Hoani Waititi Marae

About Hoani Waititi Marae

Ko Titirangi te Maunga
Ko Waipareira te Awa
Ko Waitakere te Whenua
Ko Nga Tumanako te Wharenui
Ko Te Aroha te Wharekai
Ko Hoani Retimana Waititi te Tangata



Ko nga kaitiaki o nga Taonga NZ and Oz comming to meet nga kaitiaki o nga taonga ki HWM


Anei te tipuna ō tō tātou marae, he tangata, he rangatira, he tauira, he kaiako. Tēnā koe e te pāpā.


Tēnā koutou e te whānau tēnā āwhina mai ki te tautoko i wā tātou tamariki o tō tātou Kura. Please share from the Pukana Page to increase the votes for our tamariki kai haka. He moni te hua. https://www.facebook.com/pukana2019/video s/454480968628106/ Dont share from here you have to go to the Pukana page and share most shares wins $1000 simple. Ngā mihi Tahuri


He karere aitua he karanga nā mate.


Hei pānui, hei whakamanawa ake! Ngā mihi nui Ngā Tūmanako otirā tātou.


Waititi hi Waititi ha kei runga noa atu


Tēnā koutou e te whānau he powhiri kei te Marae mō ngā roopu me ngā whānau kapahaka o Tāmaki Makaurau kei te hoki mai i Te Matatini.
Kei te huri haere te pānui hei te 5pm te pōwhiri ki te whakatau mai i ngā roopu. Ka mihi hoki ki te roopu Ngā Tūmanako, e whakahoki mai i te taonga o Nen, Koro Bub me Duncan Mcintyre. He taonga kua whaiatia e te roopu mō ngā tau 14. E te kapa kua tinana te moemoeā i ā koutou, kua ea.
Just letting whānau know there is a powhiri whakatau for the T...āmaki groups who went to Matatini. Powhiri at this stage is at 5oclock.Nō reira 4:30 please.
Whānau are encourage to bring a plate for shared kai or you can koha.For those that would like to give a koha but cannot make it in person, please see the account details below.
Hoani Waititi Marae Trust 02-0152-0244004-50 Ref: Matatini & your name
Māu te rourou, māku te rourou ka ora te iwi.
Tēnā tātou katoa. Hei taua wā.
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Anei etahi o ngā roopu


Haramai tātou i tõ tătou rā i ā tātou mokopuna. #watangi@watiti2019


Anei e hoa mā, Nau mai haere mai, ki tō tātou hui


Tēnā koe Papa Pete mō āu mahi katoa.Ko koe tō mātou Papa, tō mātou pou whakawhirinaki. Mei kore ake koutou i ahunui kia ora ai tātou, Māori Ora.

More about Hoani Waititi Marae

Hoani Waititi Marae is located at 451 West Coast Road, Glen Eden, Auckland, New Zealand 0602