St Catharine'S Church

About St Catharine'S Church

At the heart of all that we do is the conviction that God speaks. So we are committed to keeping the Bible central whenever we meet together, so that we might know Christ for ourselves, and be equipped to make him known to others.

St Catharine'S Church Description

We are a lively Anglican church at the heart of Houghton Village; a collection of people of all ages, seeking to know Jesus better, worship him together, and serve the local community as we live out our faith. We are part of the Cornerstone Team, along with the churches in the neighbouring villages of Thurnby and Stoughton.
Whether you have been following Jesus for many years, have recently become a Christian, or just want to explore what Christianity is all about, then you would be welcome to join us at any of our services or events.

https://www. /houghtonchurch /services /



Great to see everyone on Sunday for our first Explore. Please share pictures of the bread you baked.
The next Explore is on 5th May 4.00pm, be ready for some gardening and planting.


Join us this Sunday at 4.00pm in the Village Hall for Explore. We will be learning how to bake delicious bread, and it would be great to see you there. Check out for more information.


This year's Easter holiday club will run for 3 mornings, with a stay & play available too! Reserve your place today!


Get the 7th of April in your diaries and let us know you're coming!


‘But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’
Luke 2.10-11
Whatever Christmas means to you, let’s remind ourselves of the great news of Christmas. Jesus Christ, God’s own Son, entering our world to bring peace. Peace that scatters our fears. Peace that means God sees us in our brokenness and still loves us. Peace that m...eans we can be restored and find real freedom in which to live. Peace that can turn sorrow to joy. Peace that can lead to life.
We pray you have a peace filled Christmas, With love, St Catharine’s Church.
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'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.'
John 1.5
Our Holy Communion service starts at 11.00pm tonight followed by our All-Age Communion service at 10.30am on Christmas morning. Everyone is welcome, and we would love for you to join us at any of our services.


The Church will be open until 4.00pm today. There will be free mulled wine, mince pies, hot chocolate and more. Also a chance to see Michael our Children's and Youth worker dressed as a giant Christingle.


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8.12
Come and join us this Sunday for our Christingle service. This week the year 5’s in Houghton school will be making the Christingles for you to take home with you.


'They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Everyone will sit under their own vine... and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken. All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.'
Micah 4.3-5
During our remembrance service the children and young people learnt about peace using the cross and the poppy and the outside of the Church was decorated with their craft.
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Do join us on the 11th for our Remembrance service. There will be a short service at the War Memorial at 10.30am followed by a parade down to St Catharine’s Church, where the main service of Remembrance will commence at 10.45am. Please feel free to come to either one or both services. After the service at St Catharine’s there will be refreshments served in the village hall and everyone is warmly invited to attend.


THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON! Come and spend time as a family learning new games or playing old favourites. You can either bring your own games to play or borrow from our extensive library. We have modern & classic card and board games for ages 5+


"Look," David said, "I am living in a beautiful cedar palace, but the Ark of God is out there in a tent!" 2 Samuel 7.2
Today in Kid’s Church and Scype the children and youth built a house for a specific person [Santa, Tigger, the Vicar, Clone Trooper]. God said no, you’re not building a house for me, one of your sons will. But I am building something for you, a kingdom that will last forever.


Join us this Sunday for our All-Age Harvest Festival. At this service, there will be a collection of non-perishable goods for the South Wigston Food Bank. Please, if you would like to contribute, bring your collection of goods to the service.


St Catharine's Church are hosting a Board Games Cafe in Houghton Village Hall on 28th October between 2:30pm and 5pm.
Either bring your own games to play or borrow from our extensive library. We have modern & classic card and board games.
The lending of games and light refreshments are included in the entrance fee of £3pp or £6 per family. ... Home made cake is also available to purchase.
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More about St Catharine'S Church

St Catharine'S Church is located at St Catharine's Church, Main Street, LE7 9GD Houghton on the Hill