Sanitation First Uk

About Sanitation First Uk

A child dies from a sanitation-related illness every 17 seconds. We're working hard to change that. #SanitationFirst #ToiletTalk

Sanitation First Uk Description

We take for granted the fact that we can use a toilet whenever we want, but for some 2. 3 billion people that option is not available and the impact this has on their lives is catastrophic.

1. 4 million children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unclean water and poor sanitation – according to the World Health Organisation it kills more children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.

Working in close collaboration with communities and organisations on the ground, we develop and implement innovative, sustainable sanitation solutions. We champion the use of GroSan (composting) toilets, which are clean and hygienic and last for decades. These toilets protect water sources and the local environment from pollution and produce rich, valuable compost.

The improvement in the quality of their day to day lives is real and positive – reducing ill health and disease and enabling them to work, develop livelihoods or attend school, giving them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

Sanitation First receives no government funding and we are wholly dependent upon voluntary donations from individual donors, trust & foundations and corporates, to fund our vital work. We keep our administration costs to a minimum with 80% of income going directly to projects.



Before Sanitation First constructed toilets at her school, Aisha used to feel anxious and uncomfortable throughout the school day. With no sanitary facilities available to students, the thought of having to leave the school grounds each time she needed the toilet used to play on her mind and often, made her not want to go to school at all.
Thankfully, now that she and her friends have safe, clean toilets to use, things couldn’t be more different. Aisha looks forward to going to school now and barely misses a day!


This is little Indra with some of her school friends. They're all smiling because they've just had a tour of their brand new school toilets and already know exactly what kind of difference they will make to their lives!


Learning new things, enjoying lessons, spending time with school chums and getting the most out of their education... that's what every child should be doing at school!


How do you think these girls feel about receiving their washable and re-usable sanitary products from our wonderful partner Women and Girls?
Those cheesy grins should give you a clue!


Access to safe sanitation is and should be a right for all. Sadly, however, very often sanitation is not inclusive for people with physical and mental disabilities.
Sanitation First India is extremely happy to be associating with the Oasis Orphanage and School in Cuddalore, which is home to around 118 children with physical and mental disabilities. Here, we have provided inclusive Dewats sanitation systems as well as a safe kitchen to cook in!
Prior to this, the children in their classrooms as the hostel block did not have toilets and food was cooked in the open under a staircase.
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Providing safe, clean toilets in schools has such a profoundly positive impact on children's lives.
For these cheerful little ones, their new facilities mean they can finally enjoy their playtimes with their friends, rather than queuing up to use the one toilet that was previously available to them.


Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene are basic rights that every single person around the globe should have access to.
By helping us to construct our ecosan toilets in schools, homes, and villages and providing hygiene education and facilities, all of our supporters are doing their bit to help make this a reality.


Lime and spoon race, anyone? 😂
We love seeing the children we've worked with being young, carefree and enjoying themselves at school!


Here at Sanitation First, sustainability does not stop with the provision of non-sewered sanitation (our ecosan toilets); we believe hygiene education, training and behaviour change are also critical elements.
We thank our wonderful partner, Women and Girls UK, for supplying washable and re-usable sanitary products to all of the girls at the Government Higher Secondary Schools in Perungudi and Manali New Town.
We are certain this will tremendously improve their school lives... and are extremely grateful to our partners!
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Before we worked with the Government Middle School in St. Mary's Road, Chennai, there was only one toilet being shared by over 40 Kindergarten children. This meant that the children had to take turns using this one toilet during their short 10 minute break times.
We are happy to say that we have since constructed 6 child-friendly units for the little ones, as well as new handwashing stations at two levels: one for the kindergarten children and one for the older pupils at the... school.
Here's to happy, healthy childhoods and hygiene for all!
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Building toilets in schools might not seem like much, but for some girls, it is exactly what enables them to stay in school. This means that building toilets in schools sends out a strong message: that girls' education is valued just as highly as boys'.


Our ecosan toilets are not just a solution to the sanitation crisis we are facing, they are a lifeline to some of the poorest people in the world.


We are so pleased that the toilet block we built at this school in Vadalur is currently being used by 2000 students. That's 2000 students who are now able to concentrate on learning and enjoying their time at school instead of worrying about where they are going to have to go to the toilet next.
We think that's cause for celebration and it seems the students do too!


Providing safe sanitation in schools, villages, and homes opens up so many more opportunities for young girls in India than they would have otherwise had.
It enables them to stay in school, complete their education, and fulfill their dreams of becoming, well, whatever they want to be!


Did you know that 23% of girls in India drop out of school when they start their period all because of the lack of adequate toilets and sanitation facilities?
It's a shocking statistic and one that, with your generous support, we're working hard to change.


As we all prepare to go back to work and school after a lovely Christmas break, take a moment to imagine what it would be like to go back to your school or workplace to find that there were no toilets there for you to use...
What would you do? It's almost unthinkable, isn't it?
Unfortunately, though millions of people around India and beyond are all too familiar with this dire situation; it's their daily reality. With nowhere else to go, open defecation is their only option....
It's our mission to change this reality for as many people as we possibly can and with your support, we can make this happen.
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We are incredibly pleased with all of the life-changing work we have been able to do throughout 2018 and would like to thank all of our supporters for making this possible.
By constructing safe, clean toilets and providing hygiene education we have been able to transform the fortunes of some of the poorest people in the world, providing them with the foundations to lead happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.


The new bus shelter in Puducherry, India, has a footfall of several hundred people every day. Until very recently, it also had no safe, clean toilets nearby which meant that open defecation became a serious problem. That's why, with support from Sicagen, we recently constructed sanitation facilities on both sides of the road.
These were formally inaugurated by the Puducherry Municipal Commissioner, Mr. T Sudhakar. They are fitted with auto-fill overhead tanks to ensure they not run out of water and will be cleaned on a regular basis.
This has already made a big difference in the area and we hope it will continue to have a positive impact.
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Cast your mind back to your school's toilets. Were they dingy, smelly and horrible?! Thought so, ours were too!
But just imagine not having a toilet at all. It's almost unthinkable, isn't it? Unfortunately, though, this is a daily reality for thousands of children across India.
As you can imagine, this has a profoundly negative impact on children's health, wellbeing, and education, making their school careers incredibly traumatic, uncomfortable and distressing. It even cause...s some children to drop out altogether.
We have already helped thousands of school children in this situation and, with your support, it's our mission to help thousands more through our 28 Schools Programme. Have a watch of our video to find out all about our life-changing work.
#PutSanitationFirst #toilets #education #development #toilettalk #schools
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dont know anything about them but helping the poor is a great thing to do and supporting those that do is also a good thing


Sanitation first is NGO help community by help water aid and toilets in poor area. children are dying with help. Sanitation first trying best possible help for clean and better future to Chennai and Puducherry.


dont know anything about them but helping the poor is a great thing to do and supporting those that do is also a good thing


Sanitation first is NGO help community by help water aid and toilets in poor area. children are dying with help. Sanitation first trying best possible help for clean and better future to Chennai and Puducherry.

More about Sanitation First Uk

Sanitation First Uk is located at PO Box 5328,, BA13 9BR, Westbury, UK