
About Vetcpd

Vet CPD produces:
• Vet CPD Journal
• Vet CPD Tutored Online Courses

Vetcpd Description

Vet CPD produces:
• Vet CPD Journal
• Vet CPD Tutored Online Courses



Update your knowledge of Skin Cytology with our Tutored Online course by Francesco Cian. 10-30 September, only £119 + VAT. Book today! -…/update-your-knowle dge-of-skin-cytology…


Improving your Microscopy £119.00 + VAT
10th - 30th Sep '18Suitable for VNs & Vets Tutored by Ian Wright BVMS BSc MSc MRCVS


Enhance your knowledge with our wide ranging Online Courses, all run by TUTORS to answer your questions. Plus, don't miss out on VetCPD Congress! -…/enhance-your-knowl edge-with-our-wide-r…


Learn more about High Risk Anaesthesia with Denise Prisk. Online 10-30 September. Brachycephalics, geriatrics, caesars, GDV and more!. £119 + VAT -…/learn-more-about-i mproving-your-practi…


Infection Control £119.00 + VAT 6th - 26th Aug '18Suitable for VNs & Vets Tutored by Louise O’Dwyer MBA BSc (Hons), VTS (Anesthesia & Analgesia & ECC), Dip AVN (Medical & Surgical) RVN This course will look at various different aspects, and considerations, for infection control. Areas such as theatre, including staff attire, and patient preparation will be covered, we will also look at hand hygiene, products available to use, cleaning and disinfection, including the selection... of disinfections and also antibiotic use and misuse, and the incidence of multidrug resistant infections. Session 1: Principles of Biosecurity Session 2: Hospital Acquired infections (HAIs) Session 3: Surgical Considerations Session 4: Working with Infectious Patients Vet CPD Online Tutored Courses take approximately 8 hours to complete and can be completed at your own pace and at any time over the course’s 3-week period. There are webinars to watch, downloadable course notes and clinical cases to work through, plus – what makes our courses unique – a busy clinical forum where questions and answers are posted and where delegates have access to the instructor for the duration of the course. This always generates some lively discussions and the idea is that no one should leave a course with any unanswered questions. Choose any TWO courses, OR a course and a Congress ticket and SAVE 10% with Code: MULTI-SAVE Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Common Cancers in Cats – Not a dog’s tale £119.00 + VAT 6th - 26th Aug '18Suitable for Vets & VNs Tutored by Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip.ECVIM (Oncology) MRCVS. European and RCVS Recognised Veterinary Specialist in Oncology Common cancers in cats show important differences in presentation, prognosis and treatment with dogs. This course will prepare you for feline owners’ increasing demand of cancer treatment by offering a bench-to- bedside guide to the most common types of ca...ncers in cats and challenge you to solve real life clinical cases. Course Program MODULE 1 Feline oncology – why cats are not small dogs MODULE 2 Common forms of Feline lymphomas MODULE 3 Mammary Tumours in Cats – beyond surgery MODULE 4 Feline Injection Site Sarcomas MODULE 5 Feline Oral Tumours – what’s possible & reasonable MODULE 6 Skin cancer & cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes MODULE 7 Feline mast cell tumours – beyond the skin MODULE 8 Final MCQ exam to gain your CPD certificate This online course offers 8 hours of elective CPD and will help you to obtain practical answers to the most frequent clinical questions in the management of feline patients with cancer such as: What diagnostic test should I choose? When is clinical staging required? Should I advise radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy? Which protocol should I choose in my practice? What is the prognosis with or without treatment? Course Format: A mixture of downloadable course notes, webinars to watch and case studies, with an active forum so that you can ask any questions to the course tutor, Dr Chiara Penzo Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Infection Control Tutored by Louise O’Dwyer MBA BSc (Hons), VTS (Anesthesia & Analgesia & ECC), Dip AVN (Medical & Surgical) RVN This course will look at various different aspects, and considerations, for infection control. Areas such as theatre, including staff attire, and patient preparation will be covered, we will also look at hand hygiene, products available to use, cleaning and disinfection, including the selection of disinfections and also antibiotic use and misuse, an...d the incidence of multidrug resistant infections.
Choose any TWO courses, OR a course and a Congress ticket and SAVE 10% with Code: MULTI-SAVE Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Infection Control £119.00 + VAT 6th - 26th Aug '18Suitable for VNs & Vets Tutored by Louise O’Dwyer MBA BSc (Hons), VTS (Anesthesia & Analgesia & ECC), Dip AVN (Medical & Surgical) RVN This course will look at various different aspects, and considerations, for infection control. Areas such as theatre, including staff attire, and patient preparation will be covered, we will also look at hand hygiene, products available to use, cleaning and disinfection, including the selection... of disinfections and also antibiotic use and misuse, and the incidence of multidrug resistant infections. Session 1: Principles of Biosecurity
Session 2: Hospital Acquired infections (HAIs)
Session 3: Surgical Considerations Session 4: Working with Infectious Patients
Vet CPD Online Tutored Courses take approximately 8 hours to complete and can be completed at your own pace and at any time over the course’s 3-week period. There are webinars to watch, downloadable course notes and clinical cases to work through, plus – what makes our courses unique – a busy clinical forum where questions and answers are posted and where delegates have access to the instructor for the duration of the course. This always generates some lively discussions and the idea is that no one should leave a course with any unanswered questions. Choose any TWO courses, OR a course and a Congress ticket and SAVE 10% with Code: MULTI-SAVE Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Choose from our great range of August and September courses, plus also our September Congress in the beautiful city of Bath. Choose any TWO courses, OR a course and a Congress ticket and SAVE 10% with Code: MULTI-SAVE click the link to find out more


Getting infection under control – a brand new VetCPD online course launches in August - VetCPD’s highly informative online course 'Infection Control' with Louise O’Dwyer launches on August 6th that’s suitable for Vets and Veterinary nurses. Find out more here:


Management of pyoderma and antibiotic resistance £119.00 + VAT 9th - 29th Jul '18Suitable for VNs & Vets Tutored by Dr Anita Patel BVM DVD MRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology In small animal practice, in particular in the field of canine dermatology, there is an increasing use of antibiotics due to the high incidence of pyoderma. The aim of this course is to look at the implications of antibiotic resistance for veterinary dermatology, review how antibio...tics work, how bacteria develop resistance to them; and to look at ways of using antibiotics more strategically, based on the definitive diagnosis of bacterial infections and making first use of other treatment and management options. The course will follow this structure: Module 1: Introductory webinar and basics about antibiotic resistance – Anyone who uses antibiotics must know Module 2: Current status of antibacterial resistance in Veterinary dermatology Module 3: Webinar – clarifying above points Module 4: Pyoderma: When and which antibiotic to use Module 5: Webinar – Importance of making an accurate diagnosis of pyoderma Module 6: Case studies Module 7: Review and summary of facts regarding antibacterial resistance Module 8: Summary. Key learning outcomes and tests Vet CPD Online Tutored Courses take approximately 8 hours to complete and can be completed at your own pace and at any time over the course’s 3-week period. There are downloadable course notes andclinical cases to work through, plus – what makes our courses unique – a busy clinical forum where questions and answers are posted and where delegates have access to the instructor for the duration of the course. This always generates some lively discussions and the idea that no one should leave a course with any unanswered questions. Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Liver Disease in Companion Animals £119.00 + VAT 9th - 29th Jul '18 for Vets & VNs by Scott Kilpatrick BSc (Hons) MSc BVM&S Dip ECVIM-CA MRCVS European and RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine Liver disease in dogs and cats can be challenging to diagnose and effectively treat, especially when the underlying cause can be elusive! The course will focus on how we can get the most out of initial diagnostic tests as well as helping decide what more advanced diagnostic...s might be appropriate. Liver biopsies are often needed for a definitive diagnosis and the course will discuss the best way to obtain liver tissue samples as well as how best to interpret cytology and histopathology. Definitive treatment of liver disease is not always possible. We will review the most up to date research surrounding liver disease treatment. Congenital portosystemic shunts are well recognised vascular abnormalities in our companion animals, but we will also review some of the more unusual vascular abnormalities of the liver. Investigation of liver disease. General principals of the treatment of liver disease. Canine inflammatory/infectious liver disease. Feline inflammatory/infectious liver disease. Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary system. Vascular abnormalities of the liver. At the end of the course there is a final exam plus a Certificate of Completion for your CPD records. Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Oncology 101 for GP Vets and Nurses9th - 29th Jul '18 Tutored by Dr Shasta Lynch BVSc(hons) MANZCVS(SAM) DipECVIM-CA(Oncology). MRCVS RCVS and European Veterinary Specialist in Oncology Cancer is arguably the leading cause of disease-related death in dogs and cats. If you graduated when veterinary oncology was skipped at university, or if you just need a refresher, this course can help you. We’ll start at the beginning and discuss the practical aspects of managing dogs and ca...ts with common types of cancer. The course will be divided into modules that we will release sequentially. Module 1: Approach to the cancer patient and treatment principles Module 2: Chemotherapy in general practice Module 3: Canine lymphoma Module 4: Feline lymphoma Module 5: Canine mast cell tumours Module 6: Canine splenic hemangiosarcoma Module 7: Canine anal sac adenocarcinoma For each module you will find a webinar that covers the major points and accompanying notes that delve into each topic in greater detail. You will also find a task or case for you to complete. Overall, we’ll focus on what is common so that you can make best use of your time. Please also join me on the discussion forum. It’s an opportunity to ask any questions you have about oncology and to deepen your knowledge after completing each module. Please remember – no question is too easy – don’t be shy! Vet CPD Online Tutored Courses take approximately 8 hours to complete and can be completed at your own pace and at any time over the course’s 3-week period. There are downloadable course notes and clinical cases to work through, plus – what makes our courses unique – a busy clinical forum where questions and answers are posted and where delegates have access to the instructor for the duration of the course. Click the link to find out more #VetCPD #VeterinaryCPD #CPDsuccess #veterinarysurgeons #veterinarynurses #whatVNSdo #lifelonglearning #onlinelearning
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Update your knowledge with our July online tutored courses: Anaesthesia, cytology, liver disease and oncology. 9-29 July - only £119 + VAT -…/update-your-knowle dge-with-our-july-on…


Learn more about Management of Pyoderma and Antibiotic Resistance with RCVS Specialist Anita Patel. Online Course 9-29 July only £119 + VAT -…/learn-more-about-m anagement-of-pyoderm…


Learn more about Lymphoid Cytology with Francesco Cian and Paola Monti. Online Course 9-29 July only £119 + VAT. Aimed at vets and vet nurses -…/learn-more-about-l ymphoid-cytology-wit…


Oncology overview course with Shasta Lynch. Online: 9-29 July only £119 + VAT. Aimed at vets and vet nurses -…/learn-more-about-a naesthetic-monitorin…


Im an RVN and completed 2 anaesthesia courses and booked on the third in May! Highly recommend!


I've just ordered my 2015 subscription and look forward to receiving my April issue, I thought the 2014 ones were great!


I look forward to the clinical updates and quizzes - they really help you remember what you read before moving on to something else!


Im an RVN and completed 2 anaesthesia courses and booked on the third in May! Highly recommend!


I've just ordered my 2015 subscription and look forward to receiving my April issue, I thought the 2014 ones were great!


I look forward to the clinical updates and quizzes - they really help you remember what you read before moving on to something else!


Im an RVN and completed 2 anaesthesia courses and booked on the third in May! Highly recommend!


I've just ordered my 2015 subscription and look forward to receiving my April issue, I thought the 2014 ones were great!


I look forward to the clinical updates and quizzes - they really help you remember what you read before moving on to something else!

More about Vetcpd

Vetcpd is located at 33 Gay Street, BA1 2NT Bath, Somerset
(+44) 01225 445561