Kinesiology Somerset

About Kinesiology Somerset

Working on your issues, physical or emotional, using Kinesiology.

Kinesiology Somerset Description

Working on your issues, physical or emotional, using Kinesiology.



Lower Back Pain
In this post I'm going to discuss how Kinesiology can help with lower back pain, and from which angles I work on the problem.
Firstly, I will look at the muscles which are in the area and test them, to see if they are locked or unlocked. If they are permanently locked ON, they will cause permenant tension. This can be due to perhaps another muscle being switched OFF (yes, muscles can switch on and off) and one is being tense to compensate for another.
... I will balance all of the muscles in the back with what feels like a sports massage of their insertion points, all muscles which stabilise the pelvis, particularly Erector Spinae, Piriformis, Sartorius and Latissimus Dorsii. Secondly, I will move onto meridians. The bladder meridian has 4 lines running through the back, and if these are off balance then they can cause pain in the area. You can see on the acupressure chart that there's a lot of energy points in that area. To get meridians to flow again we hold acupressure points. There are no needles in Kinesiology!
The third area I move onto is 'Primary Reflexes' which are how we are formed in the womb, often we have a reflex or 2 which may not have developed and several of them affect the function of our back. This is a movement based therapy, and the one which clients find the most fascinating to have done. There are other areas to take into account as well, every 'body' is different and the way in which we heal is different, this is most definitely not an exhaustive list.
In terms of how many appointments you will need, I do not recommend this therapy being ongoing, I like to see you, help you get better then (hopefully!) not see you again for several years. It's not something you'll be seeing me weekly for by any means. I estimate 3 to 4 sessions in most cases, but sometimes it may just be one.
If you would like to give it a go, and you haven't heard of Kinesiology before, you can come along and have a try for 30 minutes.
First sessions are £55 and they're up to 1 hour 45 mins long, after that they're 1 hour and £45.
If you would like to get in touch, send me a message via PM.
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Kinesiology For Anger
I have a situation personally that’s angering me somewhat every time I think about it! I did a session on myself tonight - I thought I’d share with you.
Kinesiology is not really a talking therapy, more of a thinking one, where we look within ourselves for the answers by thinking words and phrases if prompted to do so.
... The first correction I tested for was Essential Oils. I was to mull over the situation in my head whilst smelling Neroli, with my eyes closed. The oil smelled horrid and I felt really cross inside. After a while though the feeling of relaxation came over me, starting at my head and working down my body. Essential oils are really great for emotions and I have a wide range here to use.
Next I tested from the green box, my ‘essences’ kit, a Sananda Essence. I can’t see the names on them I just test the body which one it holds strong to. Sananda Essence Simplicity Rose came up. It’s the essence for Acceptance. Accepting things as they are. I had to think the word ‘Acceptance’.
A good choice from my body because I can’t change the situation I was angry about, acceptance is the only way, really!
I laid with the essences on me whilst holding 3 points on my central meridian. If our central meridian is involved we can feel ‘off centre’ sometimes at the mere mention of the situation.
Lastly, a crystal tested up for Forgiveness and I have to wear it close to my navel for just tonight. It’s in my waistband.
I really do after just 20 minutes feel totally different about the whole thing.
Anger at the beginning ... 10/10 Anger now ... 1/10
Even though I have been working with kinesiology since 2010, I am always amazed by what it can do. Being free from anger makes us feel lighter and happier, in general in a better place!
If you would like any help with anger issues, small or not, please get in touch.
Love, ~Ellie xx
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On my recent holiday to Greece there were 450 steps between the beach and our room.
Yep! Four hundred and fifty.
On the first day, it really killed me. Honestly I was so tired and had to stop. I work out in the gym a fair amount so this was embarrassing.
... Doing it each day several times though my strength built.
What I noticed was so many people there struggle with even 5 steps. There’s many muscles engaged in climbing stairs and some people had to pull themselves up by their arms.
It’s important, for an all over picture of health, that we are in our ideal weight range, with a good diet, with some strength and flexibility training build into our lifestyle in order that we can continue to carry out basic activities, such as walking up and down stairs, and getting up and down from the floor.
If you struggle with these activities and you would like some help on a plan to be healthier, Kinesiology may be able to help you.
~Ellie x
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Fascinating blog by Cytoplan where I get most of my supplements about Rheumatoid Arthritis.
If you’d like me to help you with specific dietary issues, which specific vitamins or supplements would help you best, or which specific foods are the worst for you, Kinesiology can test for all of these things.
~Ellie x


Confession :: I bloomin’ LOVE pick and mix.
Recently I’ve been feeling a bit rubbish in general. Can’t specify exactly what. Had put on a few kilos and felt tired a lot. Getting up in the morning was just effort, more than ‘usual’ for sure.
So I started with what is, for me, the usual way to check in with myself on my health.
... • Hydration The building blocks of cells are water and noticed I wasn’t drinking enough. It’s been averaging on a litre a day and it needed doubling. Anyone else drink tea all winter and slowly forget to drink water?
• Diet Sugar had crept back into my diet on a daily basis. A chocolate bar after my lunch and a cuppa with biscuits in the evening. Carbs every meal. I went back to an eating plan this week from a book I’m very fond of. I cut out sugar and BOY DID I CRAVE IT! This week has been a tough one but each day has been easier.
• Exercise I went to the gym most days, and had quite a good exercise routine, until a few weeks ago when I have been really busy with work. I’ve tried to do yoga at least 10 minutes each day and stretches but my cardio has gone out of the window. I’ve been walking again in the mornings as I’d recently been sleeping in a bit later instead.
What I wanted to show you with this post, is that we all need to check in with ourselves from time to time. Why aren’t we feeling good? Hydration, diet and exercise is ALWAYS my place to start, it’s the easiest things to make changes to and the place where we get the most results, in my opinion.
If you need help with yours, you know where I am. ~Ellie x
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Tiredness. Being Tired.
I’m reading a book about hormones at the moment, and it’s a nice reminder that hormones control so much!
Sleep and Wake Cycles
... Hunger and Metabolism
Fat Storage and Growth
Energy and Sex Drive
How our body responds to working out (the reason I chose the book in the first place)
Kinesiology is brilliant with helping rebalance hormones and helping you feel better.
If you’d like an appointment, next ones are w/c 12th June
Until then ... I’ll be seeing clients and sorting out my own hormones as I’ve been a bit tired of late. ~Ellie x
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You know when you read a new explanation of something and you think ‘AHA!’
Well here’s my latest one.
Essential Oils are a big part of my practice with Kinesiology and they are so effective in working on the body.
... We have 400 smell receptors which can detect over a trillion odours according to new research.
I had always linked *Smell, Nose, Brain* but never *Smell, Breathe In, Lungs, Oxygen, Blood Stream*
So of course the things we inhale get into our blood stream and have a positive effect.
On the contrary, when we breathe in chemicals, they get into our blood stream and have an effect too.
Thanks to this book and its’ wonderful explanation I will be diving deeper into what we breathe in, as well as expanding the range of oils I have on offer for corrections in treatments.
I’ll keep you posted! ~Ellie x
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Get Your Juices Flowing!
Digestive enzymes are needed in order to digest food properly and many of us are low on them.
When I recommend them as a supplement, I always say take 15mins before food.
... So when we eat pre-prepared food ... the action of chopping the vegetables and the smell of the food which gets enzymes in your stomach flowing is missing... so you’re not properly ready to digest.
I’ve started to do a bit of chopping of my food on a lunch time so that my digestion works better.
Have a go yourself at preparing at least some veg for every meal including the ones we grab on the go, maybe buy it and wait ten minutes!
~Ellie x
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Feeling a bit ‘crabby’ this morning so I’m taking this to put in my water which I’ll sip all day.
Flower remedies work subtly and gently on the emotions 🌸 and as a lot of you know I don’t know I test you for them in most Kinesiology sessions.
Here’s to a great non-crabby day 😃


Children with learning difficulties, both at school and in terms of their walking and speech have been helped significantly with Primal Reflexes Integration.
In a recent study of children with dyslexia, 100% of the participants had 2 reflexes or more which were out of balance.
They are relatively easy to test for, and easy to correct, it's a matter of a series of specific movements every day for 12 weeks, how long it takes to make new connections in the brain.
... It's not just children this helps, adults can have the same problems too, my MORO reflex was out of balance and it showed up in terms of me being frightened of travel and small spaces.
The blog post details all of the reflexes, and if you would like to know more please get in touch.
Love, ~Ellie x eflexes/
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Today I had some Kinesiology from a 3 Year Old!
Joanne’s little boy Henry is so good, watching his Mum do Kinesiology and I was about to have a treatment... when he popped in with this little gem.
I love it ‘one of those remedies!!’ at the end!


A big learning for me this Mother’s Day.
I posted on my way to London, that I’m terrified of travelling, crowds, trains, elevators, the tube, and the list goes on. The place I’m most subject to those things is London!
However, we’ve wanted to go to The Ritz for so many years I decided it was time and I had some therapy and just went. Kinesiology with Jo my friend at Joanne Dunn Kinesiology, and some Theta Healing with Nicki at Wayside House.
... Along with that and some remedies and you know what, I had THEE most fabulous time. Really amazing. I was so calm, not scared to go out in the dark which I would have been before.
I got the train there and back, okay we didn’t get the tube but I did do several things way out of my comfort zone.
What I want to share is that in order to live, we need to get out of our comfort zone and really LIVE. To think I could have missed out on this opportunity because of my fears that were actually... totally based on nothing. I just needed to grow a bit in confidence.
This is us at The Ritz celebrating Mother’s Day.
This year I’ll be looking into my fears in a much bigger way and working on dealing with them. How about you?
Hope all you Mums, Stepmums and Like-A-Mums had a lovely day 🌸
~Ellie x
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We’re off to The Natural History Museum this morning and I’m super excited to see this exhibition!
A few homeopathic remedies I like are from snakes and they’re really great when they’re indicated.
Will be awesome to see them live and learn more about it. Mother’s Day celebrations are in the afternoon how exciting, time is flying!


I got here... without a panic.
And you know what? I feel calm. Really calm. I’ve never been this calm travelling in my life.
We found a natural foods shop and I got a bit excited at how many remedies they have!! LOVE a good remedy!


Those of you who know me really well know I struggle with travelling.
I’m going to London today ... and by train! In the past I have always driven because I just hate the whole being locked in thing on public transport.
However since my last course in London I’ve been working on myself, and had some Kinesiology done by my friend, and today I feel more confident with the concept.
... This morning I made myself a ‘Travel Happy’ remedy which I will take with me. It consists of:
💗 Larch for Confidence 💗 Rock Rose for Terror and Fright 💗 Lycopodium for the kind of person who’s ‘fine once they get there’ 💗 Pulsatilla for the red hot sweaty feeling I feel when I am nervous.
When our issues are physical, they’re often just dealt with a lot more simply than emotions. Which take on a more layer-by-layer approach.
There is the ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ approach which I don’t believe in, people shocking their nervous systems into high alert and ending up in panic attacks or trapped in trauma to get over a fear, which they just make worse.
Little by little, a few remedies here and there, trying to do what you’re scared of in a way you can cope, making a Plan B (and C!) and just working out what you need to feel safe.
What do you struggle with the most?
~Ellie x
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The test kit has arrived!
It’s like a new toy arriving in the post ... 📮 😁


Had a bit of a move around!
I’m trialling the therapy room and living room swap over for 3 months.
Recently I’ve been seeing more children as clients, there’s now space for the parents to sit on the sofa.
... I’ve also felt quite cramped in the other room with the new corrections I’ve learned on recent courses meaning I’m moving around the bed a lot more rather than sitting in one place.
I like it, do you?
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This Primary Reflex Training has really blown me away with how powerful it is!
These Reflexes are in the back part of our brain, running the subconscious mind. When we work on them we bring them to the conscious mind and integrate them properly so you don’t have the issues any more.
In every client with anxiety the fear paralysis is showing up without fail. Fascinating work.


Nail Biting or Picking, Pen Biting, Difficulty Concentrating, Sensitivity To Cold.
All signs that the 'Root and Suck Reflex' is out of balance. It's a reflex which 'should' integrate 3-4 months after birth.
Adults and children both show signs of struggling with invasion of their personal space, difficulty with peer relationships, can have issues with food or smoking when this reflex is not integrated. The urge of wanting to rest after eating a meal is quite strong and in, possible menstrual cycle issues.
The test, as demonstrated on Holly here (video coming soon!) is a paintbrush around the mouth, and there are exercises to do at home, following the Kinesiology correction.
Since the course, every client who's had a session has had a primal reflex out of balance, they're really fascinating.
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Took my son to see Ellie last night for an ongoing problem with his heel. She was amazing!! She took so much time and care and we were both fascinated by the whole process, and haven't stopped talking about it since. Cannot recommend Ellie highly enough to anyone - and am planning on going back for a session on myself.


It has been a pleasure working with Ellie as my Health Kinesiology practitioner. I have found the sessions invaluable in identifying and balancing a range of root cause issues; some very deep in the subconscious, which have negatively affected my mental and physical health.

Ellie is very personable and welcoming, putting me at ease at our first session and explaining the process clearly. I have enjoyed our sessions, which Ellie makes light-hearted, but is also adept at holding the space in a neutral and non-judgmental way, with great empathy and respect.

Very many thanks, Ellie, for your fantastic support - I'm thrilled to have had some major breakthroughs!


I took my 3yr old daughter to see Ellie after we’d noticed a slight skin irritation. Ellie was wonderful ! My daughter has told everyone we’ve seen since about her visit & I’ve already started to notice an improvement. We will definitely be visiting again & have already recommended her to several people. I’m already planning to organise a session for myself in the future.


I have had some great sessions with ellie.

Sometimes just gone there with no real reason and left feeling amazing. Definitely the place in Somerset to go to get rebalanced xx


Took my son to see Ellie last night for an ongoing problem with his heel. She was amazing!! She took so much time and care and we were both fascinated by the whole process, and haven't stopped talking about it since. Cannot recommend Ellie highly enough to anyone - and am planning on going back for a session on myself.


It has been a pleasure working with Ellie as my Health Kinesiology practitioner. I have found the sessions invaluable in identifying and balancing a range of root cause issues; some very deep in the subconscious, which have negatively affected my mental and physical health.

Ellie is very personable and welcoming, putting me at ease at our first session and explaining the process clearly. I have enjoyed our sessions, which Ellie makes light-hearted, but is also adept at holding the space in a neutral and non-judgmental way, with great empathy and respect.

Very many thanks, Ellie, for your fantastic support - I'm thrilled to have had some major breakthroughs!


I took my 3yr old daughter to see Ellie after we’d noticed a slight skin irritation. Ellie was wonderful ! My daughter has told everyone we’ve seen since about her visit & I’ve already started to notice an improvement. We will definitely be visiting again & have already recommended her to several people. I’m already planning to organise a session for myself in the future.


I have had some great sessions with ellie.

Sometimes just gone there with no real reason and left feeling amazing. Definitely the place in Somerset to go to get rebalanced xx

More about Kinesiology Somerset

Kinesiology Somerset is located at Marconi Drive, ta9 3ff Highbridge, Somerset
07791 791 718