
About Gower-Soaps

Gower soaps are an all-natural, vegetarian and vegan friendly product, using naturally sourced ingredients from a certified sustainable source. We donate 10% of all profits to the National trust and the Joshua foundation! ! !

Gower-Soaps Description

Gower Soaps produce handmade vegan and vegetarian friendly soaps from the Heart of Wales. Our products are natural, organic and cruelty free. We provide an array of soaps enriched with 100% pure essential oils and real ingredients that offer more than just a great lather!

Each soap has been enriched with natural Sea Minerals bringing you the full benefits of Thalassotherapy in the convenience of a bar!

So why not indulge today? After all, nothing beats natural!



Sustainably sourced biodegradable balloons still take a minimum of 6 months to break down. During that time they can cause devastating effects to our eco-system and particularly to our marine wildlife. Please respectfully ask LET A POPPY FLY to reconsider their plans and hold their remembrance in another way that is not detrimental to our environment xxx


Nadolig llawen! Merry Christmas everyone!


Happy Christmas eve everyone! We will see you tomorrow for our santa surf!


Want our top tip on skin care this winter? Throw away all those different creams! All you need is Organic Virgin Coconut oil. Nothing beats natural ;)


Wishing Miss Wales 2014 - Alice Ford All the best of luck as she Travels to Miss World to represent Wales! Have a fantastic time Alice! xxx


We have been very busy whipping up some lovely Soaps! 100% Vegan, Cruelty free, 100% pure Essential Oils and Botanicals and all from a certified sustainable source! Did we forget anything?.. Made In Wales :)


We are very busy making up a very special batch of some soaps today! Excited!


Due to The very ill health of one of our family members, Gower-soaps will be suspending trade temporarily. As many of you know we are a small family run business and whilst the decision has been difficult to come too, we are more than sure everyone in our position will fully agree that family comes first. We would like to thank all of our friends and customers who have supported us and would like to assure everyone that this is only a temporary measure and soaps will still be available from selected local retailers xxx


Check out The latest Swansea life interview 'Face-Off...Make-up or no make-up?' Where we talk about natural beauty v Cosmetic beauty! Personally we would rather feel the sun on our skin and dive into the sea without slathering on the foundation and worry about mascara running! Natural beauty comes from within and wins hands down every time!


Cant wait for the WWMB ( Welsh Women Mean business) Awards this friday, where we were fortunate enough to win the award of 'Young Welsh Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2011' for Gower-soaps! It's going to be a fantastic event with some extremely talented woman from business sectors all over Wales. We wish everyone the best of luck in their nominated categories and look forward to meeting these inspirational and dedicated positive female role models who are leading the way in their industries and putting Wales on the map! Wishing Stardust Boutique an extra special Good Luck!!!


Friday night with a glass of vino and a team meeting to discuss our summer range! safe to say we love our work!


Happy Valentines day everyone! Have an awesome one! from everyone at Gower-soaps :) xxx


Snow day!!!!! We dont get it that often so lets make the most of it, go out and have some fun, we know thats what we will be doing!


And our competition winner is..... Suzi Primrose!!!! Well done, you have won yourself a selection of soaps!!! Anna Louise Mason and Olivia Basset you have also got yourselves a little something :)


The winner of our last competition will be announced tonight! Until then, keep your eyes peeled!!!!

More about Gower-Soaps

Gower-Soaps is located at Gower Soaps,16 park avenue mumbles, SA3 4DU Swansea, United Kingdom
01792 361924