Hypnotherapist Swansea

About Hypnotherapist Swansea

Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years before even the birth of Christ, giving us and our ancestor's insights into the human mind. . . . . .

Hypnotherapist Swansea Description

There's a gulf of difference between the clinical hypnotherapy that I offer and the common image of the moustachioed, pocket-watch swinging hypnotist that you might imagine.

Even though the word Hypnosis is derived from the Greek word "Hypnos" which means "sleep", sleep itself has nothing to do with the hypnotic state and hypnotherapy. A person who is hypnotised is not asleep or unconscious.

A Clinical Hypnotherapist is not able to control another person's mind. No-one can be made to do anything which goes against their will and own moral or ethical standards. When a person is hypnotised they are in a very, very relaxed state. They are still aware of their surroundings and the sense of hearing is often sharper than usual. A person can bring themselves out of the hypnotic state at any time if the need arises.

Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years before even the birth of Christ, giving us and our ancestor's insights into the human mind that we have only recently begun to understand. In recent decades hypnotherapy has emerged as a serious, recognised scientific method of helping treat an incredible variety and specificity of symptoms and ailments, including, though by no means limited to:


Irritable Bowel Syndrome




Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Weight Control

And much, much, more. .



New Counselling in Context course Swansea University starts Thursday 27th April Sketty Swansea https://www.facebook.com/events/211085589 392395/


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Clinical hypnotherapy has been proven to help with many issues that affect daily life and well being. Stop Smoking, weight control, anxiety, phobias and fears, and addictions to mention a few. Why not consult t Hypnotherapist Swansea and find out how we can help you... Call 01792 824590


Autogenic Relaxation… Self-Generated Therapy For Mind And Body Autogenic Relaxation is a safe, simple drug-free technique to help: ● reduce or manage recurring stress-related symptoms e.g. sleep problems, anxiety, mild depression, fatigue, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), high blood pressure, chronic pain ● increase general confidence and well-being ● increase energy and creativity... ● improve performance in sport, music, theatre, classroom, boardroom ● reduce the likelihood of serious illness in the future ● naturally support our innate healing mechanisms Autogenic Relaxation engages mind and body in deep relaxation, reversing the stress response. The resulting altered state of consciousness allows spontaneous, often subtle, psychological and physiological changes – known as the autogenic process, which is a unique experience for each person. Autogenic Relaxation is based on the premise that all the internal health-enhancing processes needed to rebalance body and mind are already in place, just waiting to be accessed and used. Learn Autogenic Relaxation in 3 to 4 sessions with a trained therapist and you will have a skill for life. Contact us on 01792 824590 or e-mail ccsswansea@gmail.com for details (CD and workbook for practice at home provided).
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Autogenic Relaxation is designed to turn off the body's "fight or flight" response, its natural response to stress. In place of this response, it turns on the body's natural relaxation responses. The fight or flight response causes stress hormones to surge within the body, causing such things as a faster beating heart, tensing of muscles, and an increase in breathing rate. In today's world, much of the stress we endure is mental or emotional. This can lead to us being always ...alert, and this constant alertness can lead to illness or affect the immune system. the relaxation responses invoked by autogenic therapy reverses these fight or flight responses, allowing the muscles to relax, breathing to slow, and the heart rate to return to normal.
Benefits of Autogenic Therapy... Autogenic therapy can be helpful for many things. Some of the benefits that it has include:
increasing confidence and self esteem improving the quality of the sleep that you get increasing your concentration and focus reducing the amount of anxiety that you feel reducing stress levels and making it easier to relax reducing mild to moderate depression helping you to feel more in control of what is happening relieving tension helping with jet lag increased creativity and imagination For more information call us on 01792 824590, or visit http://www.hypnotherapistswansea.co.uk/au togenic-therapy
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URGENT: Please is you have not signed and shared already please could you spend a few moment to do so now.
If you are Swansea based, you will know the amazing work that Unity Group does within the LGBT community. Favour is an integral part of the team and has spoken passionately and eloquently on many occasions about the plight of those who are LGBT+ in Nigeria.
It is vital that we keep up momentum to ensure that atrocities like this one can be stopped.
... Thank you in advance. Ceri.
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More about Hypnotherapist Swansea

Hypnotherapist Swansea is located at 201B Oxford St, SA1 3HT Swansea, United Kingdom
01792 925 061