Transformation Kid

About Transformation Kid

NI's Transformation Specialist

Global Distribution of Online Transformation KID Guides

Ulster Tatler's Expert Health & Fitness Writer



вӯҗпёҸAs part of my tailored ONLINE transformationвӯҗпёҸ
Wow IвҖҷm super buzzzin to introduce to you all this super delight of a lady Mrs Nikki Armstrong (aka KID STRONG ARMS THE WEDDING PLANNER OF THE CENTURY!!рҹ’Қрҹ‘°рҹӨөвқӨпёҸрҹ’Әрҹ’Ӣрҹҳқ). Nikki came to me because her most awesome/beautiful friend Karen had been with me, and done sooo awesomely obtaining abbbbbbssss of steal....that she just had to come get a piece of the action!!рҹ’Әрҹ’Әрҹ’Әрҹ’Әрҹ’Әрҹ‘ҠрҹҳҶ
Weight loss - 2 stone 2lbs (a mixture of body fat, water retention, and toxins).
Muscle mass added - 10lbs (a mixture of deep muscle striation tissue, and water muscle cell mass).
VO2 Max - greatly increased due to a combination of tailored MRT circuits, short burst high intensity cardio, and full use of all the training systems during resistance training.
Well wowsers, woooooosers, and a triple dose of hello Mrs Mcgooooooozers.....someone just went and flipped the dope switch, and then added some dim sum for fun!!!рҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ’ғ......N ikki you most amazing, bubbly, and fun loving lady have KILLLLLLLLED IT STONE DEAD......what a transformation.....I only wish I had 16 hands so I could applaud you accordingly!!!рҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘ Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ’ Әрҹ’ғрҹ”Ҙрҹ”қрҹ‘Ҡрҹ’ҒвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ӢрҹҳҶ

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