Morris Fitness

About Morris Fitness

A Personal Trainer, based in the Coalisland area, who can give you the help and guidance to achieving your dream body. I will provide you with a huge range of exercises, fitness advice, nutritional advice.



Good Evening Folks
Throughout the month of November I will be rewarding clients each week for whoever has gained or lost the most inches within the space of a week depending on their goal of course whether that’s fat loss or muscle gain
4 weeks means 4 prizes... - Week 1 - Free Personal Training Session - Week 2 - A 912g tub Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey - Week 3 - A £20 Springisland Gift Voucher - Week 4 - Free Personal Training Session
To get involved in the challenge, you need to be onboard with me before 4th November, anyone who joins after that will not be taking part in it! The first week starts 4th November right through to the last week 2nd December. Clients check in/ weigh in days will remain the same as normal.
Any questions or queries give me a buzz!
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Client Status - Work in Progress 🚨
This client has just started with me 5 weeks ago.
I took him onboard and we had a good 30 minute conversation about what his current training and nutrition was like, about his occupation, the first steps he can take to get fitter and where he wants to be and then importantly what he needs to be doing!
... After this discussion everything I told him he went back home and implemented all the information I told him there and then.
Within these first 5 weeks he:
- Trains 3/4 days a week - He busts himself in every training session - Hits his daily calories - Has nearly dropped a stone weight - Has dropped over 8 inches from when he started - Stays Consistent - Sticks with foods he enjoys
This is literally only the start for this man. We will both continue to work for the weeks ahead and see how far this man can go with his fat loss journey!
His motivation and drive is the goals he has in mind he knows exactly where he wants to be and he just needs a bit of help with that and that’s why I’m here!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!👍🏽
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It’s Monday again, the weeks just seem to fly in!
Talking about Monday, from today right through to Sunday if some of you don’t already know, I’m giving away free 30 min PT sessions
Caters for anybody, those who have thought about Personal Trianing but just haven’t started looking about it yet, newbies to the gym or even for people that have trained for years but just need motivation or a kick up the ass
... Interested? If so just drop me a dm and I’ll get you’s slotted in.
Cheers folks, go out and attack this week!👍🏽💪🏽
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Client Transformation!🚨
This client has achieved incredible results with me in the past number of weeks. She came to me not knowing a single thing about training or nutrition, or even a fitness lifestyle in general.
She had visions and goals in place from day 1, that she wanted to be a certain weight! We took it one step at a time and we’ve achieved her first goal and are currently working towards her second goal, this is what fuelled the fire making her knuckle down and put... in the work! 💪🏽
From the start of her journey to now, she:
- Lost 21+ inches of body fat - Dropped 2 Stone in body weight - Gained nutritional and training knowledge - Never missed a session - Was dedicated to the programme - Fits back into old clothes - Feels happier and healthier - Listened and implemented everything I told her
As well as all that, she still has a takeaway every weekend, this is because she knows how to fit it into her busy lifestyle and can still drop body fat from it!
Excellent work, well deserved, worked hard, took all of the advice and knowledge I gave her on board, went home and implemented everything! 👍🏽
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Client Transformation ‼️
This transformation is remarkable, considering what me and my client had to been going through on a week to week basis.
First of all her name will not be mentioned, as this was her choice and I respect her decision for this. This transformation took a number of months and not everything was plain sailing, there where a number of weeks were there was no progress at, then plenty of progress the week after then back to no or very little progress. Both m...e and my client kept the heads down, I was coming up with new ideas but most importantly I was reassuring her each and every week to keep her mindset on the goal at hand, which was fat loss.
Unfortunately she later mentioned to me that she had quite a serious condition and this condition does affect fat loss and majority of people with this condition can’t even lose any fat at all. So to achieve fat loss with a condition that affects fat loss, is either very lucky or very impressive.
To this day, my client has dropped over a stone and from the day she started to now she looks incredible, reason being was because she listened, done what I had told her to do and worked hard and it shows that in this transformation.
Overall I’m really proud of the work this client has put in, she’s learned so much about training and nutrition and she’s far from finished!💪🏽
Have a good week folks 👍🏽
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Hope everybody's had a good exciting weekend
Just going to throw out some helpful words for people that may need it
Go into the new week tomorrow and take it head on
... Set goals for yourself and work towards them
Doesn't matter if they're a week away or months away
Each day is progress
And don't take things seriously, we're only human, don't let some small issue beat you up
Don't be afraid to take some 'me' time if you need it
Just do whatever makes you happy whether that's going to the gym, playing a sport or even staring at wall who gives a sh*t
Most importantly, talk to people who you enjoy being around, they care about you more than you even know
Be good Take it Easy👍🏽
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Would just like to take the time to wish everybody a Happy Easter 🐣
Clients don’t be afraid to tuck into a easter 🥚 but don’t go crazy with them or it’ll be an extra 10 mins of cardio lol🙈
Enjoy the good weather while it lasts!👍🏽


🚨Client: Shéa Devlin🚨
The long awaited transformation🤣
Shéa first came to me before Christmas, having not trained for so many months, he was quite unfit and got out of shape with his lack of activity.
... He came to me looking to get lean, so that means tightened up everywhere. (Waist, chest and shoulders specifically.) Though he can’t just lose fat in those places specifically cause everyone’s body’s different, some may lose fat on the arms first, some might lose fat on the legs first. It’s clear to see, shéa lost fat on his waist first of all.
Shéa came to me twice a week and his training consisted of upper body one day and lower body the next day. Shéa came into every workout with the mindset to destroy the workout and perform to his 100% ability, anytime he knew the weight was too light, he informed me to bump the weight up and he got the reps done. Most importantly it was his work outside the gym, so the cardio he done outside the gym and especially the clean eating he was doing allowed him to achieve these results.
The photo’s on the left is Shéa when he first came to me after his long break of no training and the photo on the right is his current condition.
Shéa is able to wake up everyday knowing exactly what to eat and what not to eat, over the weeks, Shéa gained more and more knowledge from me, that helped him so much, he now knows what to do with no assistance. Shéa is still working with me and I’m glad to still be working with him to tighten him up even more and get him into even better shape but from where he first started to now, he deserves all the praise he can get.
Brilliant work buddy! Well deserved!👍🏽
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Good Morning Folks 🙋🏽‍♂️
Shéa Devlin has been back with me after the Christmas holidays, he was with me prior to this but things came up and he was unable to attend. He got Christmas over him, settled into the new year and came back a better man! Here’s a short clip of his finisher from his workout on Monday, I set a workout up on the screen of the rower for Shéa to do and it required him to row: - 100m w/ 20s rest 5 times - 150m w/ 25s rest 4 times ... - 300m w/ 30s rest 3 times
The video shows Shea’s first round of the 300m row, taking into consideration he had already done his 100m rows and 150m rows. I can honestly say he is making serious progress, he listens and does exactly what I want him to do and in result of that, he’s fitter and in great shape. He’s keeping the head down and putting the work in and the rewards are definitely starting to show. I knew when I set this workout for Shéa he could do it and he knew himself that he could do it and that’s the key, he sat on that rower and knew he could do it, so there was no way he wasn’t going to do it.
Always have a positive attitude when going into your workouts! There is no I can’t do it! Those words don’t exist! Transformation for Shéa should be up by the end of the week!
Have a good day folks👍🏽
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Client: Tyler Devlin👀
Tyler had been on a 12 week program with me and told me he wanted to increase size and strength for the new football season.
From seeing his attitude towards the program I knew he was going to be dedicated, he done 2 days a week with me plus 1-2 days on his own and most sessions he had with me he was already in 15-20 minutes before doing a good extensive warmup.
... Tyler gained strength and size all round, his bench started off at 50kg and moved up to 65kg and his squatting had started at 100kg and moved up to an incredible 125kg all increased from day 1 of the program, his weight at the beginning was 10st 9lbs and yesterday he weighed in at 11st 11lbs.
Keep the hard work sir! End result is definitely deserved!👍🏽
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Is anyone else feeling out of shape or is it just me? Christmas definitely beat me that’s for sure. If anyone else feels out of shape like I do, you’s will be glad to be hear I’m back working this week, so if you want to get into the shape of your life drop me a message and I’ll get you sorted.
Currently I have a package running ONLY for the month of January: - 6 Week Program - Before and After Transformation ... - Nutrition Advice - Measurements - 2 PT sessions a week All for £120 up front. After January the original price will be back up to £220
All I need you from you is hard work and dedication, I can only show you, tell you and guide you on what you need to do, but I can’t do the workouts or the eating for you.
Hope to see some you very soon!👍🏽
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Would just like to wish each and every one of you’s a Happy Christmas.
Don’t restrict yourselves from your dirty food binges, eat every piece of junk you want. We only get this holiday once a year so make the most of it. I’m for sure enjoying it too much. 🤦🏽‍♂️
Enjoy the new year and hopefully I’ll see you’s then.👍🏽


It was a pleasure to meet Grainne from the Niamh Louise Charity. We had a very successful week down here at Lifestyle Fitness and were able to raise a phenomenal £214 within the space of a week. I would honestly like to thank every single person who donated towards this great charity, all the members who took part in my free PT session week in association with the charity event, the staff at Lifestyle Fitness for helping promote the charity and letting members know it was run...ning, Gerry Sweeney for coming up with the idea and helping me through it and finally to everyone who follows my fitness page for the support I received leading up to the week of this event, I can’t thank you all enough.
More and more stories creep up about Suicide and by the looks of it, it seems like it won’t seem to ever end. So just because our charity event has ended doesn’t mean you still can’t donate to Niamh Louise, you can donate to the charity whenever you please. On a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Anyone who is considering to run a charity event, definitely consider Niamh Louise as they have been great with us.
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For one week, you can experience what it’s like to train in the gym, whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or advanced but just need some motivation and new workout knowledge, I will be offering PT sessions for nothing only your donations. Whether it’s a £1 donation, £5 or a £20 donation every penny counts. Donations will be going towards the Niamh Louise Foundation which focuses on Suicide Awareness based in Dungannon. Most of us have been affected by in some way, shape or form, so your donation can help prevent someone from taking their life.
All sessions will commence Monday the 3rd of December
If this interests you feel free to contact me on Facebook, Instagram or even pop down to the gym and I can get you’s booked in for a time that suits you’s.
I look forward to seeing you’s 👍🏽
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4 weeks in and Tyler Devlin has came on leaps and bounds. Happy to say that he is fully focused and in the right mindset. Both me and Tyler are working towards reaching his overall goals. I’m providing Tyler with the correct advice and he’s been able to take all that onboard and deliver. Still many more weeks ahead and Tyler will only be getting bigger and better from here on in!
Keep up the hard work sir! Keep grinding!👍🏽


First week done and dusted for client Shéa Devlin Shéa’s given 100% already in the first week and I hope he continues to keep up the hard work right to the end. Here’s just a look at one of his sets as we where finishing off his Leg session.


3 Winners have been chosen. I chose 3 random numbers and went into the list of people and counted up from there. The winners are:
1) Aoibheann Moore... 2) Sinead Donnelly 3) Jonathan Mitchell
Each one has been contacted and are more than happy to go ahead. I would like thank all of you who entered the competition and have been supporting this page. I hope you will continue to do so. 💪🏽
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More about Morris Fitness