library over forty years ago ......

I hope other titles will be republished in the near future, so I can add to my collection!


Thank you so much for keeping these books alive and available so that they still can be accessible to us.


So pleased to have found you.

I'm currently reading Val Forrest In The Fifth and loving it.

Glad that you are re printing these wonderful books!


So pleased many old books, especially Monica Edwards and EBD books are being republished. I am obviously going to have to replace all my Armada books with them as GGBP publish the unabridged version. Is there a big difference>


Loving Girls Gone By's re-issuing of the unabridged versions of the Chalet School books. So many little bits of interesting detail were cut out in the abridged versions. Their service has always been great and the site is really easy to browse and order from. I also enjoy the newsletters, featuring interesting-sounding authors I'd never heard of!


Lovely publishers, bringing back my favourite childhood series - Monica Edwards' Punchbowl books.


Love your Monica Edwards reprints - only fault is need to get more published quicker ����


I was in Ludlow Visitors Centre today when my friend asked me if I has seen anything about Malcolm Saville & his books. A lady nearby said she had been looking all over Ludlow for his books but couldn't find anything so was beginning to wonder if she had imagined him as an author! I promptly told her about GGBP reprinting all his titles and she took down your details, so hopefully you will be hearing from her soon!


I am so pleased with my copy of 'Three Towers in Tuscany'. I purchased it as Malcolm Saville was my favourite author when I was young (and still is) and we were travelling to Tuscany on 4th June. I am sure that I read this book when I was about 14 (35 years ago!) but could not remember where the Three Towers were. I started reading the book on our return journey from Pisa, on 7th June and finished it in the early hours of 8th June, it was so brilliant. Please publish the other Marston Baines titles soon, and also re-print 'The Elusive Grasshopper' and 'Lone Pine London', as I would love to purchase new copies of these. I ordered 'The Gay Dolphin Adventure' (my favourite book ever) from you when you first published it and have just added your edition of 'Treasure at Amorys' (also brilliant) to my collection. As you have probably guessed, my favourite Lone Pine adventures are those featuring the evil, Miss Ballinger.


Girls Gone By are brilliant, they've introduced me to so many authors I hadn't read before (like Clare Mallory) and I'm gradually getting to discover exactly what Armada edited out of the Chalet School series, which is fantastic. The service from them is also five stars, and I can recommend Girls Gone By to anyone who enjoys this kind of book. Thanks GGB, long may you continue!


Found my treasured unabridged Malcolm Saville books they made my day.


Excellent books and service.




Brilliant reprints. Original illustrations and fascinating supporting notes.


All my favourites. <3

More about Girls Gone By Publishers

Girls Gone By Publishers is located at The Vicarage, Church St, Coleford, BA3 5NG Radstock, Bath And North East Somerset, United Kingdom
01373 812705