Scott Mcgarry Personal Training

About Scott Mcgarry Personal Training

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Train with us, Eat with us, Succeed with us!

Scott Mcgarry Personal Training Description

On this page you can follow how clients from all the trainers at Scott McGarry Health & Fitness achieve such fantastic results!
We will reveal every last detail on the amazing transformations we provide!
Detailed Information on their diets, training programs, supplements and body composition improvements!
Are programs, are ever changing and improving, so follow us and grow with us!



Fitness Crisis or Opportunity?
If you don’t have access to a gym, and are about to lose your mind, I’ve been there ⬇️ Without a gym- Strength training is going to be your main issue so don’t expect to PB any more Front Squats or Clean & Jerks. It’s Not ideal, but you could turn the “crisis” into an opportunity...
... 1 of the best things that happened to my Fitness was taking strength training away from me for 9 months after ACL surgery. At the time, I thought my whole world came crashing down- it could of been easy to get demotivated and stop training for a while. But instead I put all of my focus on mobility, co-ordination and agility- 3 elements of fitness I gave little to no time to pre op. Working on co-ordination was weird/boring at first, but like any style of training- once you start to see the benefits and start making progress it suddenly becomes enjoyable/addictive.
After 9 months, once I was healthy enough to get the barbell in my hands again it felt incredible- not just because it had been so long since I’d thrown 1 about, but because all my work on mobility, agility & co-ordination had quite clearly paid off! My positions had improved, my movement and timing was smoother and overall I was a much better rounded athlete ready to smash my strength levels back up again. Now my mobility, agility & co-ordination sessions are a big part of my weekly training schedule.
Strength is just 1 of the many elements of Fitness. Take it away and your left with flexibility, co-ordination, muscular endurance, stamina & Agility (plenty to work on). A decent gym facility is ideal, but if you’re smart all of these elements can be worked on with minimal equipment.
Self isolating? Stay motivated- Don’t get fat, learn how to handstand 🤸🏻 #TeamGladiator
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Be wary of the “Perfect Plan”
I spend a good part of my year in other gyms throughout the World, experiencing (not watching) various different training methods.
The more I visit the more I realise individualised programming is completely overrated. Most people invest in it as a replacement for hard work or to convince themselves they’ve purchased an “advantage”.
... Truth is, that “perfect plan” is instead probably holding you back because of both of those reasons. Unfortunately there’s too many “harmless” trainers who don’t like working hard themselves, so inevitably don’t know how to make you work hard either. Instead they resort to selling that “Perfect Plan”.
Fact- You’re going to do so much better and save a lot of money by just focusing on working harder (increasing intensity) and moving better.
Don’t take my word for it- I’ll show you... #GladiatorTraining
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Last session before a 14 day break from Coaching. A power cut meant no electric 🔌 and it had absolutely no effect on the session due to the energy these guys create ⚡ We have crossfitters, professional fighters, complete newbies, coaches, Parents & Teenagers all training side by side- pushing each other to give 100%. That's exactly what makes it the best session of the week! 🙌🏻
We have much more to come this Summer 🍊💪🏻 #TeamGladiator


Frustration crushes confidence & brings you back to the start line everytime. Applause inherits confidence, gives you something to build on & takes you a step closer to your goal.
Stop getting frustrated at the things you can't do, instead applaud the things you can! Take the little wins from every training session. "Today I Did", not "Today I didn't" #TeamGladiator


Both Girls have been with me for 7 years. 2 of my first ever clients. Like everyone’s journey, it’s had its ups and downs, but neither of them have ever chased short term success. They’ve had plenty of set backs just like everyone else but they’ve stuck to the principles they’ve learned, taken step backs when needed and always continued to make long term progress.
Judge your 8-12 week programs, 8-12 Months after- have you been able to maintain your results? Have you been abl...e to make further progress based on what you learned during those 8-12 weeks? Or are you back to square 1? Discipline isn’t 12 weeks, it’s 12 months, it’s 7 years. If your eyes are on a finish line you'll hate the process and end up running round in circles.
You wouldn't believe where these 2 started. Proud to have them both by side, both now coaches at @smhfgladiatortraining
Cant wait to see where we are in another 7 years 🧡 #GymFam
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When at that stage of giving up, ask yourself: "What is so unbearable about this situation? Why can't I endure it?". You'll be embarrassed by your answer. #TeamGladiator


Why you should be group training. Better Results ✔️ Cheaper Results ✔️ More enjoyable Results ✔️
I'v always approached training as black & white ⚫⚪ Progress is the only way I operate. If you're not making it, you need to change. If your not making enough, you need to change. Simple. Don't go through the motions. Change.
Group exercise can be intimidating, that's because you're outside of your comfort zone. If your too comfortable inside your gym or you've been friend zoned b...y your trainer your wasting time and money because your not making progress. There's even a lot of trainers scared of GT too. They like being as comfortable as you do, that's why they shy away from it and try to convince you their "plan" is the be all and end all.
Individualised programing is necessary for about 1% of the population. You don't need to angle the bench differently from everybody else to build muscle, nor do specific methods of cardio help you burn bodyfat any better. You just need to take a look at our Gladiators- their fitness levels and condition backs all that up.
I have lots of 1-on-1 clients all of which I've incorprated into group training because I know they'll work much harder on that Colosseum Floor. We home in on a few lagging techniques during their 1-on-1s then take their preparation to the main arena in the Colosseum alongside the rest of the Gladiators, a bit like they did a couple of thousand years ago... 🤔
I've never been a trainer content with taking sessions. If you're not making progress, then I'm failing too- and I don't fail ⛔
Not making progress? It's time for that main Arena where you have no other option 📲 #TeamGladiator
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The Quality of your Training Session is based on the Environment you place yourself in. The best example I can use is my Row Sessions…
Single Rowing Sessions Walking into a gym by yourself stepping onto a single Rowing machine has zero pressure, you’ve committed to nothing, you’re letting nobody down if you show up late (or not at all)! You then strap into the Rowing machine and start to Row when it suits you, there’s no pressure to move at any specific pace and you can stop any point. Accountability is low, comfort is high.
Intermediate Rowing Sessions “Booking in” to an Intermediate Row session completely changes the environment. For the first time you’re not in full control. Although the term “intermediate” gives you an element of comfort to the training environment, You’ve made a commitment to arrive at a specific time which raises the level of accountability. Now you need to make sure you arrive on time, you can’t land in a few minutes late like you did during your single Rowing sessions. The Coach does relax the environment using various methods (increased recovery time etc) for Intermediate sessions but they have a pre-planned workout for you to complete inside the time slot which raises the level of accountability once again- Are you going to stop early like you could have done during your single Row sessions or are you going to work that little bit harder with the rest of the members? Environment Changed.
Row Sessions Row sessions are for people that are ready and want to be pushed to their limits. Lateness isn’t tolerated, following training instructions is expected and 90% effort levels aren’t accepted. Members book in knowing they will be pushed to their limits which is often nerve wrecking, sometimes intimidating- to be pushed to your limit you must be well out of your comfort zone- it's not for everybody, initially. Competitiveness is encouraged and Accountability is at an all time high- when you bring so many people together giving this sort of effort an unrivaled energy is created- This environment is impossible to replicate on a single Rowing machine no matter how “disciplined” you consider yourself to be. Don’t believe me? I’ll give you a free slot in my Saturday morning Row Session...
Where to start? “Ability” wasn’t mentioned in any of the 3 Training environments. In fact the exact same rowing machine is used for all 3, the only thing that changes is the environment created. Every single person is at a different stage- jumping on a rowing machine and “doing a bit” is a massive achievement for some people. But whether you’re on a single rower or taking part in an intermediate session (or the equivalent for different types of training)- you should be making progress. When that progress stops you need to change your environment (you can’t change the rowing machine).
Don’t get comfy with your training or even worse- don’t get comfy paying your trainer for comfy sessions. Demand More.
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7 years ago I Launched my first Training Program.
1 person (a mate) signed up and I had to spend the first full week convincing him barbells were the best way to reach his health & fitness goals.


*Why Rowing is for Everyone*
Here we have 2 completely different people training together. 1 is male, 1 is female. There's a 5 stone difference in their bodyweights and over 50 seconds of difference in their split times (pace).
1 is training aerobically to work on his conditioning and mental strength the other is training anaerobically to help her build muscle and practise technique.
... They both have their own consoles which provides their own live results based on their ability and effort. They are in full control.
It's not you vs a rep count or you vs a barbell. It's You vs You which makes it the toughest battle on the gym floor. There's no other piece of kit like it. #Row
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Fitness has got too pretty and colourful. People (trainers included) are stuck in their own little bubble doing their same old thing, complaining about their same old (non existent) results.
It's always good to take an almighty dive out of your comfort zone with both feet. Do a completely different style of workout. Struggle through, even fail. Do it outside in the rain, the snow or the minus temperatures. Do it hungry, do it tired, do it in the middle of the night. Do it as many excuses possible.
I started training at 05:00 with the public over 18 months ago something I've done myself for years. People criticised and turned their back before they understood the principle. Now everyone wants to try it, because it works. Not the Time, it's irrelevant. It's a method.
You learn a lot about yourself training at 05:00, climbing mountains against the elements and throwing yourself into the unknown. Is it all maintainable? Of course not. But Suddenly, what you once thought was a "tough" gym session becomes much easier down to what you've experienced.
I'm looking forward to putting black & white back into Fitness. Queue, Extreme Gladiator 📲
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*WEIGHT LOSS* I am a textbook, no-nonsense PT, I don't accept excuses, mistakes are accepted once they have been accounted for. It's that simple.
However I cringe at the "Calorie Deficit" brigade who claim to take the same no-nonsense approach to weight loss.
... If losing weight was as "black & white" as they claim it to be why is everyone getting heavier 🤷🏼‍♂️
Here's why- Focusing on numbers (calories) is stressful. It's just another unnecessary pressure added to our life. We've been given Calories to fuel our bodies, they are not the enemy. Are we counting calories for the rest of our days? Or do we need to jump on and off temporary diets 3/4 times per year to keep our weight stabilised?
Because of these people you think Weight loss can only be achieved through a "diet". What human enjoys dieting? They are dull and temporary just like the weight loss. You have absolutely no interest in the food you are eating because it's making you miserable and you can't wait until your "cheat day".
Personally, I think Weight loss is a terrible target for anyone. It should be used as a byproduct of getting fitter, stronger and healthier. Once you prioritise Fitness you take a greater interest in your food, you actually feel the benefits and for once you're actually enjoying the process. Now instead of asking for a cheat day your asking what food will help you train better, your training sessions are actually enjoyable and for once your losing weight every week.
Don't get me started on the IIFYM Gurus 🙄
My principles never change. Prioritise Training 🤷🏼‍♂️ #StopTheFads #StartTheTraining
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Are Squats good for Glutes? 🍑 I watch girls day in, day out spending 90% of their gym sessions doing Squats, Kickbacks and most recently super heavy barbell hip thrusts... Are they working their glutes? Well they're working them a lot more than girls doing nothing but nowhere near as much as they think...
My life is spent in gyms, and I learn most through observation. My 3 Glute Observations:... 1. Girls glutes aren't as strong as they think they are. Not strong enough to be squatting or thrusting the weight their shifting anyway. 2. Misunderstanding the Squat- Squats are a banging exercise for building overall strength, but having a super heavy squat says absolutely nothing about your glutes! In fact you are able to contract your glutes far harder doing bodyweight exercises than you are under a heavy squat bar. 3. Like any muscle if you're not contracting them, you're not working them. Most girls don't even know how to contract their glutes. So don't be surprised if all you're getting is chunky quads from doing heavy squats.
3 Quick Fixes (if you're looking to build your glutes): 1. Stop listening to self acclaimed "Female Trainer" gurus. Nothing ever surpasses the basic principles. While heavy Squats and barbell hip thrusts are good for the gram, without proper contraction they'll be doing nothing for your flat cheeks. 2. Strip it back. Learn how to activate and contract your glutes properly. Once you can do this it'll completely transform the way you lift weights. More than likely humble a bit of the load you've been stacking onto the bar. 3. If you're training for better glutes you should put aside at least 1 weekly, Glute only Session. Even spending 5-10 minutes activating them before a session will make a huge difference.
The Glutes are no different than any other muscle when it comes to muscle contraction. In fact they are, they're the biggest 1 we have... 🍑 #Basic #BikiniBody
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Why Row? We were the first to launch Row Specific Group Training sessions at Gladiator Training exactly 12 months ago and there's a huge reason why. We don't jump on the band wagon of "what's popular", in the fitness industry; we coach in what we believe in and what we know works.
Rowing is a repeated closed chain exercise and creates nearly perfect adaptation. Working through multiple joints & muscle groups the best part about Rowing is your performance is in front of your e...yes. You can visually see your performance improving which mirrors your body's improvements. Your power output is measured every single second and we have the ability to calculate & analyse effort levels. I call that Accountability.
Rowing can be monotonous but it's exactly that which develops a huge level of mental strength. There's nothing more rewarding than that. Only Rowers can relate.
No matter what type of training you partake in, Rowing has a huge carryover due to what your body is going through. That's why they've became so popular in the CrossFit & MMA World while I'm starting to see them gradually move into nearly every other sport.
Don't take my word for it. Follow my Insta Story every Friday 👀 #GetRowing
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Before & After photos often disguise the things that really matter, its probably why I've brought myself away from them.
Whether it be through my programs, gym members, Team or personal clients- My biggest achievements every year are seeing characters improve, confidences grow and people overcoming things they never thought possible. None of these can be measured by the mirror or captured on camera.
I'm thankful I've been able to share the passion I have for exercise for an...other year, now I can't wait to get stuck into another! 👊
Thank you for your support as Always 🧡 #HappyNewYear #2019 #OrangeArmy @ Scott Mcgarry Personal Training
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It's Essential to maintain motivation levels. Without progress motivation levels will eventually drop and you'll quit, it's as simple as that! You or your coach must set goals to make progress possible. Unlike what most Trainers preach, I prefer short term goals- there's not much motivation in talking about the 3 stone you're going to lose in 12 months time or your 100kg squat that's coming in July.
How about walking into your next gym session and achieving 1 extra ...rep on that endurance set, an extra inch of depth on your Squat, a second off your time or learn a brand new exercise. Prioritising each gym session, ACHIEVING something & walking out motivated is what's bringing you back to your next session. Before we know it instead of still hoping for that 3 stone in another 12 months time we've already achieved it.
It is possible to ALWAYS be motivated. Maybe your Training is just too 1 dimensional...
We wouldn't know 🏃🚣💪🧘🏋️🚴🤸🧗 #PrimitiveFitness
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I've never stepped onto the gym floor to take an exercise class. Sweat has little purpose. Without purpose I have no motivation to train the people standing in front of me.
I started Row to allow my beginner clients to make progress, smash times, PBs and compete internationally. In less than 9 months we reached the point of competing in Olympic Stadiums alongside Olympic Gold Medalists and come home with new British Champions.
How? Purpose, not Sweat.
... Choose your sessions wisely. #Gladiator #Row #PrimitiveFitness
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