N.I Tour Guide

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00

About N.I Tour Guide

Showing you the best, the bold and the beautiful things and places to see and do in Northern Ireland.



Hi Tourists! I don’t usually post something like this on the page but it’s come to my attention that the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council are considering a proposal to remove public access to the Giants Causeway. This is something I wholeheartedly disagree with.
This would mean that in order for tourists and locals to gain access and see this amazing natural wonder of the world and registered UNESCO site they would have to pay.
If you support free access to the Causeway, please take 30 seconds of your time to sign this petition and please SHARE this with as many people as you can. Let’s make our voices heard.


☀️ Great to see the sun out in full force again today, this stunning view was captured close to Mount Stewart. If you’re looking for some beautiful views with an awesome coastal drive I’d highly recommend checking out that part of the country ☀️


☀️ The suns out at last! Taking some time to visit one of my favourite places. The views here are just stunning.
Where are your favourite places?


Do you have a business or event coming up that you want to tell more people about? We're always on the lookout for brilliant places and events for our adventurers to check out, so why not get in touch!


Why not grab someone you love, make a flask of hot tea and go on an adventure this bank holiday weekend!
The coast is calling! 🌊


If you’re out and about near the The Giant's Causeway and you’re feeling a bit peckish you’ve GOT to stop by and check Mini Maegden. It has the N.I Tour Guide seal of approval 👍
I got myself a gorgeous grilled cheese sandwich and probably THE best hot chocolate I’ve ever had...
I’d highly recommend the hot chocolate. ☕️


The cold weather is definitely settling in and here at N.I Tour Guide we want to see every frosty corner of this place we call home.
If you've got a frosty photo you think we should share why not get in touch! Feel free to drop us a message or email us at tourguideni@gmail.com


The Continental Christmas Market is finally here! How many of you are hoping to visit to get your mulled wine and bratwurst?
By the way, if you're looking for a special treat, check out the Belfast Bubble Waffle stand, YUM! 🥞


We don't often share posts like this but Art by Liz Simpson is currently running a giveaway that is too good NOT to share.
A local North Coast artist, Liz is currently giving away a few of her pieces in time for Christmas, so head over to her page and check it out.
... - NITG
See More


So it looks like Ballymoney is going to be home to a Viking stronghold for the next few weeks as Viking Destiny has begun filming. Great to see such exciting projects coming to Northern Ireland and especially the Causeway Coast!


Spending this rainy Sunday afternoon with some eggs benedict and a good 'auld cup of tea in 3hree Kings Coffee in Portstewart. How are you spending your afternoon?


Get out there and enjoy this amazing sunshine we're having this weekend! Just don't do anything too extreme like Harvey Mawhinney here at Carrick-a-Rede... 😁
If you have a photo that's capturing the best, bold and beautiful parts of Northern Ireland, then feel free to send them to me at: tourguideni@gmail.com


Absolutely stunning photo of the Giants Causeway sent to my by Jemma Heyburn.
If you have a photo that's capturing the best, bold and beautiful parts of Northern Ireland, then feel free to send them to me at: tourguideni@gmail.com


Do you have a business or event coming up that you want to tell more people about? We're always on the lookout for brilliant places and events for our adventurers to check out, so why not get in touch!


Wow! Look at this amazing view from the surroundings of Cuilcagh Mountain in Fermanagh. You'd definitely need your hiking boots for that terrain.
Thankyou to Alison (@alisoncraig90 on Instagram) for sending us this photo!
If you've taken a photo showcasing a piece of Northern Ireland, send it to us at: tourguideni@gmail.com


We want to see your Northern Ireland! If you have a photo from your adventures here in N.I. we'd love to see them and showcase them on our social media.
If you have a photo you'd like to submit, send it over to us at: tourguideni@gmail.com


Looking for something different to do this week? You can be treated to some spectacular views taking a ramble through the wind-farms on the road to Londonderry. Be sure to take a flask of tea with you though, they don't call them Wind Farms for nothing...


According to Facebook, one of our fans has Pirate English as their preferred language. So, in order to show off my linguistic skills "G'arr, I woe ye be havin' a jolly week!"

More about N.I Tour Guide

N.I Tour Guide is located at The Diamond, BT51 5 Coleraine, Coleraine, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00