Rosemary Lodge Vet Hospital

About Rosemary Lodge Vet Hospital

Bath Vets provide friendly, professional, 24-hour veterinary care to all companion animals by our team of dedicated and compassionate vets, nurses and receptionists. We also have an on-site referral team armed with state of the art equipment and more.



When little Flo met a very big Ted! Making friends at Rosemary Lodge 😊


We would love to see photos of your wet walks, please share below...


For your information - our updated repeat prescription protocol at Rosemary Lodge.


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with our nurse, from Monday 4th June 2018 - Friday 8th June 2018, please call to book 01225 832 521.
Bath Vets are participating in Rabbit Awareness Week 2018 (RAW).
... Health check includes great care advice and FREE RABBIT GOODIES.
MOVE AWAY FROM MUESLI: This year we are raising awareness around the dangers of selective feeding, encouraging owners to ‘Move Away From Muesli’ towards a high-quality, hay based diet.
Muesli style diets can increase the risk of .... - digestive problems - dental disease - fly strike all of which can be potentially life threatening to rabbits.
Book a free health check and ask our nurses how you can move away from muesli!
Offer currently only available at Rosemary Lodge Veterinary Hospital and Chapel Vets.
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fab treatment and support for our abused brain damaged Rottweiler boy from Rottweiler Friends Rescue on Friday.


excellent my dogs like it so much they are always devising excuses to be there... Sooty started his underwater treadmill sessions this week


Would like to thank the most caring vets possible, after taking a very poorly westie in this morning they were nothing but kind and compassionate as he got worse and we sadly lost him xxx thank you so much


Very efficient service. Vet very helpful and patient. Great after care service and follow ups.


The cat "tiny" loved it particularly the cuddles and the heated pen. Expensive but the cat is happy and well now.


The best care your pet could ever have. Thank you all for all the hard work and loving care you gave crackers. And looking after our vocal gem. If anybody needs a vet, i would recommend rosemary lodge as they are very caring to all pets. Thanks again Judy sean crackers and gem


Thankyou to Vet Mark and all the team for getting Woody through the night, thank you for looking after him


Thank you so much for saving our puppy Ted after he came in floppy and dehydrated after a nasty tummy bug. After a night of you working your magic he was like a different puppy the next morning! Everyone I spoke to was kind and polite, highly recommended xx


Super care and compassion shown by the whole team in what was an extremely challenging and difficult time for us.


Such compassionate, thorough and professional care. Our ratties were given the best possible care and attention by obviously caring and skilled staff.


My cat Smouse has been with you since Sunday and I would just like to say that you have been fantastic! He's still with you now fighting an infection but I get two or three updates during the day without fail and am kept fully up to date with his progress! Thank you so much for being so kind and professional! Lovely staff too. Well done for all that you do. ����


Lovely people who provide a truly exceptional standard of care. They've given amazing care to our rats and dogs.


I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving and looking after my boy!! I'm couldn't be more grateful love rick keela and most of all RALPH THE BEAGLE


FB post Wednesday 12th April 2017 8.30am

Lister (Cavalier 7yrs) is in a very serious place right now, he is the most poorly he has ever been.

We are unsure if he will see the day through, as he will not stabilise. They have said between 4 and 6 hours after that they don't really know.

Just to say I absolutely adore and love Lister as most of you already know. He has given everything to me especially in agility and for the next few hours all my thoughts are with him.

Thank you all for the wishes and thoughts.

FB post Wednesday 12th April 2017 6.00pm

On route to the vets this morning, I had almost a lifeless body in my arms. Lister couldn't even lift his head, no strength at all even his breathing was shallow. As some of you know who have been through this (some very recently) all I feared was the worse.

When we took him into the vet she told us that he had only about a 15% chance of survival at best. He was now unconscious with no movement at all just the odd eye flicker.

Then I posted what was going on and then more tears as the support totally overwhelmed us.

Thank you all, every single one of you for your kind words, messages and texts it really meant a lot. Lister knew he had an army of friends on his side so time to not disappoint and start kicking back

At around 11.00 we had a call from the vet to say they finally had him stabilised although they were not 100% sure without tests what was going on. His survival chances were now raised to 50%.

Another call came in and all his vitals were now exactly where they should be and tests could begin.

We then decided to visit Lister around 5.00ish, we were allowed in and when we looked down although all vitals were correct I was looking at a shadow of the dog I knew only yesterday. The vet explained bloods were taken but wouldn't be back until late today maybe tomorrow but everything else was good. He had a bloated stomach for a few reasons. I asked if he had eaten anything "no" was the reply so I asked if it would be ok to try.

As soon as I got down and kneeled in front of him he looked up (First time today) he then tried to get up, his eyes were wide and he looked happy, I held my hand out with some kibble which he ate. Between 2 nurses and vet there were a lot of tears at that point as they all said none of them thought he would pull through. Welcome to a 75% chance.

One thing I have found about my little friend, he is a fighter, he will give me 100% whenever he can and sometimes when his body is telling him something else. Although as they said not out of the woods yet Lister is slowly mending and going in the right direction.

Once again Karen and I thank you all at Rosemary Lodge and the fast actions of Natures Vet as I am sure Lister would say the same you are all so thoughtful and kind.

FB post Thursday 13th April 2017 6.00pm

Listers side of the story:

As most of you know, early yesterday I was taken into the vets and I was extremely poorly. Couldn't even eat sausages , It’s been a very long 36 hours or so without sausages.

Everyone has worked so hard for me especially Nicola and her team at Rosemary Lodge, they worked so very hard to keep me here and not have to visit rainbow bridge yet. At one point, they tell me when I first came in I could almost see rainbow bridge on the horizon. Also, I remember a different room from earlier and if they would not have acted so fast to get me here I am not sure what would have happened thank you Natures Vet.

Nicola and her team ran around so fast and everyone knew what they needed to do. I felt safe and gradually comfortable as the warmth began to return to my body. I then had a few tests and gradually felt a little stronger, as the day started to move on. After a while I just felt tired and wanted to sleep. I was sleeping for some time then something was different, something familiar. I wasn’t sure so decided just to open one eye and it was dad, as it was dad I thought I better open both eyes and try to get up. My first thought was did he have the sausages but no instead he offered me some food and it was actually lovely, then I looked up there were a lot of people around and some of them had wet eyes. Not sure why as I eat every day and this was tasty food. Then more people walked around and they were all smiling I guess I must have done something good.

Thank you to absolutely everyone who has sent me the kind wishes I have now read every one of them. I would like to take Bonny up on the too many sausages to eat yet 😊 give me a month or so 😊

I had sepsis and if I ever see sepsis again I am going to bite it right on the bum.

I am not quite done with visiting the fantastic staff at the vets as my white blood count is wrong and they need to make this right.

So tomorrow being another day I am going to set you all a little quiz, please insert my name where the dots are.

He’s coming home, He’s coming home, he’s coming ……………… coming home.

He’s coming home, He’s coming home, he’s coming ……………… coming home.

Thank you all once again you have all been amazing friends

The picture is me in the garden earlier today still no blinking sausages though.

The other picture is Nicola and one of her amazing team who helped me yesterday they didn't have any sausages either :)

Today Tuesday 18th April 2017 3.50

Once again dad has brought me to the vets I quite like it here lots of fab people who smile at me. The lady behind the counter came around and scruffed my hair its little things like that which make my visits good.

Then I saw Lisa she is brilliant and smiled when she saw me, dad does ask some really daft questions but I forgive him. She saw me the other day when I left the vets to go home and gave dad a big bag of stuff I thought was a take away, not sure where this take away comes from but it’s not very tasty just a load of small brown bottles and shrink wrapped packaging. She took some more blood today I think she needs to see if the sausage level in my blood is correct. :) I can assure them it’s not no sausages now for a week☹

Once again from my Mum and Dad and my two best friends at home Coco and Fern (please don’t tell them I said that or my street cred will be going down. I would like to thank you all absolutely everyone you have all be fantastic.



Cannot thank you all enough for the care and help you've given to us and our lovely Bruno. Xx


Amazing staff , amazing surgeon allister ,if it wasn't for all these people who work here, my puppy Charlie wouldn't be here , I'm so greatful to everyone for his surgery and aftercare and he is now a happy puppy we love him so much,thank u xx


Always have 1st class treatment when we have taken a pet here, very informative and always really helpful. Great communication when pets have had to stay in, keep up the good work � thank you.


Absolutely amazing care for my 2 year old cat Demelza who had a nasty encounter with a car. 10 days in hospital and 3 operations later she proved herself to be a true fighter. I couldn't have asked for more from all the vets, nurses and receptionists who looked after her (and me). They always kept me fully updated on what was happening and next steps and showed her such compassion and used their amazing skills to get her on the road to, in time, what should be a full recovery. THANK YOU!


The first thing they will do is charge you a hefty deposit (usually £500) even if you are insured. They will then charge a £25 admin fee for processing your insurance application, unless you pay in full and process it your self.

Supposedly this is standard practice, in which case the veterinary industry needs to improve their standards.

I have looked in to it, and Rosemary Lodge appear to the the only local vet to charge a deposit, I would go to Highcroft in Whitchurch instead - there is a £15.50 admin fee for them to take on the insurance claim, but they do hold the debt rather than you.


fab treatment and support for our abused brain damaged Rottweiler boy from Rottweiler Friends Rescue on Friday.


excellent my dogs like it so much they are always devising excuses to be there... Sooty started his underwater treadmill sessions this week


Would like to thank the most caring vets possible, after taking a very poorly westie in this morning they were nothing but kind and compassionate as he got worse and we sadly lost him xxx thank you so much


Very efficient service. Vet very helpful and patient. Great after care service and follow ups.


The cat "tiny" loved it particularly the cuddles and the heated pen. Expensive but the cat is happy and well now.


The best care your pet could ever have. Thank you all for all the hard work and loving care you gave crackers. And looking after our vocal gem. If anybody needs a vet, i would recommend rosemary lodge as they are very caring to all pets. Thanks again Judy sean crackers and gem


Thankyou to Vet Mark and all the team for getting Woody through the night, thank you for looking after him


Thank you so much for saving our puppy Ted after he came in floppy and dehydrated after a nasty tummy bug. After a night of you working your magic he was like a different puppy the next morning! Everyone I spoke to was kind and polite, highly recommended xx


Super care and compassion shown by the whole team in what was an extremely challenging and difficult time for us.


Such compassionate, thorough and professional care. Our ratties were given the best possible care and attention by obviously caring and skilled staff.


My cat Smouse has been with you since Sunday and I would just like to say that you have been fantastic! He's still with you now fighting an infection but I get two or three updates during the day without fail and am kept fully up to date with his progress! Thank you so much for being so kind and professional! Lovely staff too. Well done for all that you do. ����


Lovely people who provide a truly exceptional standard of care. They've given amazing care to our rats and dogs.


I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving and looking after my boy!! I'm couldn't be more grateful love rick keela and most of all RALPH THE BEAGLE


FB post Wednesday 12th April 2017 8.30am

Lister (Cavalier 7yrs) is in a very serious place right now, he is the most poorly he has ever been.

We are unsure if he will see the day through, as he will not stabilise. They have said between 4 and 6 hours after that they don't really know.

Just to say I absolutely adore and love Lister as most of you already know. He has given everything to me especially in agility and for the next few hours all my thoughts are with him.

Thank you all for the wishes and thoughts.

FB post Wednesday 12th April 2017 6.00pm

On route to the vets this morning, I had almost a lifeless body in my arms. Lister couldn't even lift his head, no strength at all even his breathing was shallow. As some of you know who have been through this (some very recently) all I feared was the worse.

When we took him into the vet she told us that he had only about a 15% chance of survival at best. He was now unconscious with no movement at all just the odd eye flicker.

Then I posted what was going on and then more tears as the support totally overwhelmed us.

Thank you all, every single one of you for your kind words, messages and texts it really meant a lot. Lister knew he had an army of friends on his side so time to not disappoint and start kicking back

At around 11.00 we had a call from the vet to say they finally had him stabilised although they were not 100% sure without tests what was going on. His survival chances were now raised to 50%.

Another call came in and all his vitals were now exactly where they should be and tests could begin.

We then decided to visit Lister around 5.00ish, we were allowed in and when we looked down although all vitals were correct I was looking at a shadow of the dog I knew only yesterday. The vet explained bloods were taken but wouldn't be back until late today maybe tomorrow but everything else was good. He had a bloated stomach for a few reasons. I asked if he had eaten anything "no" was the reply so I asked if it would be ok to try.

As soon as I got down and kneeled in front of him he looked up (First time today) he then tried to get up, his eyes were wide and he looked happy, I held my hand out with some kibble which he ate. Between 2 nurses and vet there were a lot of tears at that point as they all said none of them thought he would pull through. Welcome to a 75% chance.

One thing I have found about my little friend, he is a fighter, he will give me 100% whenever he can and sometimes when his body is telling him something else. Although as they said not out of the woods yet Lister is slowly mending and going in the right direction.

Once again Karen and I thank you all at Rosemary Lodge and the fast actions of Natures Vet as I am sure Lister would say the same you are all so thoughtful and kind.

FB post Thursday 13th April 2017 6.00pm

Listers side of the story:

As most of you know, early yesterday I was taken into the vets and I was extremely poorly. Couldn't even eat sausages , It’s been a very long 36 hours or so without sausages.

Everyone has worked so hard for me especially Nicola and her team at Rosemary Lodge, they worked so very hard to keep me here and not have to visit rainbow bridge yet. At one point, they tell me when I first came in I could almost see rainbow bridge on the horizon. Also, I remember a different room from earlier and if they would not have acted so fast to get me here I am not sure what would have happened thank you Natures Vet.

Nicola and her team ran around so fast and everyone knew what they needed to do. I felt safe and gradually comfortable as the warmth began to return to my body. I then had a few tests and gradually felt a little stronger, as the day started to move on. After a while I just felt tired and wanted to sleep. I was sleeping for some time then something was different, something familiar. I wasn’t sure so decided just to open one eye and it was dad, as it was dad I thought I better open both eyes and try to get up. My first thought was did he have the sausages but no instead he offered me some food and it was actually lovely, then I looked up there were a lot of people around and some of them had wet eyes. Not sure why as I eat every day and this was tasty food. Then more people walked around and they were all smiling I guess I must have done something good.

Thank you to absolutely everyone who has sent me the kind wishes I have now read every one of them. I would like to take Bonny up on the too many sausages to eat yet 😊 give me a month or so 😊

I had sepsis and if I ever see sepsis again I am going to bite it right on the bum.

I am not quite done with visiting the fantastic staff at the vets as my white blood count is wrong and they need to make this right.

So tomorrow being another day I am going to set you all a little quiz, please insert my name where the dots are.

He’s coming home, He’s coming home, he’s coming ……………… coming home.

He’s coming home, He’s coming home, he’s coming ……………… coming home.

Thank you all once again you have all been amazing friends

The picture is me in the garden earlier today still no blinking sausages though.

The other picture is Nicola and one of her amazing team who helped me yesterday they didn't have any sausages either :)

Today Tuesday 18th April 2017 3.50

Once again dad has brought me to the vets I quite like it here lots of fab people who smile at me. The lady behind the counter came around and scruffed my hair its little things like that which make my visits good.

Then I saw Lisa she is brilliant and smiled when she saw me, dad does ask some really daft questions but I forgive him. She saw me the other day when I left the vets to go home and gave dad a big bag of stuff I thought was a take away, not sure where this take away comes from but it’s not very tasty just a load of small brown bottles and shrink wrapped packaging. She took some more blood today I think she needs to see if the sausage level in my blood is correct. :) I can assure them it’s not no sausages now for a week☹

Once again from my Mum and Dad and my two best friends at home Coco and Fern (please don’t tell them I said that or my street cred will be going down. I would like to thank you all absolutely everyone you have all be fantastic.



Cannot thank you all enough for the care and help you've given to us and our lovely Bruno. Xx


Amazing staff , amazing surgeon allister ,if it wasn't for all these people who work here, my puppy Charlie wouldn't be here , I'm so greatful to everyone for his surgery and aftercare and he is now a happy puppy we love him so much,thank u xx


Always have 1st class treatment when we have taken a pet here, very informative and always really helpful. Great communication when pets have had to stay in, keep up the good work � thank you.


Absolutely amazing care for my 2 year old cat Demelza who had a nasty encounter with a car. 10 days in hospital and 3 operations later she proved herself to be a true fighter. I couldn't have asked for more from all the vets, nurses and receptionists who looked after her (and me). They always kept me fully updated on what was happening and next steps and showed her such compassion and used their amazing skills to get her on the road to, in time, what should be a full recovery. THANK YOU!


The first thing they will do is charge you a hefty deposit (usually £500) even if you are insured. They will then charge a £25 admin fee for processing your insurance application, unless you pay in full and process it your self.

Supposedly this is standard practice, in which case the veterinary industry needs to improve their standards.

I have looked in to it, and Rosemary Lodge appear to the the only local vet to charge a deposit, I would go to Highcroft in Whitchurch instead - there is a £15.50 admin fee for them to take on the insurance claim, but they do hold the debt rather than you.


fab treatment and support for our abused brain damaged Rottweiler boy from Rottweiler Friends Rescue on Friday.


excellent my dogs like it so much they are always devising excuses to be there... Sooty started his underwater treadmill sessions this week


Would like to thank the most caring vets possible, after taking a very poorly westie in this morning they were nothing but kind and compassionate as he got worse and we sadly lost him xxx thank you so much


Very efficient service. Vet very helpful and patient. Great after care service and follow ups.


The cat "tiny" loved it particularly the cuddles and the heated pen. Expensive but the cat is happy and well now.


The best care your pet could ever have. Thank you all for all the hard work and loving care you gave crackers. And looking after our vocal gem. If anybody needs a vet, i would recommend rosemary lodge as they are very caring to all pets. Thanks again Judy sean crackers and gem


Thankyou to Vet Mark and all the team for getting Woody through the night, thank you for looking after him


Thank you so much for saving our puppy Ted after he came in floppy and dehydrated after a nasty tummy bug. After a night of you working your magic he was like a different puppy the next morning! Everyone I spoke to was kind and polite, highly recommended xx


Super care and compassion shown by the whole team in what was an extremely challenging and difficult time for us.


Such compassionate, thorough and professional care. Our ratties were given the best possible care and attention by obviously caring and skilled staff.


My cat Smouse has been with you since Sunday and I would just like to say that you have been fantastic! He's still with you now fighting an infection but I get two or three updates during the day without fail and am kept fully up to date with his progress! Thank you so much for being so kind and professional! Lovely staff too. Well done for all that you do. ����


Lovely people who provide a truly exceptional standard of care. They've given amazing care to our rats and dogs.


I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving and looking after my boy!! I'm couldn't be more grateful love rick keela and most of all RALPH THE BEAGLE


FB post Wednesday 12th April 2017 8.30am

Lister (Cavalier 7yrs) is in a very serious place right now, he is the most poorly he has ever been.

We are unsure if he will see the day through, as he will not stabilise. They have said between 4 and 6 hours after that they don't really know.

Just to say I absolutely adore and love Lister as most of you already know. He has given everything to me especially in agility and for the next few hours all my thoughts are with him.

Thank you all for the wishes and thoughts.

FB post Wednesday 12th April 2017 6.00pm

On route to the vets this morning, I had almost a lifeless body in my arms. Lister couldn't even lift his head, no strength at all even his breathing was shallow. As some of you know who have been through this (some very recently) all I feared was the worse.

When we took him into the vet she told us that he had only about a 15% chance of survival at best. He was now unconscious with no movement at all just the odd eye flicker.

Then I posted what was going on and then more tears as the support totally overwhelmed us.

Thank you all, every single one of you for your kind words, messages and texts it really meant a lot. Lister knew he had an army of friends on his side so time to not disappoint and start kicking back

At around 11.00 we had a call from the vet to say they finally had him stabilised although they were not 100% sure without tests what was going on. His survival chances were now raised to 50%.

Another call came in and all his vitals were now exactly where they should be and tests could begin.

We then decided to visit Lister around 5.00ish, we were allowed in and when we looked down although all vitals were correct I was looking at a shadow of the dog I knew only yesterday. The vet explained bloods were taken but wouldn't be back until late today maybe tomorrow but everything else was good. He had a bloated stomach for a few reasons. I asked if he had eaten anything "no" was the reply so I asked if it would be ok to try.

As soon as I got down and kneeled in front of him he looked up (First time today) he then tried to get up, his eyes were wide and he looked happy, I held my hand out with some kibble which he ate. Between 2 nurses and vet there were a lot of tears at that point as they all said none of them thought he would pull through. Welcome to a 75% chance.

One thing I have found about my little friend, he is a fighter, he will give me 100% whenever he can and sometimes when his body is telling him something else. Although as they said not out of the woods yet Lister is slowly mending and going in the right direction.

Once again Karen and I thank you all at Rosemary Lodge and the fast actions of Natures Vet as I am sure Lister would say the same you are all so thoughtful and kind.

FB post Thursday 13th April 2017 6.00pm

Listers side of the story:

As most of you know, early yesterday I was taken into the vets and I was extremely poorly. Couldn't even eat sausages , It’s been a very long 36 hours or so without sausages.

Everyone has worked so hard for me especially Nicola and her team at Rosemary Lodge, they worked so very hard to keep me here and not have to visit rainbow bridge yet. At one point, they tell me when I first came in I could almost see rainbow bridge on the horizon. Also, I remember a different room from earlier and if they would not have acted so fast to get me here I am not sure what would have happened thank you Natures Vet.

Nicola and her team ran around so fast and everyone knew what they needed to do. I felt safe and gradually comfortable as the warmth began to return to my body. I then had a few tests and gradually felt a little stronger, as the day started to move on. After a while I just felt tired and wanted to sleep. I was sleeping for some time then something was different, something familiar. I wasn’t sure so decided just to open one eye and it was dad, as it was dad I thought I better open both eyes and try to get up. My first thought was did he have the sausages but no instead he offered me some food and it was actually lovely, then I looked up there were a lot of people around and some of them had wet eyes. Not sure why as I eat every day and this was tasty food. Then more people walked around and they were all smiling I guess I must have done something good.

Thank you to absolutely everyone who has sent me the kind wishes I have now read every one of them. I would like to take Bonny up on the too many sausages to eat yet 😊 give me a month or so 😊

I had sepsis and if I ever see sepsis again I am going to bite it right on the bum.

I am not quite done with visiting the fantastic staff at the vets as my white blood count is wrong and they need to make this right.

So tomorrow being another day I am going to set you all a little quiz, please insert my name where the dots are.

He’s coming home, He’s coming home, he’s coming ……………… coming home.

He’s coming home, He’s coming home, he’s coming ……………… coming home.

Thank you all once again you have all been amazing friends

The picture is me in the garden earlier today still no blinking sausages though.

The other picture is Nicola and one of her amazing team who helped me yesterday they didn't have any sausages either :)

Today Tuesday 18th April 2017 3.50

Once again dad has brought me to the vets I quite like it here lots of fab people who smile at me. The lady behind the counter came around and scruffed my hair its little things like that which make my visits good.

Then I saw Lisa she is brilliant and smiled when she saw me, dad does ask some really daft questions but I forgive him. She saw me the other day when I left the vets to go home and gave dad a big bag of stuff I thought was a take away, not sure where this take away comes from but it’s not very tasty just a load of small brown bottles and shrink wrapped packaging. She took some more blood today I think she needs to see if the sausage level in my blood is correct. :) I can assure them it’s not no sausages now for a week☹

Once again from my Mum and Dad and my two best friends at home Coco and Fern (please don’t tell them I said that or my street cred will be going down. I would like to thank you all absolutely everyone you have all be fantastic.



Cannot thank you all enough for the care and help you've given to us and our lovely Bruno. Xx


Amazing staff , amazing surgeon allister ,if it wasn't for all these people who work here, my puppy Charlie wouldn't be here , I'm so greatful to everyone for his surgery and aftercare and he is now a happy puppy we love him so much,thank u xx


Always have 1st class treatment when we have taken a pet here, very informative and always really helpful. Great communication when pets have had to stay in, keep up the good work � thank you.


Absolutely amazing care for my 2 year old cat Demelza who had a nasty encounter with a car. 10 days in hospital and 3 operations later she proved herself to be a true fighter. I couldn't have asked for more from all the vets, nurses and receptionists who looked after her (and me). They always kept me fully updated on what was happening and next steps and showed her such compassion and used their amazing skills to get her on the road to, in time, what should be a full recovery. THANK YOU!


The first thing they will do is charge you a hefty deposit (usually £500) even if you are insured. They will then charge a £25 admin fee for processing your insurance application, unless you pay in full and process it your self.

Supposedly this is standard practice, in which case the veterinary industry needs to improve their standards.

I have looked in to it, and Rosemary Lodge appear to the the only local vet to charge a deposit, I would go to Highcroft in Whitchurch instead - there is a £15.50 admin fee for them to take on the insurance claim, but they do hold the debt rather than you.

More about Rosemary Lodge Vet Hospital

Rosemary Lodge Vet Hospital is located at Rosemary Lodge Veterinary Hospital, BA2 5RL Bath, Somerset