T1 Fitness

About T1 Fitness

Premium nutritional advice and tailored exercise programming specific to your needs.

T1 Fitness Description

If you are looking to get in incredible shape
without sacrificing all of the things you love, and
maintain it forever, please contact any of my very
happy clients for details of how I will support you.

I offer 1-1 and small group personal training as well as training program design and tailored nutritional advice. If you want a better physique, health improvement, or sport specific training, get in touch.



🎅🏼🎄Christmas Bootcamp 🎅🏼🎄*FINAL SPACE*
With 2018 almost over it's time for our final bootcamp of the year! Now is the perfect chance to kickstart your 2019 before it even begins and sign up for the FINAL space available!
Here’s what’s involved-
... • 45 minutes high intensity classes (Tue, Thur 6am & Sat 7.15am)
• Measurements and weight taken every 2 weeks to track progress (optional)
• Individual nutrition targets (calorie/protein/carb and fat target)
• A 7 day meal plan
• Daily Check-ins so you always have the accountability you need to succeed
• Access to our members only facebook group where we post recipes, give training advice and get support from others on the same journey as yourself
With Christmas Party season coming up why not get yourself into that dress you've always wanted or feeling more comfortable or confident than ever and finish 2018 in the best possible way! This bootcamp starts next Tuesday 13th November.
The cost for the 6 weeks is £95. If you want to book your space today, do not hesitate to private message our Facebook page and get your slot booked now before it's gone!
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My 6 Favourite Stretches
1. Lying Glute/Lower Back Stretch 2. Lying Quad Stretch (with towel assist) 3. Seated Hamstring/Back Stretch... 4. Tall Kneeling Chest Stretch 5. Hip Flexor and Chest/Shoulder Stretch 6. Tall Kneeling Upper Back Stretch
Taking a few minutes each day to stretch or do a bit of mobility work can be very beneficial, especially for anyone who has a desk job or one that you don’t move much throughout the day. It can also be very useful for anyone who does a lot of exercise, for example an athlete, regular gym goer or even someone who is trying to lose weight.
The benefits range from improving mobility and flexibility, to improving mood and mental health. It can also be good for recovery after exercise or preparing yourself beforehand.
There are various forms of structured stretching and mobility such as pilates or yoga, however if you don’t have time to make it to one of these classes, why not just take a few minutes at home to do a bit? These are my 6 favourite. Hold each for 10-15 seconds, repeat 2-3 times. Ease into the stretches hopefully you’ll see the benefits too!
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Here's the second of our 3 videos of workouts that use equipment lots of you might already have. If you don’t, then it’s not too costly to buy.
A set of TRX suspension training straps (or any similar brand) are a fantastic piece of equipment to have. You can get a set on Amazon or keep an eye out in your local supermarket for them. LIDL have them from time to time at very low cost! You can use them inside, hang them in your garage or from a tree in your back garden. they usu...ally come with an attachment that allows you to attach them to any normal door too.
We've chosen 6 exercises that will work your upper body, lower body and core, although there are so many more you can do!
TRX Row The TRX row is a body weight exercise that primarily targets the upper back, shoulders and biceps. Your core also benefits from this exercise as it has to work hard to keep your body from dropping down. The more vertical your body stands, the easier it is to pull your body up, so here to make this exercise harder I would move my feet closer to the wall.
TRX Reach Out The TRX rollout mainly targets the abs but also works the middle back and the obliques. To complete this exercise correctly, hold the TRX bands while tightening your abs, slowly lean forward and in a slow, controlled movement guide the TRX bands above your head with straight arms. Feel the contraction of your core as you fully extend, pause and then contract your core to return to the starting position.
TRX Jump Squat TRX jump squats are a high-intensity set of squats. Use these into your routine and you'll burn fat and strengthen your glutes. Just be sure you have excellent form performing bodyweight squats before you attempt jump squats.
TRX Hamstring Curl The clue is in the name with the TRX Hamstring Curl, as when you press your heels into the straps, slowly raising the lower body off the ground, you’ll feel this exercise targeting the hamstrings. However, keeping your torso of the ground by squeezing your abs and glutes means these muscles are getting worked hard also.
TRX Mountain Climbers This intermediate level of your typical mountain climbers is a great way to switch up your workout routine while strengthening your core. Make sure to keep your body straight, keeping your bum low but not letting the back arch.
TRX Tricep Extension The TRX Tricep Extension primarily targets the triceps but again because you are bracing your torso your core muscles are also working hard. To increase the intensity of the exercise I would walk backwards making myself more parallel with the ground.
Keep an eye out for part 3 coming soon!
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Mourne Stimulus are hosting a 10k and 5k Walk/Run next Wednesday 16th May, a great way to get a few extra calories burnt!


Lots of people always ask us, “What equipment should I buy so I can do something more at home?” So we’ve put together 3 videos of workouts that use equipment lots of you might already have. If you don’t, then it’s not too costly to buy.
The first workout is using a fit ball, gym ball, stability ball, exercise ball or whatever you want to call it. It’s a piece of equipment that many folk buy, are unsure what to do with it then throw it into the corner to gather dust. Here’s 7... exercises you can use it for to get an upper, lower and core workout 💪🏻
A few tips for the exercises we’ve included:
1. Wall Squat: hold a weight to increase difficulty. This is a great exercise to allow you to get deeper into a squat and increase your range of movement.
2. Press-up: the more of your body you keep on the ball, the easier this exercise will be. Great for your shoulders, chest and triceps.
3. Hamstring Curl: try on one foot to increase the difficulty, great eccentric exercise for strengthening injury prone hamstrings and build your glutes.
4. Hands To Feet Crossover : takes a bit of coordination, just keep the ball between your feet to simplify, keep your knees bent if your lower back feels it too much.
5. Knee Tucks: lots of balance required for this one, give yourself plenty of room to roll up onto the ball. Brilliant for shoulder and core strength.
6. Rollouts: make sure you start with your hands right on the front of the ball before reaching forward (rather than the top). Make sure your lower back doesn’t sag in too far. Squeeze your abs like hell.
7. Stir The Pot: keep your knees on the ground to simplify this exercise. Change the direction you’re stirring and repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
There’s plenty more you can do with a fit ball but hopefully that’s a good start. Keep your eyes on the page for Charlene’s home workout with minimal equipment next week!
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The MASSIVE pothole that is liquid calories
Sticking to your diet 100%, still not losing weight? Accounting for everything you eat, but what about everything you drink, surely that doesn’t count? Unfortunately it does. Liquid calories are still calories.
A few places you might be consuming liquid calories:
... - Orange Juice, apple juice or other fruit juices - Alcohol of all descriptions including wine, beer, cider and spirits - Fancy coffees like vanilla lattes or cappuccinos - Sugary drinks like coke, fanta and sprite - Energy drinks like monster, BPM, lucozade and red bull - Health drinks such as smoothies or shakes - Liquidised soup
Depending on what’s in the drink/food will depend how many calories are in it. Carbs are 4kcal/gram, protein is also 4 kcal/gram, fat is 9 kcal/gram and alcohol is 7 kcal/gram. (kcal means calories)
In terms of fat loss, these calories should be factored into your daily caloric intake. If you can include them and remain in your desired calorie deficit for fat loss then there’s no issue, if you can’t, then cutting them down/out is an easy way to reduce your calorie intake.
If you find the liquid keeps you full then it may be grand, from my own personal experience, I don’t find liquid fills me at all so I’d rather just eat some solid food!
What options do you have?
If you have a craving for a drink, the number one option is water. Have a bottle close whenever possible and stay hydrated. Tea and coffee are options (in moderation). Diet fizzy drinks generally contain little or no calories, the sugar is replaced by artificial sweeteners. We aren’t recommending you start drinking lots of diet drinks, but again in terms of fat loss, consuming the occasional diet drink might keep you in the calorie deficit required to make progress. Also, if you just can’t avoid a night out and want to have a sociable drink, stick to a spirits and diet mixer if possible or simply don’t drink too much.
Just be mindful of calories contained in liquid and weigh up whether they’re worth it. You might be better just consuming some food and a glass of water!
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Here's part 2 of our video which demonstrates the second 6 exercises that runners should incorporate into their training. Here’s a short explanation as to why we chose these 6:
Backsquat We already know that squatting improves strength in the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. By strengthening these, we reduce our risk of injury, increase running performance, and running posture. The back squat can help increase mobility in the hip flexors and strengthen the lower back by st...abilizing the barbell during the back squat. Runners can become more upright when they run as a result of back squatting, and less likely to fatigue with back pain.
Walking Lunge Aside from strengthening your glutes, hamstrings and quads, walking lunges can also help increase your stride length, which ultimately will help increase your speed.
Plank Touch Outs A lot of runners suffer from tight hip flexors, and the smaller surrounding stabilizing muscles can be weak. This great version of the plank not only strengthens the core but also improves mobility in the hips, which will help to prevent injuries.
Sumo Deadlift This is the wider stance version of a deadlift and it targets mainly the quads, the inside of the thighs and glutes. The sumo deadlift enhances hip extension, which can improve running strength and power. It can also build stability in your lower back, an area prone to injury as you increase your miles.
Bulgarian Split Squat Another version of squats are Bulgarian splits squats. Choosing these will train the legs singly which enable you to correct any muscular imbalances, improve mobility and enhance stability.
Diagonal Hop Along with increasing power in the legs, this plyometric move also improves balance, boosts ankle strength and stability.
There's endless reaosns why runners should be doing strength and conditioning work as part of their training! Contact us today to find out more about how strength training can help slash seconds and minutes off your time!
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A massive shoutout to Gary Morris on making some fantastic progress since starting to train with us last August! From increasing his mobility, increasing strength every week, improving fitness, hitting his body weight target, increasing his exercise at home and improving his nutrition he’s came a long way in 6 months! Very well done Gary, great stuff 💪🏻


A many of you may know, we've teamed up with Whyn-Croft country produce to bring you the Type One Fitness Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Boxes.
Here's an insight as to what's in the veg box, why the stuff in it's good for you and an idea of a recipe you could make with it. If you'd like the given recipe in more detail, send us a message and we'll send you it through. The box only costs £15 and is delivered right to your door!
To order a box, something else or to see what Lindsay has to offer, give him a call on 07851741783, message the facebook page or call into the shop at 26 Ballyveabeg Road, Ballymartin!


A massive shoutout to John Doran, since joining Type One Fitness almost 5 months ago he has managed to lose over 2 stone and get to his lightest weight in over 8 years! John has trained in a semi private group twice per week and started adding a couple of classes in throughout the week as he progressed. A couple of key factors in his success has been his willingness and commitment to exercise outside of the gym, walking at every opportunity, alongside getting nutrition in check and tracking daily. John not only has lost weight, but has got much fitter and stronger since the day he stepped through the door...keep up the good work 💪🏼


Following on from our previous post about the the benefits of strength and conditioning for runners, this video is the first of two which demonstrates 6 exercises that runners should incorporate into their training. Here’s a short explanation as to why we chose these 6:
Split Squat Your typical squat will build leg strength in the quads, hamstrings and in the glutes however split squats will also improve stride length and stability.
... GHD Back Extension The GHD targets your glutes and hamstrings primarly, however the GHD back extension also strengthens your back. A strong healthy back is important. If your back muscles aren't strong, they'll tend to fatigue faster, taking energy away from other muscles, and change your stride, which can lead to injury.
Barbell Hip Thrust Hip thrusts are primarily a glute strengthening exercise. Your glutes are among one of the strongest muscles in your body and if your glutes are under developed your speed, strength and endurance will all be compromised.
Single Leg Calf Raises All runners can benefit from strengthening your lower leg muscles to improve your running speed and reduce your risk for injuries. We've done them single leg to help strengthen both sides individually, reducing the likelihood of the dominant side doing all the work.
Band Walks Lateral strength exercises are essential for trail runners in particular. As a trail runner you move laterally as well as forward when you weave through the trails, having to dodge rocks and roots. Performing lateral strength exercises will not only reduce your risk of injury but also improve your efficiency and speed at trail running.
Cable Chop The Cable chop will strengthen your abdominals, your obliques and your lower back. The main benefit of core strength for runners is increased stabilization in the torso and in turn allowing the pelvis, legs and lower back to move more smoothly, therefore becoming a more efficient runner.
Keep on the lookout for part soon!
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With January nearly over already, we thought it was time for a GIVEWAY!
To be in with a chance of winning £50 worth of Optimum Nutrition supplements and a free 30 minute 1-to-1 personal training session...
... 1⃣ like and share our post 2⃣ tag 3 friends who would love this 3⃣ like our page if you haven't already
The winner will be drawn when the page hits 2000 likes!
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Runners often shy away from strength training, such as lifting weights, out of a fear it will make them bulk up, yet the truth is that taking the time to add strength training to your routine a few days a week can benefit your running greatly. Here’s how it works:
Weight Loss
... When you increase your lean muscle mass, you’ll increase your body’s ability to burn calories. Your body typically uses about 4.5 to 7 calories per pound of muscle every day, so if a 160-pound runner with 20 % body fat increases their muscle mass and lowers their body fat to 15%, they’ll burn an extra 36 to 56 calories a day at rest—simply by adding muscle.
Runners who add three days of resistance training exercises to their weekly program increase their leg strength and how efficiently their body uses oxygen. Increasing your body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently is measured by V02 max and is the primary goal of an endurance runner. In other words, if you decrease the amount of oxygen your body needs to run at a certain speed, you’ll be able to sustain a faster pace for a longer time and then be likely to be able to run faster overall.
Balance and Form
Strong core strength in runners increases stabilization in the torso. Your core muscles are what keep your torso upright when you run, and reduce “wobbling” when moving your arms & legs. When running, core strength allows the pelvis, hips, and lower back to work together more smoothly, with less rocking therefore less excess energy is expended. Core strength also significantly improves balance, meaning that you recover quickly from missteps small & large. Core strength for distance runners is especially important. Towards the end of long runs or races, when you are extremely fatigued, your form begins to suffer. Poor form not only slows you down, it also opens you up to potential injuries.
Injury Prevention
Strength training improves the strength of the muscles, tendons, and even the ligaments and bones. The stronger muscles and tendons help hold the body in proper alignment and protect the bones and joints when moving or under impact. The bones become stronger due to the overload placed on them during training and the ligaments become more flexible and better at absorbing the shock applied to them during dynamic movements.
When an area of the body is used less during an activity it may become weak compared to other areas. That area cannot handle the sudden stress placed on it and an injury occurs. Strength training, using a balanced program, will eliminate these weak areas and balance the body for the activities it is called to do.
If you’re a runner, keep an eye on our Facebook page next week for my video of the best exercises you should be doing to get you closer to that PB!…
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Thanks to everyone who came along to our Christmas Party 🎅🏻🎄💃🏼 great night!


Plyometrics, also known as ‘jump training’ or ‘plyos’, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power. If you play sport or do anything which requires running or jumping, plyometric exercises will be beneficial to your training. If you want to increase your power, strength, sprint time, jump height, or simply want a bit of variation in your lower body training, try these 5 explosive plyometric exercises.


If there’s one major muscle group that every male wants to work on in the gym, it’s definitely chest! Building a bigger chest certainly doesn’t happen overnight, but doing the right exercises to target your pectoral muscles from every angle using appropriate rep ranges will ensure you get the results from the graft.
Here's a recent article I wrote for coachmag.co.uk...
http://www.coachmag.co.uk/exercises/chest -exercises


We've some very exciting news at Type One Fitness! As you all now we like to promote eating foods you enjoy, especially the healthy ones like fruit and veg, so we've have teamed up with local business 'Whyn Croft Country Produce' to bring you the Type One Fitness veg box and the Type One Fitness fruit box!
Both boxes contain loads of good tasty stuff and are some of the freshest fruit & veg you'll get! The veg box contains Asparagus, Carrots, Spinach, Leeks, Courgette, Cabba...ge, Broccoli, Sugarsnap peas, Baby corn, Peppers & Cherry tomatoes to name a few! The fruit box contains the likes of Clementine oranges, Apples, Grapes, Blueberries, Kiwis, Bananas & Passion fruit. Next time you're in the gym you can take a leaflet home with contact details on it or simply search 'Whyn Croft Country Produce' on Facebook, they even deliver right to your door  It couldn't be any easier to get some quality fruit & veg into your diet. The vitamins and minerals stacked within fruit and vegetables are crucial for overall health, keeping energy levels high and muscle repair.  We love working with other local businesses, especially those who help promote a healthy lifestyle so why not give Lindsay a call and like his page and we're positive you'll not be disappointed!
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If you're at a dead end in regards to your weight loss struggle, have a read of the article below. It'll take about 8-10 minutes.
http://type1fitness.com/best-path-nutriti onal-success/


We know how much people love doing core work, so we’ve put together a 2 part series of tough core exercises to work you round the middle. Your core is complex, it’s not simply the 6 pack you do or don’t have. We all have both outer and inner core muscles including those of the pelvic floor, deep muscles such as lumbar multifidus and superficial ones such as the rectus abdominus.
It’s important to have a reasonable level of core strength to help prevent/manage back pain, opti...mise sports performance and carry out general daily activities.
The 5 exercises in the video are quite advanced. For more basic core exercises, have a look at our previous core videos.
To see the second 5 core exercises in part 2, keep an eye on this page next Friday 💪🏻
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Trained with Robert twice a week starting August 2017. Wasn't sure what to expect going in but if you have a small bit of motivation Robert will get you making progress in no time! At no time did I feel uncomfortable as everybody in the gym helps you along the way. Thanks to Robert and Aaron for everything. I would 100% recommend Type 1 fitness for everybody.


The gym community that changed my opinion on gyms. Friendly, inclusive and encouraging. Suddenly I really enjoy going to class .


Such a great gym with great staff. Aaron worked me hard but got me back into my pre baby clothes � Weekly measurements and food diary goes a long way to keeping me on track. Love the Facebook group too - good to have that accountability! A real community gym �


Such a great gym couldn’t have nicer people training you they push you to the limit every session I go there so can’t fault them one bit ����������


Robert is a fantastic guy with an incredible facility. Great range of equipment and the views over the mountains and the water are perfect for destressing.

Highly recommend it


Mighty gym very helpful, great trainers and it is good crack I really enjoy it �


If you are looking for a first class gym with expert advice and guidance look no further than Type One Fitness.

Having realised I needed to lose some weight and tone up muscles I decided to contact Robert and was extremely impressed by the amazing set up at Type One Fitness.

Now, after attending training on Tuesday afternoons since the start of the year, I have achieved both goals and really enjoyed the classes.

From day one I received expert advice, support and encouragement which kept me motivated and focused on my goals. The completion of a Weekly Food Diary really kept me on track and reined in my sweet tooth too.

Training classes are always varied and challenging and the craic is always good too.


I've never been anywhere before where the classes are so varied which helps keep th motivation going!� rob and th team know exactly how to make you feel th pain but In a very good way! I really enjoy the class and it's helping to keep me in shape �


I've been to a few gyms over the years but from Day1 I felt so welcomed by Robert and Aaron. I take semi private PT sessions with Aaron and a couple off classes a week with Robert and have to say I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would do and the bonus is I'm losing weight from the moment I started in week1. Having it so close to home so less travelling in the evenings after work is great too and the people in the gym don't judge you either so you feel right at home. Love the Facebook group too is gives you a real feel of a community gym and the guys know what programme to put you on to help with your own personal, healthy training journey...


I was dreading getting back to the gym after having 2 babies and doing no training in well over 3 years. When Type One fitness started a new mum's of mourne group it was great to get back to the gym. Robert is more than helpful and I'm delighted so far with the progress I'm making. Great welcoming environment


I started at T1F on their first day of opening in Jan 2016 and haven't looked back. Robert & Aaron have created a great community where there is plenty of support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle! The classes are well structured in a non intimidating environment and always challenging. If you're thinking about joining, DO IT!! You'll be made very welcome, build new friendships and most importantly feel great � I've said it before this place should come on prescription!!!


I have been to several gyms before but type 1 fitness is by far the best. Aaron and Robert make them fun and enjoyable and they push you to what they know you are capable off. They really make you feel welcome and you come out of your class feeling really good about yourself and looking forward to going back and they are constantly helping you strive to reach your goal and giving you advice and support to keep going. I would definitely recommend type 1 fitness to anyone.


I attend bootcamp with Aaron and find it so rewarding! Not sure if enjoy is the word to use!!!!! ��

Always something different each day and a new challenge! Such a lovely modern gym with lots of advice if needed.

Its really good to also have activities such as walks and social events arranged (even though i havent been able to attend any so far!)

I would defo recommend it to anyone wanting to tone up and get fit! On the mornings I go it sets me up for the day and i feel all the better for exercise first thing. I never was a morning person but i have to admit i love getting up and having all the hard work over and done with before i start my day!!!


Great atmosphere at all times and I always come out having gave more than I thought I had to give! The guys have a way out gradually pushing you further and making it feel fun through competition! Perhaps slightly more expensive than some others in the area but you definitely get what you pay for! Worth every penny


Excellent Gym! Boot camps are great and very well organised! The boys both put 100% into everything they do and are very thorough and encouraging! Highly recommended except for the burpees! Lol! They should be very proud of themselves for what they have achieved!


Best personal training spot about , made me feel at home , followed Aaron's gym plan and gained so much more muscle and lost fat in the space of a month or two my personal bests in the gym increased significantly . Definitely recommend !


An excellent facility with a team that really knows what works for me as an individual! Fabulous 👌


Absolutely brilliant, from seeing results with the craic at the bootcamps!! The work that goes on after the classes with the food photos and challenges to keep everyone going and sharing receipts! Robert and the gang are great at getting the results! But also great at making you enjoy it (well maybe not til later on in the day til you realise)

Can't wait to get back to bootcamp in March 😊


A fantastic PT who delivers fun, challenging workouts, catering for all needs and abilities. He has a very caring approach and only wants the best for each and every one of his clients. Joining was the best decision I ever made!


Trained with Robert twice a week starting August 2017. Wasn't sure what to expect going in but if you have a small bit of motivation Robert will get you making progress in no time! At no time did I feel uncomfortable as everybody in the gym helps you along the way. Thanks to Robert and Aaron for everything. I would 100% recommend Type 1 fitness for everybody.


The gym community that changed my opinion on gyms. Friendly, inclusive and encouraging. Suddenly I really enjoy going to class .


Such a great gym with great staff. Aaron worked me hard but got me back into my pre baby clothes � Weekly measurements and food diary goes a long way to keeping me on track. Love the Facebook group too - good to have that accountability! A real community gym �


Such a great gym couldn’t have nicer people training you they push you to the limit every session I go there so can’t fault them one bit ����������


Robert is a fantastic guy with an incredible facility. Great range of equipment and the views over the mountains and the water are perfect for destressing.

Highly recommend it


Mighty gym very helpful, great trainers and it is good crack I really enjoy it �


If you are looking for a first class gym with expert advice and guidance look no further than Type One Fitness.

Having realised I needed to lose some weight and tone up muscles I decided to contact Robert and was extremely impressed by the amazing set up at Type One Fitness.

Now, after attending training on Tuesday afternoons since the start of the year, I have achieved both goals and really enjoyed the classes.

From day one I received expert advice, support and encouragement which kept me motivated and focused on my goals. The completion of a Weekly Food Diary really kept me on track and reined in my sweet tooth too.

Training classes are always varied and challenging and the craic is always good too.


I've never been anywhere before where the classes are so varied which helps keep th motivation going!� rob and th team know exactly how to make you feel th pain but In a very good way! I really enjoy the class and it's helping to keep me in shape �


I've been to a few gyms over the years but from Day1 I felt so welcomed by Robert and Aaron. I take semi private PT sessions with Aaron and a couple off classes a week with Robert and have to say I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would do and the bonus is I'm losing weight from the moment I started in week1. Having it so close to home so less travelling in the evenings after work is great too and the people in the gym don't judge you either so you feel right at home. Love the Facebook group too is gives you a real feel of a community gym and the guys know what programme to put you on to help with your own personal, healthy training journey...


I was dreading getting back to the gym after having 2 babies and doing no training in well over 3 years. When Type One fitness started a new mum's of mourne group it was great to get back to the gym. Robert is more than helpful and I'm delighted so far with the progress I'm making. Great welcoming environment


I started at T1F on their first day of opening in Jan 2016 and haven't looked back. Robert & Aaron have created a great community where there is plenty of support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle! The classes are well structured in a non intimidating environment and always challenging. If you're thinking about joining, DO IT!! You'll be made very welcome, build new friendships and most importantly feel great � I've said it before this place should come on prescription!!!


I have been to several gyms before but type 1 fitness is by far the best. Aaron and Robert make them fun and enjoyable and they push you to what they know you are capable off. They really make you feel welcome and you come out of your class feeling really good about yourself and looking forward to going back and they are constantly helping you strive to reach your goal and giving you advice and support to keep going. I would definitely recommend type 1 fitness to anyone.


I attend bootcamp with Aaron and find it so rewarding! Not sure if enjoy is the word to use!!!!! ��

Always something different each day and a new challenge! Such a lovely modern gym with lots of advice if needed.

Its really good to also have activities such as walks and social events arranged (even though i havent been able to attend any so far!)

I would defo recommend it to anyone wanting to tone up and get fit! On the mornings I go it sets me up for the day and i feel all the better for exercise first thing. I never was a morning person but i have to admit i love getting up and having all the hard work over and done with before i start my day!!!


Great atmosphere at all times and I always come out having gave more than I thought I had to give! The guys have a way out gradually pushing you further and making it feel fun through competition! Perhaps slightly more expensive than some others in the area but you definitely get what you pay for! Worth every penny


Excellent Gym! Boot camps are great and very well organised! The boys both put 100% into everything they do and are very thorough and encouraging! Highly recommended except for the burpees! Lol! They should be very proud of themselves for what they have achieved!


Best personal training spot about , made me feel at home , followed Aaron's gym plan and gained so much more muscle and lost fat in the space of a month or two my personal bests in the gym increased significantly . Definitely recommend !


An excellent facility with a team that really knows what works for me as an individual! Fabulous 👌


Absolutely brilliant, from seeing results with the craic at the bootcamps!! The work that goes on after the classes with the food photos and challenges to keep everyone going and sharing receipts! Robert and the gang are great at getting the results! But also great at making you enjoy it (well maybe not til later on in the day til you realise)

Can't wait to get back to bootcamp in March 😊


A fantastic PT who delivers fun, challenging workouts, catering for all needs and abilities. He has a very caring approach and only wants the best for each and every one of his clients. Joining was the best decision I ever made!


Trained with Robert twice a week starting August 2017. Wasn't sure what to expect going in but if you have a small bit of motivation Robert will get you making progress in no time! At no time did I feel uncomfortable as everybody in the gym helps you along the way. Thanks to Robert and Aaron for everything. I would 100% recommend Type 1 fitness for everybody.


The gym community that changed my opinion on gyms. Friendly, inclusive and encouraging. Suddenly I really enjoy going to class .


Such a great gym with great staff. Aaron worked me hard but got me back into my pre baby clothes � Weekly measurements and food diary goes a long way to keeping me on track. Love the Facebook group too - good to have that accountability! A real community gym �


Such a great gym couldn’t have nicer people training you they push you to the limit every session I go there so can’t fault them one bit ����������


Robert is a fantastic guy with an incredible facility. Great range of equipment and the views over the mountains and the water are perfect for destressing.

Highly recommend it


Mighty gym very helpful, great trainers and it is good crack I really enjoy it �


If you are looking for a first class gym with expert advice and guidance look no further than Type One Fitness.

Having realised I needed to lose some weight and tone up muscles I decided to contact Robert and was extremely impressed by the amazing set up at Type One Fitness.

Now, after attending training on Tuesday afternoons since the start of the year, I have achieved both goals and really enjoyed the classes.

From day one I received expert advice, support and encouragement which kept me motivated and focused on my goals. The completion of a Weekly Food Diary really kept me on track and reined in my sweet tooth too.

Training classes are always varied and challenging and the craic is always good too.


I've never been anywhere before where the classes are so varied which helps keep th motivation going!� rob and th team know exactly how to make you feel th pain but In a very good way! I really enjoy the class and it's helping to keep me in shape �


I've been to a few gyms over the years but from Day1 I felt so welcomed by Robert and Aaron. I take semi private PT sessions with Aaron and a couple off classes a week with Robert and have to say I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would do and the bonus is I'm losing weight from the moment I started in week1. Having it so close to home so less travelling in the evenings after work is great too and the people in the gym don't judge you either so you feel right at home. Love the Facebook group too is gives you a real feel of a community gym and the guys know what programme to put you on to help with your own personal, healthy training journey...


I was dreading getting back to the gym after having 2 babies and doing no training in well over 3 years. When Type One fitness started a new mum's of mourne group it was great to get back to the gym. Robert is more than helpful and I'm delighted so far with the progress I'm making. Great welcoming environment


I started at T1F on their first day of opening in Jan 2016 and haven't looked back. Robert & Aaron have created a great community where there is plenty of support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle! The classes are well structured in a non intimidating environment and always challenging. If you're thinking about joining, DO IT!! You'll be made very welcome, build new friendships and most importantly feel great � I've said it before this place should come on prescription!!!


I have been to several gyms before but type 1 fitness is by far the best. Aaron and Robert make them fun and enjoyable and they push you to what they know you are capable off. They really make you feel welcome and you come out of your class feeling really good about yourself and looking forward to going back and they are constantly helping you strive to reach your goal and giving you advice and support to keep going. I would definitely recommend type 1 fitness to anyone.


I attend bootcamp with Aaron and find it so rewarding! Not sure if enjoy is the word to use!!!!! ��

Always something different each day and a new challenge! Such a lovely modern gym with lots of advice if needed.

Its really good to also have activities such as walks and social events arranged (even though i havent been able to attend any so far!)

I would defo recommend it to anyone wanting to tone up and get fit! On the mornings I go it sets me up for the day and i feel all the better for exercise first thing. I never was a morning person but i have to admit i love getting up and having all the hard work over and done with before i start my day!!!


Great atmosphere at all times and I always come out having gave more than I thought I had to give! The guys have a way out gradually pushing you further and making it feel fun through competition! Perhaps slightly more expensive than some others in the area but you definitely get what you pay for! Worth every penny


Excellent Gym! Boot camps are great and very well organised! The boys both put 100% into everything they do and are very thorough and encouraging! Highly recommended except for the burpees! Lol! They should be very proud of themselves for what they have achieved!


Best personal training spot about , made me feel at home , followed Aaron's gym plan and gained so much more muscle and lost fat in the space of a month or two my personal bests in the gym increased significantly . Definitely recommend !


An excellent facility with a team that really knows what works for me as an individual! Fabulous 👌


Absolutely brilliant, from seeing results with the craic at the bootcamps!! The work that goes on after the classes with the food photos and challenges to keep everyone going and sharing receipts! Robert and the gang are great at getting the results! But also great at making you enjoy it (well maybe not til later on in the day til you realise)

Can't wait to get back to bootcamp in March 😊


A fantastic PT who delivers fun, challenging workouts, catering for all needs and abilities. He has a very caring approach and only wants the best for each and every one of his clients. Joining was the best decision I ever made!


Trained with Robert twice a week starting August 2017. Wasn't sure what to expect going in but if you have a small bit of motivation Robert will get you making progress in no time! At no time did I feel uncomfortable as everybody in the gym helps you along the way. Thanks to Robert and Aaron for everything. I would 100% recommend Type 1 fitness for everybody.


The gym community that changed my opinion on gyms. Friendly, inclusive and encouraging. Suddenly I really enjoy going to class .


Such a great gym with great staff. Aaron worked me hard but got me back into my pre baby clothes � Weekly measurements and food diary goes a long way to keeping me on track. Love the Facebook group too - good to have that accountability! A real community gym �


Such a great gym couldn’t have nicer people training you they push you to the limit every session I go there so can’t fault them one bit ����������


Robert is a fantastic guy with an incredible facility. Great range of equipment and the views over the mountains and the water are perfect for destressing.

Highly recommend it


Mighty gym very helpful, great trainers and it is good crack I really enjoy it �


If you are looking for a first class gym with expert advice and guidance look no further than Type One Fitness.

Having realised I needed to lose some weight and tone up muscles I decided to contact Robert and was extremely impressed by the amazing set up at Type One Fitness.

Now, after attending training on Tuesday afternoons since the start of the year, I have achieved both goals and really enjoyed the classes.

From day one I received expert advice, support and encouragement which kept me motivated and focused on my goals. The completion of a Weekly Food Diary really kept me on track and reined in my sweet tooth too.

Training classes are always varied and challenging and the craic is always good too.


I've never been anywhere before where the classes are so varied which helps keep th motivation going!� rob and th team know exactly how to make you feel th pain but In a very good way! I really enjoy the class and it's helping to keep me in shape �


I've been to a few gyms over the years but from Day1 I felt so welcomed by Robert and Aaron. I take semi private PT sessions with Aaron and a couple off classes a week with Robert and have to say I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would do and the bonus is I'm losing weight from the moment I started in week1. Having it so close to home so less travelling in the evenings after work is great too and the people in the gym don't judge you either so you feel right at home. Love the Facebook group too is gives you a real feel of a community gym and the guys know what programme to put you on to help with your own personal, healthy training journey...


I was dreading getting back to the gym after having 2 babies and doing no training in well over 3 years. When Type One fitness started a new mum's of mourne group it was great to get back to the gym. Robert is more than helpful and I'm delighted so far with the progress I'm making. Great welcoming environment


I started at T1F on their first day of opening in Jan 2016 and haven't looked back. Robert & Aaron have created a great community where there is plenty of support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle! The classes are well structured in a non intimidating environment and always challenging. If you're thinking about joining, DO IT!! You'll be made very welcome, build new friendships and most importantly feel great � I've said it before this place should come on prescription!!!


I have been to several gyms before but type 1 fitness is by far the best. Aaron and Robert make them fun and enjoyable and they push you to what they know you are capable off. They really make you feel welcome and you come out of your class feeling really good about yourself and looking forward to going back and they are constantly helping you strive to reach your goal and giving you advice and support to keep going. I would definitely recommend type 1 fitness to anyone.


I attend bootcamp with Aaron and find it so rewarding! Not sure if enjoy is the word to use!!!!! ��

Always something different each day and a new challenge! Such a lovely modern gym with lots of advice if needed.

Its really good to also have activities such as walks and social events arranged (even though i havent been able to attend any so far!)

I would defo recommend it to anyone wanting to tone up and get fit! On the mornings I go it sets me up for the day and i feel all the better for exercise first thing. I never was a morning person but i have to admit i love getting up and having all the hard work over and done with before i start my day!!!


Great atmosphere at all times and I always come out having gave more than I thought I had to give! The guys have a way out gradually pushing you further and making it feel fun through competition! Perhaps slightly more expensive than some others in the area but you definitely get what you pay for! Worth every penny


Excellent Gym! Boot camps are great and very well organised! The boys both put 100% into everything they do and are very thorough and encouraging! Highly recommended except for the burpees! Lol! They should be very proud of themselves for what they have achieved!


Best personal training spot about , made me feel at home , followed Aaron's gym plan and gained so much more muscle and lost fat in the space of a month or two my personal bests in the gym increased significantly . Definitely recommend !


An excellent facility with a team that really knows what works for me as an individual! Fabulous 👌


Absolutely brilliant, from seeing results with the craic at the bootcamps!! The work that goes on after the classes with the food photos and challenges to keep everyone going and sharing receipts! Robert and the gang are great at getting the results! But also great at making you enjoy it (well maybe not til later on in the day til you realise)

Can't wait to get back to bootcamp in March 😊


A fantastic PT who delivers fun, challenging workouts, catering for all needs and abilities. He has a very caring approach and only wants the best for each and every one of his clients. Joining was the best decision I ever made!


Trained with Robert twice a week starting August 2017. Wasn't sure what to expect going in but if you have a small bit of motivation Robert will get you making progress in no time! At no time did I feel uncomfortable as everybody in the gym helps you along the way. Thanks to Robert and Aaron for everything. I would 100% recommend Type 1 fitness for everybody.


The gym community that changed my opinion on gyms. Friendly, inclusive and encouraging. Suddenly I really enjoy going to class .


Such a great gym with great staff. Aaron worked me hard but got me back into my pre baby clothes � Weekly measurements and food diary goes a long way to keeping me on track. Love the Facebook group too - good to have that accountability! A real community gym �


Such a great gym couldn’t have nicer people training you they push you to the limit every session I go there so can’t fault them one bit ����������


Robert is a fantastic guy with an incredible facility. Great range of equipment and the views over the mountains and the water are perfect for destressing.

Highly recommend it


Mighty gym very helpful, great trainers and it is good crack I really enjoy it �


If you are looking for a first class gym with expert advice and guidance look no further than Type One Fitness.

Having realised I needed to lose some weight and tone up muscles I decided to contact Robert and was extremely impressed by the amazing set up at Type One Fitness.

Now, after attending training on Tuesday afternoons since the start of the year, I have achieved both goals and really enjoyed the classes.

From day one I received expert advice, support and encouragement which kept me motivated and focused on my goals. The completion of a Weekly Food Diary really kept me on track and reined in my sweet tooth too.

Training classes are always varied and challenging and the craic is always good too.


I've never been anywhere before where the classes are so varied which helps keep th motivation going!� rob and th team know exactly how to make you feel th pain but In a very good way! I really enjoy the class and it's helping to keep me in shape �


I've been to a few gyms over the years but from Day1 I felt so welcomed by Robert and Aaron. I take semi private PT sessions with Aaron and a couple off classes a week with Robert and have to say I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would do and the bonus is I'm losing weight from the moment I started in week1. Having it so close to home so less travelling in the evenings after work is great too and the people in the gym don't judge you either so you feel right at home. Love the Facebook group too is gives you a real feel of a community gym and the guys know what programme to put you on to help with your own personal, healthy training journey...


I was dreading getting back to the gym after having 2 babies and doing no training in well over 3 years. When Type One fitness started a new mum's of mourne group it was great to get back to the gym. Robert is more than helpful and I'm delighted so far with the progress I'm making. Great welcoming environment


I started at T1F on their first day of opening in Jan 2016 and haven't looked back. Robert & Aaron have created a great community where there is plenty of support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle! The classes are well structured in a non intimidating environment and always challenging. If you're thinking about joining, DO IT!! You'll be made very welcome, build new friendships and most importantly feel great � I've said it before this place should come on prescription!!!


I have been to several gyms before but type 1 fitness is by far the best. Aaron and Robert make them fun and enjoyable and they push you to what they know you are capable off. They really make you feel welcome and you come out of your class feeling really good about yourself and looking forward to going back and they are constantly helping you strive to reach your goal and giving you advice and support to keep going. I would definitely recommend type 1 fitness to anyone.


I attend bootcamp with Aaron and find it so rewarding! Not sure if enjoy is the word to use!!!!! ��

Always something different each day and a new challenge! Such a lovely modern gym with lots of advice if needed.

Its really good to also have activities such as walks and social events arranged (even though i havent been able to attend any so far!)

I would defo recommend it to anyone wanting to tone up and get fit! On the mornings I go it sets me up for the day and i feel all the better for exercise first thing. I never was a morning person but i have to admit i love getting up and having all the hard work over and done with before i start my day!!!


Great atmosphere at all times and I always come out having gave more than I thought I had to give! The guys have a way out gradually pushing you further and making it feel fun through competition! Perhaps slightly more expensive than some others in the area but you definitely get what you pay for! Worth every penny


Excellent Gym! Boot camps are great and very well organised! The boys both put 100% into everything they do and are very thorough and encouraging! Highly recommended except for the burpees! Lol! They should be very proud of themselves for what they have achieved!


Best personal training spot about , made me feel at home , followed Aaron's gym plan and gained so much more muscle and lost fat in the space of a month or two my personal bests in the gym increased significantly . Definitely recommend !


An excellent facility with a team that really knows what works for me as an individual! Fabulous 👌


Absolutely brilliant, from seeing results with the craic at the bootcamps!! The work that goes on after the classes with the food photos and challenges to keep everyone going and sharing receipts! Robert and the gang are great at getting the results! But also great at making you enjoy it (well maybe not til later on in the day til you realise)

Can't wait to get back to bootcamp in March 😊


A fantastic PT who delivers fun, challenging workouts, catering for all needs and abilities. He has a very caring approach and only wants the best for each and every one of his clients. Joining was the best decision I ever made!

More about T1 Fitness

T1 Fitness is located at 199 Kilkeel Road, BT34 4TN Annalong